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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Really is a stunner!
  2. Went to the Belgian Grand Prix last weekend! had an incredible time. Pics: http://tomclancyphotography.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/spa-francorchamps-2013/ Race Start: Me at Eau Rouge: and thanks @Eenuh for the tips you gave me about going to Belgium a while back
  3. lol, Nintendo's next accessory attachment? :p Clip it on and use the gyro in the 2DS to chop down trees in Animal crossing
  4. LOL, THOSE BIG PINK NINTENDO ELEPHANTS :p hahaha, the size of the thing!!
  5. BAH! Nintendo have lost the fucking plot! Wedge open the 3DS Take away the 3D that can be turned off anyway! :p And don't add any of the features people have ben asking for ... to form a handheld portable games console that's really too big to be either! LOL
  6. My photo gallery from Spa http://tomclancyphotography.wordpress.com/2013/08/28/spa-francorchamps-2013/ Video of the start: Other short videos:
  7. The rock formation and cliff is missing from the beach. Maybe you land on the beach.
  8. Assassins Creed III on Plus! WINNING!! haven't played it yet.
  9. I hate the butter or drool on his face.
  10. All the games they promote in that ad are cringe worthy. The eShop games were all launch titles... and the Virtual console games are basically some of the only few on there... and the same ones that get shoved on to every Nintendo Virtual console. The adverts just feel like a lie.
  11. What I got from that... ... the Wii U difference is acting like a moron. Just ditch these adverts. Can't believe they're paying for these.
  12. Keza annoys me :p @Serebii I think Ducktales was marked down due to unresponsive controls [not controls in general] leading to unfair deaths... however that's since been patched (on PC at least I believe).
  13. Photography. Amd photograph one thing every day and at the end of the week you'll have some things to talk about.
  14. You're doing what you said you wouldn't in this thread. Also, yet again you're overlooking both Handheld and Console Pokémon co-existing. I'm fed of hearing about GameFreak... let them just look after the handheld games then... Nintendo can give the Console Pokémon to Level 5 or some other developer. Be nice to have some fresh ideas and perspective for the series that aren't just standard sequel upgrades.
  15. So essentially Pokémon :p
  16. I dunno, personally I've thought Pokémon should always have an animated look... otherwise it just looks a bit odd having them in amongst the real world.
  17. No because a decent story isn't what Pokémon is about its about the social aspect the games do not need it its not going to happen GameFreak have said so.
  18. Totally. The star visor is the worst, surely you can't even see out of it! :p
  19. Well this is awkward.
  20. Damn I only just noticed that! I thought they'd rebranded everything Wii U on these things... but no!! ... Wii is 3 places on the box, and Wii U once! That's ridiculous!
  21. Release date etc...
  22. Ocarina of Time - 10 Skyward Sword - 9 Wind Waker - 8.5 Majora's Mask - 8 Twilight Princess - 5 (TROLOLOLOLOL)
  23. Definitely one of the luckiest! :p
  24. Yeah it's in definite need of a refresh... of course we all thought Resi 4 was that game... but then they used that formula to go on and ruin the series. Code Veronica will forever remain one of my favourite game... such a great story, use of characters and locations!
  25. Hmmmmm... I'm not sure. It's not as different, as I think I hoped it would be... there just seems to be a few free-running moves thrown in there. 'Night-sense'... yes because we all have one of those :p If it was some sort of night-vision style glasses that you looked through at night then fine, and that could actually be really cool, but all these 'senses' in games are getting a bit stupid. Seems they conveniently left off a HUD, because how you have a clue where you're going without one I have no idea. There were a few decent moment, but at the moment it hasn't really got my interest.
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