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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Just for old times sake... I wasn't really a fan of the setting in Super Mario Sunshine, but it's better than this at least. Seeing Mario running around an even more suburbia type of environment gives me a bit of a Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 vibe :p
  2. Tomb Raider Definitive Edition £34.98 @Zavvi http://www.zavvi.com/offers/mega-monday.list
  3. I agree with those not really excited for this. Looks quite bland and boring to me, but maybe some review videos will change that. I'm far more excited for the likes of Thief and to play Tomb Raider.
  4. Surprised they didn't sign her for more tbh. Really they should have locked her in for multiple sequels like Marvel often do with their 6 film contracts. Now they're going to have to renegotiate with her after just one solo film, and hope that it works out!
  5. I read the book instead in anticipation for Last Light because I heard the story of 2033 was meant to be great and it is.
  6. Awesome! I've been wanting to try Metro for ages, and haven't played Bioshock either!
  7. Let alone the look of the console... I still find it scary that we (anyone) could have told Nintendo that Wii U was a terrible name that lacked clarity, and yet they couldn't see it. Makes you wonder what on earth goes on inside the company.
  8. Pre-Alpha Gameplay
  9. Great mod! Kakariko Village, Death Mountain the Fire Temple, Goron's, the Bosses, the Music... It gets better as the video goes on.
  10. Yeah good luck with that... Given the rate they're releasing them on the Wii U VC, the world would have probably moved on to Heads Up Displays as phones or something by the time Nintendo get them out :p
  11. That's one crappy pre-order bonus.
  12. Yeah it'd be best to play it on a nice tv really.
  13. True, but Bale and Adams relationship was the heart of the story really. I thought Bale's transformation for the character was impressive too.
  14. He was great too of course, I just thought the other 3 were exceptionally good.
  15. Went to see American Hustle last night. Was Brilliant! It was SO well acted, especially Christian Bale, Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Adams! but everyone was great. Christian Bale is amazing at transforming himself for roles. Cool soundtrack too.
  16. David Tennant's regeneration took so long because of the nature of his death, he was slowly killed by radiation poisoning or something right, getting weaker and weaker, given him the time to go and say goodbye to everyone. "... I don't want to go." Nope, you won't see any of those companions or their families crop up during Matt Smiths time. You will see a certain character reappear however.
  17. Oh maybe somewhat less exciting then :p Did anyone actually play Moon?
  18. ah ok not the same game then. Oh well that's quite exciting, a new FPS reveal.
  19. Is that the shooter there was an engine trailer released of a couple of months ago?
  20. Right I need to trade in my Wii on Amazon soon, hope this price stays for a while, but if not I guess it won't be long until it's back again.
  21. 1. Little Big Planet :/
  22. This is so tedious and tiring. No, this... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1653139&postcount=135 is an example of where a quote or something would be nice as the opinion is instead being stated as fact and people are being told what to do.
  23. Save it for when you can fully enjoy it. It's amazing.
  24. Even if Nintendo say they are not going to do something, it is far more fun to discuss and speculate regardless, than just have to stop the conversation there and then and sit in silence.
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