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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. lol @ Kimi's reaction to Craig Slater's StupidQuestionIsStupid. Loving the 2013 look/sunglasses!
  2. Can't see that. Infamous was a 'spiritual successor' to Sly Cooper... I know they don't look after that franchise anymore, but they're not gonna do a third variation. It'll be Infamous 3 or something entirely different.
  3. ... Although I know I'm in an extremely small minority, but Galaxy 2 did bore me. --- I think I might like to see a very 'Super Mario World' theme for a future 3D Mario... This cartoon did a lot for my imagination as a kid, and of course having a love of dinosaurs anyway! :p When I say I think there's a lot more Nintendo could do with Mario in terms of cutscenes or story, you only have to look at how fun these episodes were; ok they were somewhat naff, but they brought the characters out so much more, instead of Mario just being a vessel to get from A to B as he is in the Galaxy games. I loved the personality of the Koopa Kids, Kamek, and even how generic enemies like mecha koopa's, or Blargg's had character and humour. I don't feel that's been done in a 3D Mario yet... and I imagine it's why people love the Mario RPG games so much. There's also ALOT of potential in terms of a graphical style... I don't know, I really think Nintendo could do a great Pixar/Ratchet & Clank esque adventure if they wanted too.
  4. GT Review - 9.2 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/sx5nyg/metal-gear-rising--revengeance-review
  5. IGN Review - 8.5
  6. Seriously @Mokong X\-C this thread could go up on the main site in an edited/concise form as the next one. This is what we need to get into doing on this board. Very enjoyable.
  7. Front Wing... developed much! Williams always seem to beautifully/tightly package their cars! Sauber and Williams were decent last year, but they could step it up even more this year! Expecting Hulk/Maldonado/Bottas to be on it!
  8. Nintendo fucked up getting dev kits out for anything like Far Cry/Future Soldier to have stood any chance of being developed for the console. I mean sure they could port a version over, but other stuff takes priority over that.
  9. Bring It Sony!
  10. ... DK64 was a great game?
  11. I tried playing through Goldeneye on the highest difficulty... and it's a lot of fun, because there are certain additional objectives and things... but then I got to Archives. I think I may have completed it once as well (can't remember exactly what happened now), but don't think I saved properly, and I couldn't face it again! :p What did you make of the sun/laser/whatthefuckisthisthingburningtheroomtopieces bit! :p Have to say generally the level design in this was amazing, and nunchuck to lean was incredible!
  12. Yeah same, it's the only game that makes me remotely interested in the Wii U... along with Lego City maybe. I just love the London setting; probably what I'd be looking forward to about this most.
  13. IGN Review
  14. Whatareyatalkingabout!... they mentioned Nintendo!... and Reggie! :p
  15. Yes Ashley... listen to Serebii on the matter! :p
  16. bow-chica-wow-wow --- Had them at university before.
  17. New PS4 based GT Bonus Round, if you want to watch then talk about it here: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36555
  18. http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/i01ndj/bonus-round-is-the-playstation-4-almost-here-
  19. What did the 360 launch at? £299?
  20. Would be amazing.
  21. I don't think there's anything wrong in releasing 3 Quality titles spread out over a consoles lifecycle. It's when a franchise is milked every year like Call of Duty it gets tiresome. I don't think many would have complained about a 3rd Mario Galaxy if the console had lasted for another 2 years. However, it may have got some complaints... and I think this is because, coming back to the subject... of Mario appearing in so many games. You can't get particularly tired of seeing Master Chief or Nathan Drake when those 3 AAA games are their only outings on a console, but you could get tired of seeing Mario's face yet again, INSTEAD OF/AT THE EXPENSE OF some of Nintendo's other franchises continuing to get neglected. The Uncharted games don't seem to be appearing at the expense of any of Sony's other franchises, which is not the case with Nintendo and Mario. And that's when it feels like we need a break from Mario's face.
  22. Testing tomorrow!! Also, does it get much better than...
  23. They've done a rather terrible job of blending two box arts there! :p Should have taken the font off of the original background.
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