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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Shall I change the title to 'Release Dates 2014' ?
  2. Wii U remotes aka Wii Party U (btw why isn't this called Wii U Party?) ... currently £31.48 at Zavvi using CODE: SALE10 http://www.zavvi.com/games-wii-u/wii-party-u-with-remote-plus-black/10861553.html You can also use that code on: Mario 3D World Splinter Cell Just Dance 2014 Assassins Creed 4 Zombi U http://www.zavvi.com/offers/sale/games.list?searchFilters=V2lpIFUjcGxhdGZvcm1fY29udGVudDpXaWlcIFUhUmVzdHJpY3RlZCBDb250ZW50IEZpbHRlciNyZXN0cmljdGVkOmZhbHNlIQ%3D%3D
  3. We have @Ike's thread? http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53939
  4. Yeah you'll finish it in time
  5. WOAH! If anyone finds one of these can they please get me one and I'll paypal you the money!
  6. Not everything has to be... I enjoyed it anyway.
  7. It's probably only KH3, Mirror's Edge, The Division and Final Fantasy on that list. Final Fantasy might make Japan though?
  8. Nice to hear how up for it he is and he's not another Hugo Weaving. Maybe he'll get a Marvel One Shot as well.
  9. Did the second boss fight earlier. Was pretty easy! :p Quickly hack the door, up the ramp, cloak through the lasers, hack the computer, arm the turrets, wait... Done I've just done the press conference stuff with Taggart, and stopped having just got the bomb sidequest and needing to go find Sandoval. Finding a few rooms and things that I didn't first time round throughout the game. Also I forgot to say. I went through my entire first playthrough without realising you could throw! Found out on youtube because I was sure there must be a secret trophy involving that basketball. Although even knowing you can throw didn't help me with that and I ended up doing it by putting a dumpster under the basket standing on it, jumping and dropping it in. Just like the pro's do it! :p
  10. Yeah it'll be the second to last episode you get to. Series 7 ends with The Name of the Doctor, then watch the Youtube prequel, then it's the 50th Anniversary The Day of the Doctor and then the Christmas special The Time of the Doctor. haha, that's what I was thinking :p
  11. Still a better water species than... :p
  12. Yeah constantly tempted to buy the PS3 version, especially being £9.99 on Gamestop recently, but I'm gonna hold out for the PS4 version! Not having played it, it's somewhat of a system seller for me. And when ever I get around to getting a PS4 it will no doubt have dropped massively in price.
  13. What were you doing looking for games on the Nintendo stores itself though??... Well played man!!
  14. I would recommend watching it only before the 50th Anniversary episode because it's all part of that sequence of episodes, events and reveals Here you go man Also, let us know when you watch Blink!
  15. Yeah that's a good point actually. Perhaps an older member on the team itself would be a welcome dynamic. And I presume he's less hand-to-hand anyway and keeps his distance/moves around.
  16. Yeah but older like 40 though right? like RDJ started off. To start Depp in these movies at 53 or something seems an odd decision. I guess at least with the magical qualities of Strange they could 'regenerate' him at least :p I saw someone suggest Viggo Mortensen. I don't know the character, but he seems like a better choice to me. EDIT: Shit just googled Viggo, HE'S 55!!!?... ok scrap that!
  17. NEAR future... Deus Ex is set in the NEAR future... 2027 to be exact. Seems about right (please understand)
  18. Seems like such a bad idea to me for many reasons... - If people are wondering how much longer RDJ (48) can go on playing Iron Man... Depp is already 50 and they haven't even got a script for this yet! So what in a sequel he'd be getting on for 60?... - Ever since Pirates became successful Depp has given the same bloody predictable performance in everything he's done! Alice in Wonderland, Lone Ranger... and hamming it up more and more as the Pirates sequels went on. He's become like a caricature, and you just know with 'Strange ' in the title of this film he'd do it all over again... giving the audience what they love [albeit actually are bored of]. - Seems like to established a name for a lead role. All the others leads have gone to far more deserving actors and I thought this was more the philosophy behind the Marvel films, to makes actors, have them become these characters. With his Disney ties it wouldn't be a surprise.
  19. Michael Douglas....... well I wasn't expecting that. Wonder if he'll be in Avengers 2 as the creator of Ultron? or working alongside Tony on it if they gonna go that route. Must be almost guaranteed he'll be the post credits Guardians of the Galaxy or Avengers 2 scene now though, given they put the big names in those where they can to create buzz and hype.
  20. That's so the right voice for Ghirahim! :p
  21. You guys who don't check the gaming boards are so lame!
  22. Yeah Martha is generally considered the weakest 'new' companion and Rose easily the best. Loved her. The season 2 finale was a tearjerker. Tennant and Rose were something quite special However the one redeeming quality of Season 3 is Blink. Some peoples favorite episode ever. Enjoy Everyone has their favorite Doctor and for me it's David Tennant, I think he's sensational, the 50th anniversary is incredible. Before you watch the 50th anniversary make sure you check this thread/Youtube to find out what happens to the 8th Doctor, it's not in an episode, but an online prequel.
  23. LOL oh god!! That was such a great build up to that Boss! The secret pirates ship was brilliant to explore, a fantastic 'dungeon' and then the ship starts to sink and you think some great Kraken like beast is attacking the ship, it's tentacles bursting through as you flee, threatening to tear the ship apart and leave you sunk... You burst out onto the deck sword in hand, ready to confront this monstrous beast... only to be confronted by Reggae Reggae Squid
  24. Honestly this is my second favorite Zelda game only behind Ocarina of Time That game will probably always remained unchallenged because it was my first Zelda game... so for Skyward Sword to even get within a hookshots range of it's crown should tell you how much I thoroughly enjoyed it. Tbh, the controls I could take or leave, I'd probably have been just as happy playing this with a traditional control scheme. And partly for this reason the game is not without fault. I have to say that even right up until the end I was never 100% comfortable with the motion controls. At no point did they ever become completely natural to me, always a slight distraction for me. However, in terms of the overall experience I got from this game... that really didn't matter! Not since Ocarina of Time had a Zelda game captivated me as much as this one did. Link and Zelda have more personality than ever before, relationships feel heartfelt. Skyloft had an air of magic about it. For me, the game had the best art style and visuals on the Wii console; everything is just so colourful and vibrant. Less emphasis on temples (which by this stage in the series had begun to get predictable) and instead a more integrated and connected overworld that felt more like a continuous journey. It was a shakeup the series needed for me. The story I thought was told so fantastically through such beautiful cutscenes, and with humor, it was almost like watching an animated movie at times. I loved the Dragons, the giant sky whale Levias, the story of the origin and creation of the Master Sword, the journey back and forth through time and Hyrules history with the gates and time stones. The moment it all comes together for our hero... And whilst it's true the music as a whole isn't perhaps as memorable as other Zelda's, for me the game delivered one of the greatest pieces in Zelda history... I loved this game. 95/100 Disney-like Magic
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