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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Everyone says the game only gets better after those early worlds anyway, so probably would be a worthy purchase for you.
  2. Actually the white Wii U is cheaper ;p [/chortlechortle]
  3. Happy Birthday Rez!!
  4. Ok so here's hoping Nintendo announce a Direct sometime today! We desperately need some news/good things to talk about... well, even just things to talk about!!
  5. Chill man! lets just wait until we see what they're working on.
  6. Are you sure you looked at the opening post?
  7. I'm pretty sure the game will be challenging and these option only make it harder. If you play their previous game Deus Ex Human Revolution, I think that game gives a good idea of how all this will work. Especially with regards to turning off hints and object highlights etc... That game was challenging, and then made easier or harder still depending on how you play they game (stealth or attack) and all the additional options in this exist to make such play styles even more adjustable still.
  8. Just started Shadow of the Colossus HD on the PS3. First time playing the game. I've had to swap the control scheme round a bit, the controls seem quite clunky like the horse riding and the jumping mechanic doesn't seem to be all that great atm, but hopefully I'll get used to everything. I've saved and left it for now having just defeated the first colossus. Took me longer than it should have as I thought I had to jump off and climb up the arm once it had fallen over and I just couldn't get anywhere from there. Then I realised you were supposed to go straight on and climb from there :p You can only save after each colossus can you?
  9. Such a charming little puzzle game. The narration and the way it characterises all the different personalities in the game is fantastic. Humour that'll keep you smiling throughout and puzzles that are of the perfect difficulty to ensure you never get frustrated and instead progress at a steady rate through the games 3-4 hour length. Loved it. And I'll go through it again sometime to find the collectibles scattered throughout the worlds and grab the remaining trophies Oh and the soundtrack is cool too!
  10. There are three dimension to switch between each with their own properties in the level they're previewing; terra, firma and aqua. In the second video the developers say they want to do a lot more dimensions for other levels in the game such as a jelly or ice dimension. It's quite a unique approach to puzzle solving and traversing the world.
  11. Come on, no one likes the look of this? I it the completely throwaway name? :p Looks like a great old-school style adventure/platformer to me inspired by the N64/Gamecube greats! I had a look at their youtube and the developers also have this cool looking puzzle game concept... I'd love Nintendo to strike a deal with these guys.
  12. The Indie scene is the most exciting aspect of the industry atm.
  13. These videos explains what the game is and how the Multiplayer plays
  14. It actually looks pretty well done... but utterly shameless :p
  15. Yeah that's what I meant by them being the next High Voltage Software. They seem to be approaching the Wii U with the same attitude HVS took with The Conduit and all their tech demo's, showcases and promises for exclusive Wii games. Ultimately they couldn't deliver. But on the other side it's great to see passion for the Wii U and I'll look forward to seeing what they're working on.
  16. AE sound like the next High Voltage Software.
  17. I think it just means they're focusing on the consoles that will get the best returns for them and offer the best experiences for the players (be it next gen capabilities that improve the experience, online userbase, DLC possibilities etc...) first.
  18. I love the air steward like forward hand gesture :p
  19. The subtle humour, characterisation and interaction between the personalities is just brilliant! Today Chris wasn't sure if it was appropriate to call Laura his girlfriend and Thomas picked up on James' nervous laugh :p Yep I got Brothers in the PSN Christmas or 12 Days of Christmas sale. Make it your next game it's about 3-4 hours long and a fantastic experience!
  20. Played through Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons for a second time in order to get the remaining Trophies (no Platinum unfortunately), it's a beautiful game in so many ways! And it was great discovering a few more things about the game whilst 100%'ing it. I'm now playing Thomas Was Alone. When I started it the other day, for the first 5 minutes or so I wasn't really sure about it, but as the narration grows as you progress through the levels the game just gets better and better!! It wasn't long before I was absolutely loving it! Went back on it for a while today and met James and Sarah. Fantastic!!
  21. Just saw this game thanks to @Lens of Truths list of potential Indie games coming to the Wii U in the e-shop thread. Looks fantastic I think! The dimension jumping concept looks to be a lot of fun, and cleverly implemented to solve puzzles and traverse the environment. The developer also explains you need to collect crystals to perform dimension jumps, unlike in the demo footage where they've got that turned off, so on the main game you'll have to think things through and not be able to just spam it. Playing as Spike FTW! They're looking to bring it to consoles via digital download and for a developer to help them fund the rest of the project, and depending on who it may be exclusive to a console for a period of time. But Nintendo should step in and grab this as a potential new franchise! It has a really charming Banjo-Kazooie feel to it IMO with the world design and the two playable characters, one of which resides in your backpack Maybe even buy then as a new studio and nurture them, as they seem extremely talented.
  22. Always great posts. Where were these ones taken dan'?
  23. Your font colour suggests otherwise? :p
  24. It's SUCH a shame they don't make racers like that any more There's next to no... pick a car, pick a track, style racers. Everything nowadays has an open hub world where races just play out on the streets you drive around on anyway, or where in the past a take down ace was a novelty that added variety, now it's the foundation for an entire game. Hopefully The 90's arcade racer may go someway to filling that gap, except the tracks will obviously be 'arcadey' :p
  25. Buzzkill :p *no condoms required now*
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