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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Ugly touch/screen thing is ugly! #StupidLightThing Looks thick too! (prototype mind)
  2. Very Nice!
  3. I don't think it sends a very good message to have un-active threads as the first thing people see when they enter into the board. I see stickies as being there to highlight the key go-to threads (or important messages).
  4. Liking this more the more I see of it, love the setting! Though I'm not sure about the combo system, looks a little complex.
  5. £12.85 on sale at Shopto! (bought for £11.something using a few Shopto points)
  6. It's just the fact the Wii U didn't get Mario Tennis or Golf either doesn't fill me with much confidence (and the Wii was even more Wiimote focused than the Wii U). Don't understand.
  7. Tbh I thought this game looked fantastic! They've really packed a whole lot into it in terms of gameplay, and all the uses for the hoover look brilliantly fun, like the balloon etc... It's a true sequel, and a great job by the 3DS! (almost makes me pretty tempted to re-buy one; that lovely black 3DSXL!)
  8. Have you ever dropped a stone down a well?... Yes! Just to hear the sound?... Maybe I guess. Have you ever wondered what the stone would see?... ... Have you ever wondered what the stone would see?... (actually think it looks kinda fun!)
  9. Fair enough, I just think the market's probably very small for those who haven't or aren't able to play the better Wii version.
  10. Mmm it's not really the same thing to get annoyed about. Ocarina of Time came out in 1998 meaning a whole generation of people might not have played it, it had N64 graphics, and it was outsourced to Grezzo to develop. DKCR came out in what... 2011? Looks better than this, and could possibly be taking resources away from Retro Studios. OK yes I think the game is a good choice for a handheld, the levels structure and all... but is it really the game to port across?... why not choose a Gamecube game or remake a DonkeyKongCountry game? It kinda seems like "Hmm no DK on 3DS yet, lets spend time and money putting a 2yr old game on it". Also, I'd actually like to know the number of people who own a 3DS and didn't buy a Wii, because I can't imagine they're very high! The Wii sold incredibly, whilst the 3DS is Nintendo's newest handheld.
  11. Oh yeah I completely agree, biggest waste of time for a long time as far as I'm concerned. I really hope there's not a single member of Retro's staff having to oversee this.
  12. You mean Mods? :p I don't really think it would be used enough to be a sticky?... it would just sit there unused the vast majority of the time?
  13. Because I guess a sequel would mean Retro Studios working on it?... and personally that's the last thing I want them to be doing right now! At least with this, hopefully Retro Studios can just pass everything off to another developer to handle/build up, like Grezzo did with OOT?
  14. And yet you emphasised Wii U! ...
  15. Sony EyePad :p http://shopto.net/news/41939/New-patent-uncovered-for-Sony-EyePad
  16. Maybe it's just me, but I don't understand why anyone would want a worse looking version of the same game (take that Wave level for example)?... seeing as the vast majority of 3DS owners probably have a Wii. If this was a brand new 3DS game and there was nothing to compare it to, then fantastic, but this?... it's not like Ocarina of Time/Starfox where you actually get a beautiful version of the game as your reward for re-buying it!
  17. Well not exactly, they showed game that Luigi's was in alongside Mario, like M&L and Mario Golf. I wouldn't be surprised if Luigi featured very heavily in Mario Universe though, through an asymmetric co-op mode or something.
  18. The Ear of Luigi! #ILikeYou
  19. lol @36.31 (Nintendo are getting good at these... 'one last announcements!' :p)
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