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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Ignore them :p they're cynical and stuck in their ways... How long left in the voting?
  2. I don't think it needs portable features, (there would be the ability to trade online anyway) but you actually seem incapable of imagining how a Pokémon console RPG would play, so I was just offering some alternatives.
  3. There's no reason a home console game couldn't either allow you to download Pokémon to your 3DS to take with you to do some trading, or come with it's own little device that allows you to take Pokémon out and about with you, like Wii Fit U and it's device that keeps track of your activity to take back to the main game.
  4. Are you not understanding that the main series would still be on the handheld... and these games would be story RPG's?
  5. Wasn't the key part of Mario 2D platforming? Now he does both 3D and Story RPG's (2 different series in fact)... Are you telling me Mario RPG on the SNES or Metroid Prime weren't risks?... and look what came from them. The series needs some diversification if it's going to stay relevant in years to come. 10 years from now Pokémon console RPG's could feel the norm, just like it does with Mario.
  6. I was going to post about this but then couldn't really be bothered which I think kind of says it all. My opinion of Applause is that it continues Lady Gaga's trend of poor first singles, along with Just Dance and Born This Way, neither of which I like to this day. I'd be really interested in hearing the rest of the album, as I'm a fan, also her follow up singles (Poker Face, Paparazzi, Judas and Edge of Glory) have always been great, so we'll see. I'm also not quite convinced by this need of hers to have a 'gimmick' (or at least that's how it feels) to accompany each album launch... the prosthetics and the face painting. Just let the music do the talking. As for Katy Perry's new song, it's not really doing anything new but I like it! Grrrr
  7. How do both Mario, Zelda, Metroid etc... manage to have both Console and Handheld series then without any of them being called spin-offs?... They offer a different experience, which is what a story driven console RPG would do. Some people don't like 2D Metroidvania... so they have a First Person Adventure... some people don't like 2D Mario... they have 3D Mario as an alternative. Give Pokémon/Nintendo fans an alternative with this franchise. I know it would interest me.
  8. Handhelds for the traditional Pokémon experience... Home Console for story driven/Pokémon movie like RPG adventure... with some form of trading pokemon/items online if necessary but not essential. Or have it so you download Pokémon on to your 3DS as another feature. They could also outsource these games to Level-5 or another developer.
  9. A beautifully animated, story driven Pokémon RPG on the Wii U (like Ni No Kuni) on the other hand!
  10. It still somewhat bother me how you don't make the music yourself in those levels, but still :p Anyways, Donkey Kong is the clear choice for me in terms of Winter platformers.
  11. OMG! And Rocket Racoon looks incredible!! Not to sure about Groot... doesn't look overly tree like there (unlike the Ents), but he'll probably grow and change.
  12. On the bright side... If you strip it all off will you have an exclusive Yellow Wiimote? :p
  13. tbh the controls can't really be any worse than A Boy And His Blob... it's just whether you want to overlook it for the art/experience.
  14. What's with Gerudo Valley burning down?
  15. What's with the lights on his elbows and wrists now? :p Stealth much? So will the SMI be on the Gamepad?
  16. haha, oh dear am I that obvious :p Beautiful song though, as soon as I heard it in an interview on TV I was off to track it down.
  17. Ellie Goulding - How Long Will I Love You Can't wait to download some Halcyon Days! (hopefully separately as I already have Halcyon)
  18. LOL, what a post!!
  19. Have you really!!... and they're definitely mine?! Be cool to see.
  20. ah cool, cheers man!
  21. Done a bunch of designs lately, specifically a World Champions set... all of which can be bought on T-Shirts and iPhone covers, or as cards/artwork etc... if anyone's interested... http://www.redbubble.com/people/retrolink/collections/174612-formula-1-t-shirts-etc
  22. not everyone eat, sleeps and breathes Pokémon!... I'm sure for the vast majority of the world it could be a nice surprise.
  23. Hmm... that's what I thought :/ Was Miracle Mask particularly linked to the one before?... If I played Miracle Mask at least would that do? (although wasn't that a prequel?)
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