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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Rumour today was that the Wii U will be getting Ubisofts Watch Dogs and Rainbow Six Patriots, so I guess they could be announced... maybe? Thing is, last I heard Patriots development was being put on hold (I think), and Watch Dogs is probably a year away at best. Oh and that the Square Enix game will be a port of Deus Ex. But none of this helps the real lack of Third Party titles, so there must be more to it!
  2. @Serebii, what's the second Wii U in the title for? :p
  3. That's probably the only way they could get it on to the 3DS though! It'll be the exact same game... much quicker to do than having to think of/design new levels. Plus if those screens are anything to go by.
  4. Absolutely gutted this isn't on Wii U! Wiimote controls, and the courses could look SO beautiful!
  5. Really this should either be given out free to anyone who already owns DKCR, if Sony are doing that with Cross Play... or it should be a new game. Also, if this game took up even the smallest part of Retro Studio's time, Ima fly to Japan, wait outside Nintendo HQ, and slap every single person who walks out that building. :p
  6. Kersploosh... Nintendo missed a trick by not having the Wind Waker Battleships Fish as a character/voiceover in this! :p
  7. I'd have loved the next M&L to have been an animated Wii U adventure, seeing as 3DS got Paper Mario too.
  8. lol Nintendo's Official PR department is doing well then.
  9. Why does Pokémon Dungeon look much prettier than X and Y?!
  10. I want to go to Belrin! Sounds magical.
  11. Hmm... crafty. These people should have been working on something else IMO.
  12. Black 3DSXL FTW! It's an new Single Player DLC for NSMBU... kind of a New Game Plus... but I think all the levels are new/altered.
  13. Sorry but WTF is wrong with Nintendo!?? Mario Golf is MADE for the Wiimote!
  14. Fair to say the game looks brilliant!! Wii U port please!
  15. Yep!... still we should just about be safe from NSMB2! :p ... maybe!
  16. Cool! Be nice if this game was something a bit more than a sequel.
  17. Was that the first PS3 game? I was always kinda jealous of that at the time just having the Wii, looked so beautiful!
  18. I really should play a Ratchet and Clank. Where did you start with the series @Daft, had you played the others? or start with the PS3 stuff?
  19. I don't... what?... All the Demoed gameplay looks awesome.
  20. GT Review - 8.0 Think I'll definitely be getting this at some stage.
  21. Nintendo could just handle the Animal Crossing release date in a Press Release!... I can't take another ND with Animal Crossing in it! Be nice to see what Lego City 3DS looks like.
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