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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I wish Nintendo would stop focusing on these same NES games for literally everything they do! I'm just so bored of seeing them every time!
  2. Visually it looks better at least, the 3D objects like the pipes and character models seem to have been blended in more.
  3. Loved the cutscenes in that trailer!! Kirby in Mario Kart, or a Smash Kart please!!
  4. Just got home to see today's announcements... was excited as to what this might be!! ... What utter shit. Youtube 'waste of time' and this will be the first video you get.
  5. Broken Sword 5, Episode 1 comes out tomorrow!
  6. I'd love Nintendo to stick to what they do and create some new character driven IP's... let's have some new Nintendo characters already!! (I will settle for Nintendo releasing their existing IP's they keep ignoring)
  7. Don't know if this will help at all, I watched it the other day and by the end decided I'd probably rather have the OLED version.
  8. I don't think I've played a single 2013 game this year! :p Hopefully I might play Rain, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, and maybe get something like Lego Marvel before the end of the year. Oh yeah I have some 2013 games waiting on Plus too, maybe one or two of those.
  9. N64 and Gamecube games would be the best Christmas present!!
  10. It really seems like they're trying to show they can deliver on the gameplay this time round, and they're doing a pretty good job of it.
  12. Yeah gonna miss this one as well I think.
  13. Just got Rain, £4.94/£5.49 on the Playstation store today in the 12 Days of Christmas! It's not been added to the 12 Days of Christmas page yet, but if you search for it it's at that price.
  14. Yeah that's what I'm thinking, if I'm going to get a Vita I'd want it to be the OLED model, so just wondered how much time I might have. Looks like it might be a while yet, so hopefully I can get/afford one early next year.
  15. Is the OLED Vita going to be phased out when they release the redesign here, or is that model only for Japan?
  16. Yeah I played it in a single sitting and in single player. Mind blown. Ask Santa for a new one Yeah do it!! It's only a few hours long, maybe double that of Journey, or a little longer depending on if you explore for collectibles, though you can go back and get those from the level select anytime. Great artistic game, sweet story! Give yourself some time for it over Christmas
  17. It's being transported to the Wii U Wind Waker sequel via the hype train! Audio
  18. That's awesome! I'm having trouble remembering some of the names in this game. I'm sure I'll pick them up. So you hacked every computer in the station? I need to go back and do that then maybe, just for fun ;p Were you not worried it would set an alarm off first time? (I guess there's always the option to restart the save of course! damn, haha) When I got the call and Pritchard said the street name, I was like what the hell, how on earth am I supposed to find where that street is!!??... I looked up at the nearest road sign outside the station, and there it was :P Speaking of which... when do you come across Seurat the weapons dealer as a result of saving the hostages?
  19. Awesome! The Unfinished Swan next for you then
  20. @Fused King Nintendo need to try and buy that franchise!! Also, have you played Journey, or The Unfinished Swan on PS3? I think you'd go crazy for them.
  21. Good post @RedShell! I must admit not having a Wii U atm I am beginning to miss that Nintendo magic/experience that you can only find on their consoles/with their games. Is it fair to say Nintendo are playing it far safer these days, and maybe that is what people are getting at, I don't know. They're becoming more predictable at least with their choices? "Light hearted entertainment" on the gamecube would have included as I just mentioned... what are the equivalents on the Wii and Wii U?
  22. That's a frustration too. It's like Nintendo have got themselves into a situation where their own studios can only put out the dependable games nowadays. The Wii U is being compared to the Gamecube, but I don't know, Nintendo still took risks on the Gamecube... Chibo Robo, Eternal Darkness, Captain Rainbow, Cubivore, Doshin the Giant, even Wario Ware and Luigi's Mansion which they led with. Damn even Waverace, 1080, F-Zero seem like massive risks for Nintendo nowadays, let alone the previous ones!
  23. Ah man, a sequel to that would be a pretty exciting announcement! It could have some quite exciting uses of the Gamepad too! High pressure moments using it in quite a similar way to ZombiU. Trying to hack into a doorway on the gamepad as a Fire/Tidal Wave approaches on the TV! etc...
  24. What's a bit frustrating is the more risky/that-something-abit-different new IP do seem to be there within Nintendo... they just keep cancelling them... Yes these games don't look much from these video's but the concepts could all be developed. And how about Nintendo take on Eternal Darkness themselves? Actually Retro Studios could be fantastic at developing a sequel to that game, no one does atmosphere better than them!
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