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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I wish DK would come back as a boss in 3D Mario game. Imagine if in Mario Galaxy in a Space Junk style level you came across a bunch of mangled girders floating around and broken barrels and then as you progressed girder platforms started forming in front of you to make your path, leading to a giant floating DK scaffold which he was perched atop.
  2. (PS4/XBoxOne/PC) An Action RPG, which According to IGN is has a Darksiders/Zelda/Dark Souls style vibes about it.
  3. I think I thought he was older than he in fact was. Sad news. Someone you don't really envisage passing away.
  4. Cloud Atlas > Ghostwritten I can't say I enjoyed Ghostwritted as a whole, the second half was considerably better than the first in my opinion. Tbf the opening chapter of the book is very different, even in terms of the rest of the book it's quite unique and not that representative. I'm currently halfway through Metro 2033 and enjoying it.
  5. I thought the same until I spent time in Cornwall.
  6. Its not a terrible idea. Wonderful 101 action figures would be awesome, maybe not NFC though. Hopefully they appear!
  7. yeah agreed. But still black ones are generally on sale for £35. @ReZourceman http://shopto.net/video%20games/ps3/PS3DU03-sony-dualshock-3-red £37.85
  8. Got the red one for £30 on Amazon (third party seller) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Official-Sony-DualShock-Controller-Playstation/dp/B006ZX6DUW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1378039001&sr=8-1&keywords=ps3+controller+red PS3 controllers can often be found around £35 from Shopto, Zazzi etc...
  9. Then you're going to the wrong ones.
  10. Could just be me, but a remake that arguably looks pretty similar. I'm up and down on this. Some days I'm excited for it, others (like whilst watching that story trailer) I can't really see much difference and am unsure about the bloomy colour palette and shadows. I'd probably pick it up again, but yeah I might wait until it hopefully gets a bit cheaper preferably.
  11. Yeah, saw that earlier, it's a timed indie exclusive.
  12. LOL Gametrailers gave it a 2.4 :p http://www.gametrailers.com/reviews/u674wc/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles--out-of-the-shadows-review
  13. Bradley Cooper is Rocket Racoon! http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/08/30/marvel-announces-bradley-cooper-as-voice-of-rocket-raccoon
  14. Was that the case with Skylanders?
  15. Just throwing it out there... You know how people could actually make a ton of money on Skylanders figurines... is there any potential to do the same here, or is in structured differently, as in toys wont retire (if that's what the Skylanders thing was?)
  16. Retro_Link


    The particle effects are insane, all those little cubes!! Looks gorgeous!!
  17. Unboxing: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2013/08/30/nintendo-2ds-unboxing
  18. Reminded me I still have to PS3 version waiting to download!...
  19. *googles* aka Stargate guy! :p
  20. Yep, just a little reminder for everyone reading the page :p
  21. Hi ... hiii
  22. I think "plays all 3DS/DS games... in 2D" sounds more confusing than it needs to... well not than it needs to because that's really the only option to go with. It's just there are way too many similar names and versions in Nintendo's console library.
  23. Really hope the game does well, I know I'll certainly be backing it when the time is right for me to buy a Wii U! Let's hope this relationship can go from strength to strength.
  24. These are great @Goafer!! What are you using to learn Illustrator? I could do with learning it myself.
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