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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. There are Flash and Nightwing rumours yeah.
  2. Oh I forgot you did that! Thought you got one recently but I remember a chat of ours at Autosports now about what else that money could have bought ;p
  3. Hmm I think many were hoping this would be a bit more Lego City?... I'm not really sure what it is?... looks quite actiony.
  4. It's not coming to the Wii U though so the decision is made for you.
  5. Did you play the Gamecube original or the HD remake? I'm constantly fighting with myself as to whether to give this game a full on go or not. I downloaded the demo from PSN and the controls really seemed to put me off. The felt quite slow and floaty maybe, I can't quite remember now. But something was definitely weird about how Jade controlled compared to similar games like Starfox Adventures and Zelda. The demo ended when you take the hovercraft out on the lake, but walking around the lighthouse had been a bit of a chore... I did quite enjoy the combat section. I dunno it just didn't grab me straightaway like I hoped it would, maybe you need to get further into it?
  6. Xbox Mission
  7. I found the £16 cards for £15 on TheGameCollection, that'll do.
  8. ... because it's a rip-off.
  9. Do they only do £25 and £35 PSN cards these days? I was looking for about a £15 one as a Christmas present?
  10. Yeah other than the Sonic Adventure games which I adored, and Colours, I just can't get on with Sonic games.
  11. But, but... they give away exclusive sleeves etc... for £10 more.
  12. Oh, hmm that changes things a little. Tbh it doesn't really look much better than the current version... mind you I still have a lot of other games to play/try, so I probably can just wait.
  13. Is any if the DLC story related?
  14. Fine if you've not played it yet! Also, with this coming out in Jan, by the time I get a PS4 it'll be around £20 anyway.
  15. You surely can't care this much.
  16. I enjoyed the show! I didn't bother watching the award/nominee parts of it and turned off at the concert... umm no thanks ;p But yeah, I liked all the trailers and gameplay demo's. Thought Nintendo's section was a bit embarrassing, but was nice they were there at least.
  17. Woah!
  18. I can't even get my mind around what they're going for with that game!! Not only does it have a cool art style, but it just sounds so ambitious! Can they really do this?
  19. Incredible!
  20. Ok holy crap at The Division!! No I definitely meant douche ;p ... I don't get it/him.
  21. Joel must be trending for being a douche surely ;p Ah ok, I'll have to remember it then and maybe get it on PC.
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