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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. What do you think about the badguys all seemingly coming about through Oscorp hiring or test subjects?
  2. IIIIIIIInteresting. Does it seem like Oscorp already has all the badguy arsenal in place?... Doc-Ock tentacles, Vultures wings, Goblins suit/hoverboard, Rhino zoid, Electro's... power... and they just need volunteers/thugs to take on each role? If so they're pretty much doing away with badguy origin's stories for these set of films, and instead are pretty much doing a very contained Oscorp based story that they already have mapped out across 4 films that will just play out with more and more villians signing up and leading to the Sinister Six story. It's a very different way to go about it. And possible not good, as you won't care about any bad guys. Also, Jamie Foxx is so wrong for this ;p and lighten up Peter!... no one likes Emo Parker.
  3. Why is Karaoke on Wii not called Warioke?
  4. The cast is all coming across a bit cold to me, like everyone's a bit too serious. I think Jamie Alexander would have been better, but anyway. I was listening to Henry Cavill saying Doomsday is his favorite Superman villain earlier and thought how I would have liked to have had a couple more solo Superman films, despite previously having no real problem with this film.
  5. Happy Birthday Shorty! Hope you have a great day today! And your work on this site is always much appreciated.
  6. Yeah quite how it's being interpreted as 'an existing game with a new look' I have no idea. It doesn't read that way in the slightest. This weekend
  7. Not if that's what everyone's expecting ;p Who will be pissed?
  8. I don't really expect it to play out any differently to Nintendo's GTTV episode the other week where we just got shown a new level and move for DKCR. A new gameplay/character trailer I think would fulfill the quota as far as Nintendo's concerned. But yeah, I hope it's something much more than that!
  9. I'd expect Donkey Kong (or Mario Kart). I'm hoping for X.
  10. With this films date on the poster, it does seem to imply this is what will happen in Spider-Man 2. They have announced up to Spider-Man 4 though yeah, but I think the bad-guy count is just going to build and build until that film, and probably introduce a couple of heroes to support Spidey against them too. Wonder if they'd ever introduce the slightly other-dimensional Madame Web stuff?
  11. Yeah seems that way, which I'd be excited for, I just hope they approach it well. Really looking forward to the trailer on Thursday! Need to see more of Electro, and also now Rhino to understand what's going on with him!
  12. Yeah maybe that makes a real difference. I thought I heard the PS3 version had been fixed quite a lot, but guess that only helps predominantly new players now.
  13. ^ I actually bought a PS3 for the exclusives, and would predominantly buy a PS4 for the same reason. Great third party games like Tomb Raider that come along are just a bonus. I very much agree with you on the feelings of owning a Nintendo console though. Kyle Bosman describes them as a dopey elephant, just plodding along doing their own thing I am getting more an more ready to own a Wii U, the want to experience a bit of that Nintendo magic again in new titles is definitely getting there.
  14. Yeah that'd be really nice! Anything to give people an incentive to pick up Bayonetta 2. Actually the worst thing they could do is release the first before the second, as people might play it and decide the series isn't for them! Oops! I know, I was only being a bit tongue in cheek. Only because I've heard many people say it's an awesome game, but likewise heard people saying it's really not good. All taste dependent of course.
  15. Heck I'd even be happy if they took the F-Zero franchise and made it into a Mass Effect style space adventure! Especially as they don't have any plans to use it for a new game in the racing series. Something very story driven would definitely be welcome.
  16. The best game ever released for the PS360??... I'm still relatively new to the PS3 and working my way through the games, but that can't be right? Bayonetta doesn't really appeal to me all that much.
  17. 3 short trailer teases
  18. We'll have flying cars by 2015 though right? There'll be a hierarchy, worker drones will be flying below us But yeah, there's even the issue of these things just being hit by/flying into flocks of birds, surely I imagine the service would only be available on select products and only in certain parts of the country... at least until they setup more warehouses, or find a way to distribute their products into more rural areas like @Goafer said. Would so love this to happen though. What are the chances of these things being flown, or at least each one monitored by employees to help ensure issues don't occur with flying/drops and in case anything goes wrong, to create jobs? Also they'd have to have camera's on them anyway to stop the rogue employees chasing people in the street with them ;p
  19. I think it would be better for them to put downloads codes in with Bayonetta 2 tbh... something to help sales of the game, which could be very worrying atm, given the install base. I really hope Mario Kart beats it to market at least.
  20. The sales thread was specifically setup because sales discussion used to ruin threads on this board. But you know, do what you like, you clean it up.
  21. Uncharted 3 Audio Honestly, this music just feels like coming home doesn't it!? I adore it!! **Spoilers** Well I really enjoyed this game! I know I'll be in an overwhelming minority, but I have to say I didn't really enjoy Uncharted 2. To me it just felt like being ushered along a story corridor, interspersed by monotonous firefights. It didn't have the openness of the first game, the exploration seemed to take a backseat to a pretty ridiculous story and action sequences that were just too much, such as the tank sequence. The game I think was just too relentless for me. Uncharted 3 however felt like a more enjoyable blend to me at least. I enjoyed the settings a lot more, particularly Yemen; that chase sequence through the city was so enjoyable!, the shipyard, and the cruise ship was damn cool! There was really good variety in locations, but unlike Uncharted 2, to me it didn't feel so random. I enjoyed the new types of gameplay they introduced, and importantly there didn't appear to be as many firefights. They also seemed to take a few tips from Infamous 1 with the hallucinating/voice-overs. The desert sequence was something new. Perhaps a few more puzzles in this game too, or at least I enjoyed the ones that there were, more. The story was also better IMO. The reason I loved Uncharted 1 is the relationship between Drake and Elena and so I preferred seeing that progress here. I enjoyed the first half with the story flashbacks, Cutter and Chloe... but I'm glad they were ditched for the second half, as I much prefer Elena. The only thing that let the game down for me was that the ending couple of chapters were all a bit too similar to Uncharted 2, bit of a shame. Oh actually, also there probably wasn't enough open environments/exploration/large puzzles for me compared to the first game. And some of the 'stealth' sections in this game were ridiculously hard!... and all just eventually ended in a firefight. But I can see myself more likely to revisit this game again than the 2nd, despite not really being one for replaying games. For me having now completed the trilogy, the first and third games are very close for me in terms of my favorite. As a combination they are perfectly different to one another. And thankfully Uncharted 3 has restored my faith in the series, but Uncharted 4 will need to mix things up considerably and not just be a retread the same things in a different setting!
  22. What a strange post.
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