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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I would mind *secret character* sounding a little more excited! ;p SO SLOW!
  2. Gametrailers Review 9.8 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/kn7gii/legend-of-zelda--a-link-between-worlds-review
  3. ... It isn't??!!!!!
  4. Didn't hurt Daniel Radcliff's chances.
  5. Yep same here.
  6. There are level spoilers in this video, but they praise the games creativity...
  7. Yeah but most are like... a golf club, a tennis racket etc... aren't they?... not exactly character moves... but moves they had to shoehorn in to give her some!
  8. The end of the Zelda trailer was a bit...
  9. From IGN...
  10. More money spent on those CGI Pikmin than those Rufus Hound adverts ;p
  11. IGN Review 9.5 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/13/flower-ps4-review
  12. PS4 version review 9.0
  13. IGN Video Review 5.9 http://uk.ign.com/videos/2013/11/13/knack-video-review That's one of the things that bothers me about the game. That when you are giant Knack fighting in a big landscape against big enemies or bosses, you can't get shrunk down to little Knack and then either have to build your way back up, or experience the areas from a small perspective and have to completely re-evaluate the scenario and change tactics. Would have been very cool to have different ways to approach the same situation based on your size and to see bosses now towering above you etc...
  14. Gametrailers Review 8.5 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/lgny8h/contrast-review IGN Review 7.5
  15. Retro_Link


    IGN Review 9.0
  16. lol, you miserable sod! ;p See if the dentist can give you some free laughing gas
  17. No PS4 for me, but Guacamelee is cool. If only Sonic was the PS3 version!
  18. There's a difference between whoring out your franchises and whoring out your characters creating fatigue. Anyway, to me this looks like an incredible co-op, specifically 2 player game. I think that's the only way I'd want to approach it/buy it, in order to get a feeling of something new from a Mario game. Haven't played a co-op Mario before, so that can be the fake next gen feature/development for the series for me ;p
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