I was going to post about this but then couldn't really be bothered which I think kind of says it all.
My opinion of Applause is that it continues Lady Gaga's trend of poor first singles, along with Just Dance and Born This Way, neither of which I like to this day.
I'd be really interested in hearing the rest of the album, as I'm a fan, also her follow up singles (Poker Face, Paparazzi, Judas and Edge of Glory) have always been great, so we'll see.
I'm also not quite convinced by this need of hers to have a 'gimmick' (or at least that's how it feels) to accompany each album launch... the prosthetics and the face painting. Just let the music do the talking.
As for Katy Perry's new song, it's not really doing anything new but I like it! Grrrr