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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Has anyone read The Ocean at the End of the Lane, by Neil Gaiman? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ocean-at-End-Lane/dp/1472200314/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381508448&sr=1-1&keywords=the+ocean+at+the+end+of+the+lane ... any thoughts, I here it might be a bit dark, not really what I'm looking for, but at 250 or so pages, I'm thinking I might give it a go. Also thinking about getting the classic Sherlock Holmes stories and wondering if anyone knows the best way of doing so. There's this on Amazon,... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sherlock-Holmes-Complete-Wordsworth-Editions/dp/1853268968/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1381508484&sr=1-1&keywords=sherlock+holmes+books However, I'm struggling to imagine holding a 1500 page book!! Also heard that it may have been Americanised a little, not that I'd necessarily mind, as I haven't read any before.
  2. Yeah seems likely.
  3. @Mokong X\-C Tbh none of the underwater area looks like that of Ocarina of Time, as annoying as it may be.
  4. Remember Me already!?... cool!
  5. Tbh I'm really enjoying the races behind Vettel, Korea was fantastic! Just a shame the little bugger has to be out in front all the time ;p
  6. Maria de Vilotta has been found dead :/ http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/110522 So sad to hear. She was a truly amazing and inspirational woman.
  7. Bowser looks weird and small in that pic.
  8. Great cast, looks good.
  9. ... there were secret exits in 3D Land?... that did what?
  10. Well this made for a depressing Mentions page on Twitter! Rest in Peace namesake.
  11. OMG it's been a year since the last? Fuck.
  12. What did they say about those 3 games again? Would Smash Bros count as the third?
  13. At first I thought it was a level based on the world maps which would have been kinda cool.
  14. Me Neither. Not much Nintendo announces these days excites me tbh.

  15. I thought it was Ravio's true form.
  16. My thoughts, sorry if others don't agree. The Super Mario 3D Land level structure still hugely bothers me. Along with the 2D switch in general, like the Intro story scene only taking place on one plain. Visually the game looks beautiful!... although there's still something about the art style or character models I'm not liking. Great to see a lot of level and gameplay variety! ... although that large expensive level we saw... I'm not convinced, need to see more.
  17. I think everyone knows that. Best to just not give a release date then.
  18. For me it would be a shame if Massa and Hulk miss out and Barrichello gets a drive (although Massa may class Sauber too midfiled). Also I though Rubens couldn't find any money to stay around F1?
  19. If anyone doesn't use their Stars, feel free to send them my way ;p
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