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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. I completely agree! But I think they'll have a surprise for us in a Nintendo Direct soon, or come E3
  2. I remember us talking at autosports about what else you could have spent that money on :p
  3. @drahkon It's a special little game! let me know what you think Also when you get the chance to just sit down on a bench and take in the landscape! beautiful.
  4. The opening gameplay
  5. The games drought has happened again [so soon since launch].
  6. Geoff quite often tries to put such questions to Reggie, that fans are expecting more from Nintendo and their games, but he's the master of spin and changing the subject... *slaps hands* It's ALL ABOUT THE GAMES... (what games would those be Reggie?)
  7. Yeah tbh whilst I might use it for some Yoga or something, the mini-games and the island based sports activities were the best part. Some fun multiplayer games can be had with Wii Fit.
  8. Thought this was a enjoyable roundup of the Nintendo Direct from IGN
  9. That's my least favorite Zelda so no :p but I don't want MM remake either. But I know what we mean for me F-Zero GX HD or something could have done it. Actually if they'd cleared up the Watch Dogs delay and shown off some of that, it could have made a difference, as it could be a game to fill the DKCTF to MK8 gap.
  10. It depends how you view 2013 too and what you're after... New Super Luigi U - felt just like more 2D Mario after NSMB2 and NSMBU Pikmin 3 Super Mario 3D World Wii Fit U - Very few bought it and just continue to use Wii Fit Game & Wario - Was pants and no one bought it Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD - Possibly just stuck with the original Wii Party U - Very few bought it Although I'd probably buy Wii Party U and maybe Wii Fit.
  11. Just watching an IGN review of the Nintendo Direct and they said it is a 2014 game, but things change, ask Pikmin.
  12. haha finally a month off from all these games! :p If true, Brothers I already have (and so should you all!) an I'm probably still gonna get Tomb Raider for the PS4
  13. That's true, I'd forgotten about those already :p Btw, if emulations are so difficult, how did Nintendo turn round those GBA games for the 3DS Ambassador Programme so quick?
  14. Strangely no explanation last night as to the lack of updates lately! I think we were all expecting something to boost the VC!
  15. Come on though... it's Steel Diver.
  16. haha, no that's fine I just never know how the studio's thing works!... Prime 3 was 2007, then there's Excitetruck, Excitebots, Another Code R, PunchOut, Endless Ocean 1 & 2 etc... I don't know what counts and what doesn't :p
  17. Can you have X (Nintendo/Monolith) and not Metroid Prime 1/2/3 (Nintendo/Retro) for example?
  18. I didn't play it no. RPG's really aren't my thing, but each time a big one comes along I will give it a look, I'm not completely against them. Xenoblade looks amazing visually and this looks great too (although I wouldn't mind it being a bit more vibrant), but I think most likely I'd get bored with the combat, and possibly the length of the game too. Although at least the fighting is in real time and not turn based which is a plus! I'll definitely keep an eye on this, but yeah, not feeling it right now.
  19. It's true. I mean I've been with Nintendo for the Gameboy, N64, Gameboy Colour, Gamecube, GBA, DS, Wii, 3DS... but they're loosing me. They just seem so out of touch with how the industry works nowadays. They really need to find their audience, if it's not us anymore with all our nostalgic cravings for the franchises we grew up with then fine, but right now they're targeting/appealing to next to no one and it's sad to see.
  20. Don't want to be negative, but I found that gameplay SO boring! (also why does the giant ape just sit there, oblivious?) At least when I get a Wii U (possibly for Mario Kart) I'll be able to work my way back through the games, because X and Bayonetta probably aren't for me.
  21. Anti gravity in that section is completely unnecessary btw! :p oooh... unless that section of the track gradually rises to being completely vertical by Lap 3? (oh no maybe not it's on some big hydraulic thing. boo.)
  22. Watching it last night, for a split second when Mario holds that shell up to his face, I thought it was Shy Guy! :p
  23. Advance Wars/Battalion Wars... I dunno, I just think like their Excitebike series was reimagined as Excitetruck for the Wii, I kind of think Steel Diver is Nintendo's 'Wars' game for this generation. Basically no Advance/Battalion for a long time.
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