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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Are they giving you any form of refund/voucher for the extra money you laid down to get it?
  2. As much as I dislike Dry Bowser, it's incredible seeing him in the game. Love Wind Waker PJ Link, and great to have the likes of Mewtwo back in the game!
  3. Lego Marvel £22.49 at GAME (with exclusive content) http://www.game.co.uk/en/games/top-deals-this-week/?langId=44&storeId=10151&catalogId=10201&categoryId=597105&pageView=&pageSize=20&resultCatEntryType=&catgrpSchemaType=&RASchemaType=&searchTerm=&searchType=&searchTermOperator=&searchTermScope=&filterTerm=&filterType=&filterTermOperator=&catGroupId=&categoryType=&sType=&minPrice=&maxPrice=&provenance=&inStockOnly=true&cm_sp=epicdeals50off-_-catheader-_-TopPicks
  4. This is awesome! Here's a tiny example of some of the stuff they're doing with putting in new characters and character mods... I really want to see all the character mods now! And also Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charizard fighting by themselves!
  5. Nice! Where are these from?
  6. I think probably the opening sequence of the film is against Rhino's mob, as that's what Peter explains to Gwen he's been doing before they meet up. This obviously leaves Rhino pissed, his mob will probably be in it somewhat throughout, maybe busting him out of jail (maybe using the mech) or?... and then he'll come back at some point later on in the film in the mech?
  7. Ok I've just sat down with a cup of tea and tidied this thread up! At first I was like: but in the end I just thought sod it, so if there are a couple of borderline posts that got deleted sorry for that. 6 pages to 3. BAM. I've allowed the recent deviation on to Off-TV play through, because it does highlight something the Vita is successfully bringing to the market and the gaming industry. And I've also kept Mokong's very well written reminder of what this forum should be about. Keep Calm and Carry On
  8. Oh sorry I meant to post a closure post, but we've decided to have a bargains thread in each of the boards instead, one for Wii U & 3DS and one for PS/Xbox/PC. I have posted about it in each of those.
  9. Yeah I seemed to remember that being a consideration to make when choosing which console version you bought.
  10. Wasn't it this game that from the start they said DLC wouldn't be coming to the Wii U version, or was that a different game?
  11. Bout time she got some action! She'd totally have Luigi on a lead.
  12. Mario: Dinosaur Hunter?
  13. Cool, hope it turns out as good as it looks! Visually it looks great! Interesting to see Aaron Taylor Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen already in a film together before their pairing in Avengers! Should only help the relationship!
  14. Interesting trailer analysis... The fact that two of the landscape that flash up in that trailer (a snowy landscape and a sunny countryside) are seemingly the same planet is crazy in terms of scale and scope!!
  15. Possible they misunderstood your first tweet and thought you were just generally inquiring about it. Be interesting to see their next reply now that you've clarified you've actually ordered one from them.
  16. Read they're hoping to achieve photo realism with the pool. If that table in the trailer is any indication then they may have a good chance. Shame about the Dreamcast/PS2 FMV style character models though yeah.
  17. There you go, that's the spirit!
  18. Ah well I'm gonna pretend you're coming round to the idea! :p
  19. Have you been drinking Serebii?... that almost sounded like a Wii U Pokemon RPG post ;p
  20. Being a tit, You're doing it right!
  21. Hey guys, We're gonna have a bit of a change and have any Gaming Bargains you find be posted in a thread in each of the boards, instead of having the separate Bargains Boards... which has been renamed and will now just be used for Sales and Trades. It should get much more activity and be seen my more people this way. So if you find any Wii U, Wii, 3DS Bargains etc... this is now the place
  22. Hey guys, We're gonna have a bit of a change and have any Gaming Bargains you find be posted in a thread in each of the boards, instead of having the separate Bargains Boards... which has been renamed and will now just be used for Sales and Trades. It should get much more activity and be seen my more people this way. So if you find a PS3, PS4, Vita, 360, Xbox One, PC bargain etc... this is now the place
  23. Gah I hate underwater levels where you have an air supply!! That streeeeeess!!
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