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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think it looks great! Is it coming to consoles to?
  2. No idea if I'll enjoy the gameplay not really being into my FPS' but Destiny looks beautiful!
  3. So it's an RPG of some kind is it? That gameplay just made it seem like it could be anything. Really looking forward to The Witcher and The Division trailers.
  4. What on earth was that South Park gameplay?...
  5. Oh well at least they just made a joke out of people saying "Next Gen" "Next Gen"
  6. Damn did I just miss a gameplay trailer for it, or what was it?
  7. haha yeah I just said that in the VGX thread ;p Here's the VGX Interview and gameplay.
  8. Cranky = Scrooge McDuck pogo stick ;p
  9. Oh FFS Nintendo. Now I'm Cranky.
  10. Trailer Well that is coming too.
  11. I'm not expecting thaaaat much of a step up for Tomb Raider Definitive Edition, but I'm pretty sure this will now be the version I'll get. Yeah what's with that!!?? I even started to doubt myself as to whether they'd changed her name for this reboot or something! That's crazy!
  12. Do we know what time that will be? I'll probably end up watching all of it anyway ;p Excited to see the new trailers and announcements! ... although this other presenter comes across as a dick, no?
  13. Started a thread to discuss VGX in General Gaming if anyone wants to watch and discuss in there
  14. Just started a thread for the VGX Awards in General Gaming if anyone wants to discuss
  15. Thread in case anyone wants to come together and discuss it! Just started! http://www.spike.com/netstorage/events/vgx/live.html
  16. VGX just about to start: http://www.spike.com/netstorage/events/vgx/live.html
  17. Just seen this on IGN I'm glad I haven't played this now!... the only annoying thing is I don't know when I'll get a PS4 so it could be quite a wait before I get to!
  18. It would be awesome if it's all been building to Majora's Mask. IGN just did this video...
  19. Plus' Instant Game Collection is equally, if not more so about Indie and Third Party games. Maybe this is where Nintendo would struggle and therefore have to make it more about First and Third Party Virtual Console games.
  20. I think the whole of the interwebs hopes it's X!
  21. Assassins Creed 3 - £12.85 http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/wiiu/WIIUAS01-assassins-creed-3 ZombiU - £14.86 http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/wiiu/WIIUZO01-zombiu Sonic Racing - £12.85 http://www.shopto.net/video%20games/wiiu/WIIUSO01-sonic-and-allstars-racing-transformed-special-edition
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