Mmm it's not really the same thing to get annoyed about.
Ocarina of Time came out in 1998 meaning a whole generation of people might not have played it, it had N64 graphics, and it was outsourced to Grezzo to develop.
DKCR came out in what... 2011? Looks better than this, and could possibly be taking resources away from Retro Studios.
OK yes I think the game is a good choice for a handheld, the levels structure and all... but is it really the game to port across?... why not choose a Gamecube game or remake a DonkeyKongCountry game? It kinda seems like "Hmm no DK on 3DS yet, lets spend time and money putting a 2yr old game on it".
Also, I'd actually like to know the number of people who own a 3DS and didn't buy a Wii, because I can't imagine they're very high! The Wii sold incredibly, whilst the 3DS is Nintendo's newest handheld.