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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. The fuck!!... Are we back in the 80's?!!... Wahoo!!
  2. Nintendo has too many controllers.
  3. I'd skip it ;p
  4. Star-Lords helmet, guns and Walkman :p
  5. I'm just nearing the end of Ghostwritten. About 60 pages left. It's been quite a good read, I think I've definitely enjoyed the second half of the book more than the first half. The chapter I've just finished, Clear Island, was fantastic! the previous one, London, was good too. I've not enjoyed it as much as Cloud Atlus, it doesn't have quite the same wonder and the links between stories in Ghostwritten aren't quite as fun to discover. However, having read Cloud Atlus first I did enjoy finding a few unexpected nods to it within this book! I think it's a book that could do with a second read at some stage as I'm finding a few things later in the book that I perhaps didn't give enough attention first time through. Worth a read though!
  6. What Sonic game were they in? I seem to remember them and thinking they were pretty cool characters.
  7. I was going to put 2D Zelda down, but I haven't really given it much of a chance. The original Zelda NES I didn't mind at all... but there's something about the visual style/music/sound effects of ALTTP that puts me off that. Much the same with Super Mario World actually. Minish Cap was ok, but that's really on only 2D Zelda I've played. I just don't feel compelled to play the rest.
  8. Oh Kobayashi :p
  9. lol, I just youtube'd some clips from it too :p The new look is quite close to Ultimate Electro... it really I'm just not sure it works on screen well, maybe it's Jamie Foxx too? I don't know, whilst the classic costume is quite comical... if you think about Loki's look isn't so dissimilar and looks absolutely bad-ass in the movies! They could have done something similar. Having said that, Loki's outfit is far more easily acceptable having come from another world... Where as you'd have more trouble explaining why Electro went with a costume like that :p
  10. There's some footage of him in the post above. Yeah I'm not keen on the look atm either.
  11. Spot the weak point :p
  12. Ah yes, can add Metal Gear Solid to my list!! Felt like a series I should play and like after all the hype, but didn't like Twin Snakes and won't be going back to the franchise (although I did try the Snake Hunter 3DS demo... nah).
  13. *yawns* Can't see this being released outside of Japan.
  14. Again I refer you to Ni No Kuni as an example of how a Pokémon game could work on the home consoles. Yes it would be a different experience to that of the handheld games, it would be more story driven and primarily a single player or co-operative RPG experience... ... but heaven forbid Nintendo ever try and do anything different with the stagnating franchise :p
  15. The majority of 2D Mario! Oh how I just cannot like you no matter how much I try!... Super Mario, Super Mario World, Super Mario Advance (Mario 2) they all just give me a weird feeling whilst playing them... 'I know I should be... but why am I not having any fun here'. Now there are a couple of exceptions to this... Super Mario Land on the Gameboy, but possibly because this game was pretty crazy and because Nintendo and the Gameboy were new to me at the time really. Super Mario Land 2 and Wario Land/Shake Dimension are other exception. I guess I just prefer the craziness of the Land games because they feel less like 2D Mario :p Super Smash Bros Brawl From the Wii U thread Borderlands Eddage got this for us to play through in co-op off the back of what an incredible multiplayer experience this was. It just wasn't. Straight away I just wasn't into it, it wasn't any fun for me. We put a few hours in to it, but I just couldn't enjoy it. MadWorld What a boring, repetitive, visual mess of a game! Played quite a few levels to give it a chance, but then just couldn't go on and had to trade it in. Starfox 64 I never got any real enjoyment from this game when I had played it very briefly in the past or on an emulator, but everyone always goes on about the game so when the remake came out on the 3DS I was willing to give it another go. Nope. Its just one of those games I just don't find any fun. I'm not sure what it is about it, probably a combination of the on-rails feeling like your being dragged through these levels, having to look after your teammates and if you don't they're gone and thus the structure of the game too. Actually no, it's just everything apart from the Intro that I don't like :p
  16. Damn you and your 100 lives Yoshi!! :p Honestly that was the most ridiculous end of game bonus! haha
  17. IGN thought it was over too soon, what did you make of the single player length @Ashley?
  18. IGN Review - 8.8 http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/07/22/pikmin-3-review
  19. lol at that Flash post :p
  20. I think we can forget all about Dark Knight being anywhere near the title if this is a Batman reboot :p
  21. There hasn't been any talk of Cyclops coming back has there?
  22. Can't Tony Stark catch a break!... they're making him the creator of Ultron!... Fuck, poor guy! (especially after the crappy Iron Man 3) So will Ultron be Tony's Iron Man replacement gone wrong?... if so his suit making's becoming a bit of a joke after the comedy Mk42. Oh dear. Will it have the voice of corrupt Jarvis? I was wondering whether bring Hawkeye back... hopefully he just swings in for the final battle as Renner was pretty boring in The Avengers. Needs his proper costume this time to give him a bit of character. Filming in London!
  23. Yeah I do think Nolan/Bales Batman is way too fresh in the audiences minds to be doing something different with Batman so soon. Superman could do with another solo film before the crossover, but they're just basically rushing to a Justice League movie now.
  24. ... why have they put those two on boxes you can see :p
  25. No I know the two logo's... I just don't like the use of TDKR one, I don't think it's a god bat logo... even more so placed behind the slick MoS logo. Hope it will change. Yeah I prefer the curved logo I posted. It wraps around the shield nicely and is far more sleek and in keeping. I don't actually want them to use that Batman logo... but it just shows that something far nicer looking can be created.
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