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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. @Hero\-of\-Time watching A Youtube review and apparently, the new levels are easier and they don't have the original music... but the original levels with their music are still in there, though like it says you just need to unlock them. Gives you a good reason to replay I guess. Think I may well get this! Will be nice to platform as someone who isn't Mario or Sonic :p Oh the joy of that music!!
  2. Same! Amiga 500... or was yours better :p Had great music. Also speed wise, I feel it's like Sonic done right.
  3. I actually agree... Clearly I'm missing something as you're all loving it... but I don't see what that is :p Frustrating.
  4. They also said there are flying Pikmin!!!!
  5. Superfrog HD!!
  6. This isn't appealing to me. I'm not getting a Sonic feeling from it at all, it feels like something else. I think it's everything combined... the visual style, the tubular stage design... and now there's DK 'barrel blasting' and flying like a bird (feels like Galaxy). Shame because Colours I really liked.
  8. LOL yeah it's a joke. Equality just for the sake of it. It's a male character as far as I'm concerned, it would just seem plain weird him suddenly regenerating into a woman... regardless of whether they've said it could happen. Is there actually any foundation in the Doctor who lore of time lords changing genders... or has it purely been said/implied to shut these people up. Fine bring in a female timelord or something, do a spin-off, but don't just do it for the sake of it.
  9. He just looks mean and angry, even when trying to be charming... if that's what that was meant to be :p
  10. Hmm... I googled this guy after hearing the rumours (I actually haven't seen him in anything I don't think, despite recognising him)... and didn't think he was a good fit. Looks too evil/miserable :p But there we go. He'll bring something different, but whether I'll like it we'll see.
  11. Well you can keep Karen, but I get your point :p But yeah exactly, it's fine keeping Jenna around, but now it's time for an older character in the show to bring a different dynamic. Although some people didn't like Donna (or maybe just Catherine Tate), it was still good choice to bring in an older companion after Rose and Martha, otherwise that could have started to get a bit 'meh' too.
  12. It doesn't have to be an established actor just because it's live... with a half an hour programme you'll have time to get to know the person. But IMO it has to be an older Doctor this time in order to give the series a shake up. I think if Matt Smith had even had an older companion it would have helped things, but as he hasn't it's all felt a bit 'teenie' lately, with a lot of young main characters.
  13. I think it's a failed argument tbh. You're of the opinion that each console should be wildly different to the last... that means you didn't like the Gamecube then or?... Tbh up until the Wii, Nintendo was treating console evolution exactly the same as it's competitors. You could say that Sony and Microsoft evolved the online gaming scene, whilst Nintendo stagnated? The Wii U has also shown that there's no point just innovating when the demand isn't there for it. I agree with you that a number of 3rd Party games do share visual similarities when the same engines are used... but it's a sweeping statement and art style can account for a lot. Look at Mirror's Edge 2 for example of a next gen game using a standardised engine, but looking completely unique... so there's no reason the next generation of games will show stagnation. I'm honestly completely baffled how you can say Sony's First Party efforts have been few and far between! and already they've announced several for the PS4 (Drive Club, Knack, Killzone, The Order, Infamous...) with more to be revealed. Microsoft will have their Xbone exclusive too. I don't really feel standardisation is happening any more so than it has before. The real issue is an over reliance to cash in on sequels. That's what's perhaps stagnating the industry... but the entire industry is guilty of that... 3rd Parties more than First.
  14. LOL... doesn't that Japanese one kind of give the ending away :p
  15. I absolutely LOVED the first game, it would probably make it into my Top 3 Gamecube games alongside Melee and Resi 4. However... I just did not like the sequel. The Light/Dark World swapping I just didn't like, and consequently I gave up on it... probably earlier than I should have, but I just wasn't having fun playing it.
  16. Has anyone played this?... It's currently £9.89/£10.99 in the Summer Sale. And £8.09/£8.99 on Vita.
  17. Didn't realise Alan Sugar was in this :p
  18. Why's the Wii U version missing from that end line up?
  19. Don't be so cynical. At least she's created some discussion and threads since she's been here... it's more than some long term members have so far this year I'd imagine.
  20. Fantastic news!! I still need to play the first, but I'm really excited to do so. (posting this in here as I assume the Wii U isn't getting this series?)
  21. Have Nintendo put any board games for the Gamepad up on the eShop? I know the above is just a demo video... but some games like the Drafts like one they show would be nice little additions. I like the tilting of the Gamepad making the pieces fall off to start a new game :p don't imagine a crappy indie Drafts game would bother with a little thing like that. ALSO... I WANT WII SPORTS DAMMIT!!!
  22. OH FFS!!!! I've had 1500 stars expire over the last couple of months and can no longer get this!! Argh!!!!! Why... why the FUCK. I pay my money, you don't update your catalogue, and then you take my stars away.
  23. Think I'll hold off until Infamous Got WAY too much PS3'ing to do, and I might look at getting a Wii U at Christmas potentially.
  24. Go for it! If it's Video Games related, then in this board, or otherwise in the General Discussion board if you can't find anything
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