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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Oh it's based on nothing other than how awesome it would be and a complete missed opportunity [to make a tonne of money] otherwise.
  2. About whether and how it works in single player. Damn the NFC game really has to be Smash Bros doesn't it!!?
  3. Bill looks like he hasn't slept in days, I'm not sure he even answered Geoff Kong-Pow question in the end ;P
  4. Nintendo GTTV http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/p992ud/gt-tv-donkey-kong-country--tropical-freeze
  5. Yeah it's hopefully a good sign that they've worked on two more open world Zelda's lately.
  6. Oh today's the day we get the GTTV Geoff and Reggie interview!
  7. This so should have been the start up jingle ;p Audio
  8. I dunno, at least Sony have learnt something from Knack now, that half assed 'platformers' (read 'walking down corridors') don't cut it.
  9. That was some wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey cross dimensional posting!
  10. Doctor Who game on the Google page today!
  11. I thought it was only in the arena Colosseum from the reviews.
  12. Hulk makes that quite possibly the angriest reading post ever! Perfect.
  13. It's like an advert they'd make on The Apprentice ;p
  14. It won't be for a good while as I have an absolute tone of PS+ games to get through on my PS3 and even more that I'd like to try, but when I eventually get a console it will be a PS4. May get a Wii U at some point before that too for the like of Mario Kart and DK.
  15. Why on earth would they make the gameplay decision that whether you press the correct button, the wrong button, or no button at all, the finishing section of combat still plays out exactly the same...!? Of course you're just going to end up not even bothering to press any buttons if there's no pay-off for doing so! Why not just have the combat carry on if you get it wrong? Stupid.
  16. Haha we joked about Rosalina's moveset in this... but Toad would have the worst ever! ;P Seriously what would he do other than maybe pull up a vegetable?... the old golf club/tennis racket again?... shine a miners helmet in your face? ;p Also could you really take hearing this during a fight with him? Audio
  17. Microsofts next Halo series indeed
  18. Loved it!!
  19. It got an 8.8 from IGN http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/20/forza-motorsport-5-review
  20. Should come with the Professor Layton games, Brain Training (etc...) installed on it! Mario is Missing, aswell ;p
  21. Having just watched the IGN review for Tearaway, there's so much potential for creativity with a device like the Gamepad and it is a shame it's not being fully utilised. Give this a watch... http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/20/tearaway-review Makes me kinda jealous. Such gameplay is perfect to be implemented into a new Mario or Zelda and I really hope we get some games that make use of the touchscreen, camera, augmented reality etc... in the future! Would be awesome. I get some of the decisions Nintendo have been making have been to shift consoles, but hopefully the second half of the console will have amazingly creative unique experience. EDIT: Deleted the last two posts, I'm bored of all this, go create a thread in General Gaming for comparing whatever it is you guys want to compare.
  22. Gametrailers do criticise the camera angle at times and some questionable control choices like how the characters run, but otherwise a 9.5 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/9nm7k6/super-mario-3d-world-review
  23. IGN Review 9.6 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/19/super-mario-3d-world-review
  24. And you're not a journalist ;p
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