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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. @flameboy, if you think it'll make for an interesting comparison/discussion topic, start a thread for it in general gaming with a link in here. That's the place for industry talk. Let's keep this about Mario.
  2. And it's not even April Fools day!!
  3. Yep get Pilotwings! Great game!!
  4. Megaman: "Hey Villager I just popped round to see if you'd like to..... OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!"
  5. Yeah I've now started adding Vita titles to my Plus download list, starting with Uncharted, Gravity Rush and Sonic Racing... it just didn't occur to me before! But you're right Cube, it will be a great purchase one day! Can't wait to try Tearaway!
  6. For all you PS3 owners, even if you don't have a PS4 yet, I've just realised you can add Resogun and Contrast (that won't show up on the PS3's instant games collection, unlike Vita games) to your download list using the web Playstation Store for download whenever you do get around to buying one!
  7. I WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME! Stupid lack of Vita/Money.
  8. The Santa Clause is my favorite Christmas movie! This year I will also be watching The Dark Knight Rises as a Christmas movie. It has snow in it.
  9. Looks so good! Will definitely be on my radar when I get a Wii U. Really hope there's a crazy bonus level or something in there as well, as 90's racers were never worried about having a space levl or a prehistoric level with a dinosaur walking across the track or something ;p
  10. Awesome, it's the single player I'd be interested in.
  11. Are you playing Single or Multiplayer?
  12. Moving on.
  13. I'm not about to sit here and babysit you guys. @Zechs Merquise You were at fault here. @Sheikah posting about his love for the Final Fantasy series, is not reason to insult someone. Whilst it may predominantly be seen as a Sony franchise, it does not mean someone has insulted Nintendo by bringing it up; I'm sure there are many Nintendo fans that would like to see the series on the Wii U.
  14. What do you want?... us Mods to delete every single post that deviates slightly from the topic? that mentions Sony or Microsoft on a Nintendo board? You guys are doing this all yourselves. You're incapable of discussion. If you like I can just ban the lot of you, or you can start to behave like adults! Up to you. Some of you guys never cease to amaze me.
  15. Toon Link looks incredible there!
  16. Nope. At least I don't think so, the deal's over now anyway.
  17. Black and White 3DS' are currently £99 at Amazon Black Friday.
  18. Plenty of Wii U Amazon deals coming up... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Black-Friday-Deals/b/ref=amb_link_178559747_2?ie=UTF8&node=161428031&pf_rd_m=A3P5ROKL5A1OLE&pf_rd_s=right-csm-1&pf_rd_r=12NMRMP85KE8N18YR8Y4&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=450654187&pf_rd_i=468294 Wii U Premium Console (8.15am) Lego Batman 2 (9.15am) Just Dance 2014 (12.15pm) Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut (12.15pm) Splinter Cell Blacklist (4.15pm) Just Dance Kids 2014 (5.15pm) Wonder if that Premium Wii U will be £149? seeing as a Premium with Rayman and Lego City was £199.
  19. The Bowser battle in this one is a classic! Love the humour too.
  20. I was wondering what you're ordering from Domino's!
  21. Ahhh man... it looks like they've drained all the colour out of Golf too ... What gives!?
  22. I would. (just as long as the word dooctoooooor is never uttered)
  23. 3D Mario has never sold that well in Japan though, I guess 3D Land is a bit of an exception as it was a portable title which sell better there.
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