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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I think @ReZourceman will like this choice of topic!
  2. Think I've only seen him in Mission Impossible 3.
  3. A SMASH cartoon would be awesome yep! Didn't Nintendo say they were going to do some animated films years ago now, a Starfox and a Kirby one or something maybe?... perhaps it was just the Kirby animated series. There's potential for some more Nintendo movies outside of Pokemon.
  4. Tbh it's too early for this thread, most things are going to derail it :p
  5. They called the console Wii U...
  6. Damn that's a sexy setup lostmario!
  7. Sorry @Fused King I haven't played this one so couldn't comment. I think a SNES RPG is gonna have a smaller audience on here.
  8. Come on @dazzybee that's like saying you can't form opinions on what looks like a bad game to you. Like saying you can't say some wannabe Mario platformer is worse than Galaxy because you haven't played it. I haven't played Sonic Lost Worlds and wouldn't buy it for the same reason, because I don't think it looks very good. Where as I bought Colours because it did look good and therefore I consider it to be a better Sonic game.
  9. LOVE the Winter Olympics!! Can't wait Lets see what Russia makes of this...
  10. Metroid Prime Trilogy, F-Zero GX and Waverace Blue Storm would all be very welcome games for the console.
  11. hmm, I just don't like the mix and the 3D elements, and that bit in the intro where it shows all the other characters in the show, they're just not a style of illustration I like. If anything I think this series looks generic too. The previous series style followed a trend looking like that, and I think this has done the same, where cartoons seem to go for a very cheap looking style of 3D animation. Cool yes, but not douchebags. I hope they're very likeable.
  12. I was quite shocked when I googled them today to find out the actors are the same age! As the IGN team speculate, if WB sat down and said 'ok... what would the Lex Luther of today be'... they are likely right he would be a Mark Zuckerberg type. And well, they went and got him really!
  13. LEGO Nintendo. And LEGO sets to go with the game.
  14. No because this isn't the 80's cartoon either and looks great...
  15. Oh man, the new art style is horrible!
  16. What is it about it? I can't see Bay drawing any influences from it though, he pretty much did his own thing with Transformers. Don't ruin Raph! I can see him being some Vin Diesel type, like a muscle guy who does up cars. haha, I thought hat too!
  17. I don't like what they seems to have done to Raphael. He's my favorite Turtle and they seem to have made him into some beefcake, and with the bandana, I can tell he might be the meat head type character. I really hope not. The other three look good however. Don's metal bo... fair enough. Is that a metal baseball bat on his back??...
  18. Speaking of Pachter's thoughts on Nintendo: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/icm0x2/pach-attack--what-is-nintendo-going-to-do-
  19. I'm just waiting to be able to play Gamecube games on my 3DS.
  20. Really?... I had the PS3 version and the loading screens went on for ages most times.
  21. What the hell even was this?... I couldn't wait for it to be over.
  22. I absolutely hated the presentation of that game though, the menu's, the horrible din that was the loading screen music, the clunky awkwardness of the level select area controls, and the long loading times themselves. Ruined the experience for me. They really all need sorting out! At least this generation of consoles should eliminate that.
  23. I dunno, Sonic games can be so hit and miss... I'd take a years exclusivity of Resi4 and Viewtiful Joe, over an exclusive Sonic.
  24. I wish! :p that led to some amazing games! exclusive/timed/or not.
  25. Great minds! It totally needs an HD remake! There are no games like that anymore... well, nor had there every been really, but we need more fun like that. Speaking of DS demo's, the Wario Ware Touched demo was brilliant! Not sure I had the Metroid Hunters one, but I feel like I should have. Ouch!!... So you literally had a 'Game of the Year' What game did you choose each year?
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