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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I really hope people get behind this game! I'd love more Criterion support on Wii U!
  2. Have you seen the trailer? :p
  3. Rumours of the Wii U version being cancelled have been denied by SEGA. It's still coming. Don't know whether it's been delayed or not though; if it has hopefully they're replacing it with the Demo version! :p
  4. *Googles Tornadus*... ... ok that's quite possibly the worst Pokémon design I've EVER seen!
  5. Anyone played Puddle? decent game/developers?
  6. I think we have our Megaton!
  7. ^ Maybe this will be announced in todays Nintendo Direct!
  8. SONY Vitality Sensor. #WeDoWhatNintendont
  9. @Hero\-of\-Time that was brilliant! lol at NintendoE3 "OMG What Reggie... what are you gonna show us..." It is funny that this hasn't actually been confirmed by Sony as a PS4 event! :p But now they had damn better make it one!
  10. If that game is Power Stone then you seriously need to get on it! Fantastic game! In an age before Smash Bros Melee this game was all you could want.
  11. This footage isn't from the Wii U version you know right? All versions of this game are equally terrible.
  12. I thought with all your money you could have hired a pro chef to stand in the kitchen and make them for you all night!
  13. Fantastic comparison!... Really is crazy! It's almost like the Halo remake, where you can switch between the two versions of the game, in terms of the difference between them!
  14. I don't really get/like pancakes... certainly not to the ZOMFG PANCAKE DAY!!!! extent. I'm meh to them. Scotch pancakes on the other hand, I could eat all day! Dude you do realise you don't have to wait a year to make pancakes!? :p
  15. I think we're all prepared to wait for this!
  16. @yesteryeargames what is it you don't like about the new layout?
  17. What if you're 10hrs in?
  18. Here's the Dev chat with IGN, very similar obviously, but the first minute is nice to hear in terms of him being a Wii U fan...
  19. I had a look on the store and it's the 'PlayStation Essentials' version of AA, so I'm guessing that has all the content.
  20. #Sharkbait
  21. Urgh... we don't need no 3DS Direct Nintendo!
  22. I know right! Just this alone could fill the void until E3!
  23. Pretty cool! I'm sure people could literally waste a whole year catching up and watching non-stop Pokémon! :p Surely this has to turn up Wii U?... I'm actually quite shocked it hasn't launched on the console, as it would be well received right now! The Wii had Kirby episodes after all!
  24. Given Drakes job and as the central character and narrative for the story it could actually be done! He could be looking for The Prince's Dagger, Golden Apple, Blades of Chaos etc etc... and it would allow for all these other characters to appear in the game!
  25. If rumours re to believed Gearbox might not have had a huge roll in it's development. Possibly the game was never all that good... all the great stuff we'd seen previously had come from very scripted demo walkthroughs, and trailers of the PC version, and which the devs can bullshot. But yeah, the graphics have got noticeably got worse, even for the PC version, and fuck knows how all these glitches have come about! Having said that, if the game is full of stuff like the video above, it could be the greatest game of all time for comedy value!
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