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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Bit of trailer footage or something at the end too
  2. That interview with Yoshida was really good, I watched it last night, here if anyone wants to see it... Funny and like you say, humble guy Wii U talk at 14:40
  3. Marvel said just the other day that those scenes are designed to get the audience asking questions anyway, and hopefully going online and finding out about the upcoming films and wanting to look around/research. That's why they chose to use Benicio del Toro, because people might not know The Collector, but chances are they'll know him and want to find out what on earth he's doing showing up at the end of a Marvel movie. And the same about Samuel L Jackson at the end of the first Iron Man. They're teasers!
  4. Ah I read that as sequel to LotR at first and was a bit more excited. Still, it's quite nice to have a game based on something new and it sounds interesting at least. Just need some screens/gameplay now!
  5. Coming to PS4 and XBox One in February http://uk.ign.com/articles/2013/11/12/rayman-legends-hits-next-gen-in-february
  6. IGN Review 8.2 http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/ud92co/super-mario-3d-world-preview
  7. Short Gametrailers preview http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/ud92co/super-mario-3d-world-preview Didn't realise that mushroom power up was in the game.
  8. Some of the Asgardians did have laser staffs of some kind didn't they? Did anyone think the guard they chose to go to the Dark World and who found Loki had a bit of a Thor look to him? was just a bit 'huh?' at first glance.
  9. *raises umbrella*
  10. Nintendo are the family console... It's quite ironic therefore that the Wii U creates the atmosphere of a divorce; with everyone bitching and sniping at one another. You only need to look at the fan base atm to realise Nintendo aren't making good decisions. Only with Nintendo fans atm do you have this. Sony and Microsoft fans bump heads, but only Nintendo can get their own fan base doing it. Sort it out Nintendo.
  11. I think it's pretty safe to say the Blue/Grey/Yellow suit is back in some form... So we may have seen it in a TV movie then. Combined with the official concept art released...
  12. Wolverine classic costume...
  13. Aren't the NES Mario and Gameboy games still considered pretty hard even with experience? Mario Bros is a right bitch! Also the sense of accomplishment I got from completing Super Mario Land on the Gameboy, or getting 120 stars and blasting to the castle roof is something I rarely feel when completing or 100% games nowadays.
  14. I was laughing regularly throughout, the audience in my showing were absolutely loving it!
  15. First Party was good on the Gamecube, but 3rd party exclusives probably gave it the magic dust, the likes of Resi 4, Viewtiful Joe, Star Wars series, Monkey Ball, Tales of Symphonia, Billy Hatcher, Geist, Twin Snakes, Skies of Arcadia They might not all be massive sellers but they set the console apart and make it feel special. If only a couple of third parties stick by the Wii U I do think the console will feel it. In the past I've bought a lot of first Party content on my Nintendo consoles, but they don't always do it for me nowadays. You sometimes need that something else.
  16. Yeah I have to say after Iron Man 3 and the quality of SHIELD (although tbf it's getting a little better lately) Marvel had me worried. Thank you Thor!
  17. Yeah the blue cases only indicate which Wii games work with the Gamepad accessory.
  18. Exclusive Street Fighter coming or?...
  19. Zelda and Doctor Who Easter Eggs, found in all versions of the game... Tardis award Ruppee award - Awarded for most bushes cut and pots smashed
  20. You'd have to assume so! Would be a very strange decision otherwise.
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