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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. That Amazon pre-order is looking pretty good right now then ;p
  2. In Rally news... Kubica is to drive one of the factory WRC Citroen's for Rally Wales. http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/110642 In kind of interested in going... it's the 14th-17th of November... the Austin GP is that weekend, but it's not a live race for anyone watching on the BBC, and lets face it. Seb's got this ;p Has anyone been to a rally before, or knows anything about going to one? Would anyone maybe want to go on the Saturday? or is Sunday the better day? I literally have no idea how you do it, it seems really complicated. How do you know where to stand?... and then the cars come past you 1 and minute or whatever, and then that's it?... you have to then drive and beat the cars to another section to watch from or? Best to stay around the service park(s?). Dunno ;p Also, Another look inside the cut-in-half F1 car Crazy to see Robert was just sat on the plank and they cut his seat away! Also I'd forgotten or didn't realise about the area behind the drivers head being soft!
  3. ... what did I just watch?
  4. I think they're trying to force too many 'jokes' in and especially out of Coulson. Like the van scene yesterday when they radioed in the name of the van, and he was all 'next time I'm picking the name'. I think at times it just feels way too lighthearted and care-free for what the show is actually about. I don't think they've found the balance yet. But Ep.4 was an improvement.
  5. Always love your photo's @dan\-likes\-trees! Where are you here? are you just continually travelling? ;p Keep it up!!
  6. That was a much better episode! The previous two have been pretty terrible and I honestly didn't know if I'd give up on the show as much as I wouldn't have really wanted to. It still played out a bit predictably/is a bit cliche... but that was a big step forward. But more of this please.
  7. Whaaaaaaaaaaat!! Well that right there is where it's getting 4/10's ;p
  8. Does this game have an Intro song?
  9. That'd be awesome, thanks!
  10. I'd probably get it if I wasn't 50 damn star points short!... as I can never afford any of the good stuff since my stars expired.
  11. The IGN video review explains they felt the run button was still too slow. Gametrailers 7.6 http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/6s2vj2/sonic-lost-world-review
  12. ^ Better than Colours?... Everything I've seen of this since launch doesn't suggest so to me.
  13. ^ Yeah what the hell is this shit! I've just downloaded 8.1 and it's bollocks. The Start button doesn't do anything!... just returns you to Metro. WHAT! Also since downloading, Internet Explorer no longer works. It opens a window which is blank, does not respond, and then closes itself. Thank fuck I already had Chrome installed as an alternative otherwise what on earth would I do! Microsoft, you continue to astound me with your crap and bullshit.
  14. I'm currently 4th, with 2 videos snapping at my heels that could bump me out of the Top 5. Hopefully they wont catch up. EDIT: Thank you to everyone who voted, I think I finished in the Top 5, so should win a prize!
  15. Thank you @bluey!! 30mins to go!
  16. Hi guys, voting at 12:00pm today. It's reeeeeally close as to who will make it into the Top 5, so I'd really appreciate any votes! http://woobox.com/ctyt37/vote/for/1508120 If you've already voted you should be able to do so again today.
  17. Was this the first QTE game? ;p I had the Power Rangers game on the Gameboy. Was a pretty hard game I think?
  18. I'd really, really appreciate your votes guys, it's extremely close to make it into the Top 5! You can also vote a second time tomorrow! THANK YOU!
  19. That's be great man, Thanks! Hmm ok sorry about that, it's what they're choosing to display the entries through. Thanks anyway!
  20. Please could you vote for this competition entry of mine!! You literally just have to click vote. http://woobox.com/ctyt37/vote/for/1508120 Still waiting to here about the prize for the first one, but it's looking good!
  21. Not awesome, but must see:
  22. Seb wins again, really is unstoppable. Tbh Mark lost the race for himself though not managing the tyres well enough and also taking an age to overtake Grosjean where Seb did it in one. Relatively good race. Not a huge amount of meaningful action down the field though other than behind the Daniel train for a while.
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