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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. ooh, or Rachel McAdams.
  2. Amy Adams could have made for a good April... except she's moved on to bigger and better things now.
  3. What you meant to say was... Cowabunga dude! :awesome:
  4. Casey 'No No No No' Jones! I guess he'd potentially have the hair for it at least
  5. Slutty April.
  6. @Daft, what's LOL? (I useless at understanding specs stuff)
  7. It's the open-world'ness that makes me less enthusiastic! :p
  8. @bob can I turn your post into a Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow thread?
  9. I was just about to Thread rip all the PS4 talk in Wii U Console Discussion into a new discussion thread in General Gaming... but amongst not sure what to call the thread... you could well be on to something! :p
  10. @Zechs Merquise, Killzone as a franchise doesn't really appeal to me either; it never has done in the past, though this new one does a little more so, just have to wait and see. You have to remember we've seen 7 minutes of a game that is also 9 months from release... saying it doesn't have mind blowing/WOW moments at this point in time just isn't worthwhile. I don't see Microsofts advantage in going second. - By revealing first Sony have been first to get press attention and third party games associated with it, including Bungie. - Microsoft can do an incredible reveal tomorrow, but come E3, the reveal conferences will have been forgotten. E3 is actually the next thing to focus on. If anything would it not do Microsoft better to wait and 'win' E3, otherwise as far as I see, Sony carry over their advantage.
  11. No I know, it's just a bit sad that's the case.
  12. Seems early! I'd have thought they wouldn't want to emphasise the gun on the cover... just makes it seem like a shooter, when surely if you wanted to, a gun could form very little part of your style of play?... ... makes me wonder whether we still know about what this game will be... and whether it might gets more and more of a shooter as you progress.
  13. @yesteryeargames if Wii U and 3DS were sub-boards what would the main board be?... Also wouldn't them just be the same as them being separate forums. When I clicked on Nintendo Gaming this morning, even with the two boards combined there were only about 5-6 threads with new posts in for me... that's really not overpopulated!
  14. Oh I thought that last Turok was maybe by Acclaim too... So Disney own the Turok license now? The end sequence of the Killzone demo flying through the city actually made me think of Perfect Dark, especially if it was set at night... We need a return to the Perfect Dark world, and a futuristic city setting... if only Nintendo could buy it from Rare/Microsoft and give it to Retro Studios.
  15. I actually think Microsoft could be in big trouble next gen. a) Their big advantage this gen was launching ahead of and at a cheaper price than Sony. This enabled them to grab the Call of Duty community and that's largely what's driven their entire console. However, Sony coming out with their press conference now asks Microsoft to react. Sony are ready, PlayStation will be there when the Call of Duty, Battlefield etc... all launch at the end on this year... if Microsoft are not, then they risk loosing out. b) Sony won't charge for Online (as far as we know). The only reason Microsoft got away with charging last gen is because they had already built the Call of Duty community and thus people stuck with them. However, PS4/720 is a fresh start. I'm not sure people will be so willing to do the same again this time round. Also Microsoft will be reluctant to offer free online, because Xbox Live is where they make all their money. This is where speculation of them having to offer a £99 'Subscription console' comes in... so they can still continue to charge. c) They've somewhat/largely been abandoning the hardcore on the 360 these last few years, whilst Sony (more and more so) and Nintendo keep up a high level of First Party content. And this is the difference maker. Will the hardcore be willing to forgive this... I'm not so sure.
  16. Personally I think you're overlooking an incredible number of PS4 features for convenience sake. Cross platform Play with the Vita, Remote play with the Vita, 'Smartglass' style app so you can use your tablet/smartphone for gaming, the Share function... meaning you can upload screenshots and videos of you gaming to social media sites, Being able to watch friends play their games, Being able o assist one another in games online, Eyetoy being able to take 3D pics and videos of you, Move integrated into the controller as standard meaning you don't have to buy additional controllers... It's also extremely developer friendly and the specs, especially they are going crazy over the 8GB DDRS RAM reveal. The PS4 is also very much 'future proofed'... and the demo's that were shown, KillZone, Deep Down, Infamous... are showing a very obvious step up and forward, and the console is still 9 months from release. I think the console has plenty of potential in terms of offering 'new experiences'. For months... years... people have been saying that the next generation would be more of an evolution than a revolution, so I'm not sure what you were expecting to see? If you were expecting a hardware innovation, then I think it's fair to say that has always been largely Nintendo's domain. However, on the other hand you cant deny that the Gamepad has already cost Nintendo a couple of third party games, notably Tomb Raider. There's also a 7 minute long gameplay footage of Killzone, and a demo on Jimmy Fallon, not sure if you've seen those as it's not an on rails demo, and only the minute long trailer ends with the Helghast. --- Nintendo and Sony have always offered very different experiences that's why there's room for them both to exist. Microsoft... do one! :p
  17. Have to agree, the Timesplitters series never really appeal to me either I never felt compelled to pick them up, specifically coming off the back of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark. I seem to remember playing Timesplitters 2 in co-op with @Eddage, not sure if we completed it. At the time though it did have some cool features for that, like one of you being able to control a security camera sentry gun and help the other person out as they went into a room full of enemies... of course things like that are a standard these days. What happened to the Turok license after Acclaim went under? Maybe a return to dinosaur hunting, done by a capable developer, would be a nice change in scenery!
  18. It's true, but in that case is it not developers like Nintendo's [/insert other as hugely influential developer if one exists] responsibility to go out and try buck this trend, no?... otherwise where else is the change going to come from? Microsoft don't want to change it, it's the market where their entire Xbox install base lies, it's almost entirely what their sales have been built on/where their money comes from.
  19. @Serebii I don't think Destiny is a straight-forward Space shooter, I think they are trying something different in terms of making it more community based, more of an MMO, living world type feel. It could be VERY open world for all we know, the footage certainly suggests that kind of approach. Doesn't stop it looking dull and boring at the moment though I'll agree! :p just saying. --- Personally I've never been a fan of shooters, and largely stayed away from them throughout my entire gaming life. Nor do I tend to game online, so I don't get that whole community element that drives Call of Duty etc... However, I have had some of the best gaming experiences with shooters, playing 4 Player Goldeneye into the early hours with a bunch of friends. And just the other year Goldeneye 007 on Wii was incredible in terms of it's controls and single player campaign; so they can still have a lot to offer! I don't think it's correct to say people consider them 'the best in gaming', I'm not sure that's true at all. But it has been 'the best in gaming' at being able to integrate with the social online world we live in today. It's one of the genre's that lends itself to it best, and thus it's been capitalised upon and being enjoy their gaming communities; we even have one on here! There are a lot of differences within the genre too, but personally I'd love to see a move away from them though. It wouldn't hurt Nintendo to have implemented Online into the likes of Wii Sports and Nintendo Land over the years though! Who knows what type of vast online community/change in trend Wii Sports could have driven!
  20. That video of the demo @Wii posted... Is it a bit disorientating walking between sections of the map when they don't particularly lead into one another visually like that? Where are the enemy health meters? or do fights take place through 3 different arena's or something and you work it out that way.
  21. Chances are Ubisoft will be developing second screen features as standard for the game, as both 720 and PS4 will have 'smartglass apps' so you can use a tablet/smartphone alongside your console; there's also the Vita option too for PS4. Should hopefully make for one incredibly immersive game!
  22. Good memories of F-Zero Maximum Velocity!
  23. I think it'll be ok though...
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