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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. @Hero\-of\-Time Yeah I completed it yesterday, was gonna post in here. Loved it, fantastic game! I think I got the 'Good' Best possible ending...
  2. Kinda like the Dreamcast one... Sega should have just released some laptop covers! :p
  3. Have you tried typing 'Release Date' in?... maybe that's what was taken out? :p
  4. £17.99 at Amazon!
  5. Wednesday can't come soon enough.
  7. The A1 Ring/Red Bull Ring is in this!
  8. Wonder if this will have the co-op option.
  9. Personally I'm really enjoying coming on Nintendo Gaming in the morning and seeing 15 or so threads with new posts, instead of this being split across two boards, one of which will have a few, and the other next to none, depending on which had the latest Nintendo Direct for example.
  10. ^ Very much agreed. I agree that you really can't see it with Nintendo because as has been said, it is literally all they do!... (I suppose they could move into animated film or something) And with the increase in mobile gaming devices, I'd say they might even be forced to give up on the handheld devision (despite it being more profitable for them) before the home console market.
  11. I suppose maybe clicking the touch pad could be the start button? (but I suppose you could accidentally click it when using it which would be annoying, and also limit it's fuction to just this one use).
  12. Nice one @Rummy! I've gone for < £20 And this is the advantage of having a backlog! :p I picked up a PS3 just over a year ago and therefore was in the position where I could pick up the earlier PS3 games like Uncharted/Infamous/Heavy Rain for somewhere around usually £12.50... and then you play those and you find that the next set of game have come down in price to somewhere between £10-20 too, and so on and so on! There doesn't seem to be any real need to pay full price for a game nowadays when a lot of them seem to come down in price so quickly... they're usually half price within a couple of months in the likes of Zavvi/Shopto etc... weekly sales. The last time I think I paid near full price for a game was with Nintendo Wii games like Skyward Sword... as Nintendo games don't tend to come down in price much, and I did buy Ni No Kuni new the other day, but even that was cheaper at release than it should be at Tesco for £31 pound or so.
  13. Personally I think if One of the Big Three are to drop out of the Console Market by the end of the next generation... It's more likely to be... Microsoft. (dun-dun-duuun) Only the other day we were discussing this: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36705 Makes the most sense to me that they would go back to focus on PC gaming.
  14. I think 4000 is right for a Limited Edition, just sucks we couldn't get one.
  15. If that's the case, where on earth are Start and Select?! (really hope those aren't the start/select buttons anyway)... could they be having the PS button as Pause and then just handle everything from there? (what's select even used for on controllers anyway!)
  16. For everyone saying 'this is my chance to buy it now' etc... why not just go out and buy the better Wii version? Diary of a Hardcore Fan who only made one damn Diary Video! *BOOOOOOO* (I joke, but I was looking forward to them) Loved the NSMBWii joke!
  17. Yeah cancellation email it is. Wonder if that vouchers transferrable to the UK store? Can anyone with good German, tell if it says can only be used on their store?
  18. Yeah that is strange, the PS button should be central for branding, and the speaker should always go on the slant.
  19. It does seem to have a bit of an identity crisis and as a result looks a bit of a mess/unfinished (which maybe it is). It's kind of like... we've got to get a bit of Motion control in there, we've got to get a bit of Touch control in there... and as a result, a few of the staples aren't being done as well as they could be/improved enough either.
  20. You quoted the wrong person! :p @Magnus is the one who agrees with you on this.
  21. Dammit why aren't Nintendo making this multiplatform and not DKCR.
  22. Yeah the Move light is an issue for me too. Tbh it looks very 'third party controller'... but like you say I'm sure (or at least I'd hope) the final one looks a more finished product. The touchpad section just doesn't look finished. What's it being used for again. Still, I don't mind the DS3 at all, and you'd think it could only get better.
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