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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. First Raphael and now Knuckles... stop turning my favorite red characters into beefcakes.
  2. Isn't that game an absolute joke of an update given that Nintendo just released Dr. Luigi!
  3. More people need to play/experience this game!! Journey meets Lord of the Rings meets Uncharted... And it's utterly beautiful in it's world design. Just sitting on a bench and taking in the view is joyful. I really enjoyed all the little 'hidden' trophies/achievements tucked away throughout too Just had a look at the trophy list and there's a few left to get, so looking forward to giving it a second play through sometime soon.
  4. Tbh unless this Nintendo Direct features DCK:TF, and updates on the performances of New Super Mario Bros 2 and Animal Crossing, I'm kicking off.
  5. Surely there's a strong possibility of her being Wasp??... how have IGN not mentioned that? She'd be a brilliant choice and addition to the roster of women already in this series!
  6. Sorry to quote all these pics again but... ... my smile just got bigger and bigger as I scrolled through this list *will he remember and include *insert game*... theeeere it is!!*
  7. As in if you get killed you lose your entire game or? :p It's coming out of PS3 too, but yeah, ideally I'd like to get a PS4 and play it on there too. May have to wait until later in the year to play it though
  8. I just had a quick look at a guide, I know ones that I missed... More than I thought! @1:32 - and it's because of it being my first playthrough so I wouldn't have necessarily chosen that augment, and also because I was doing a stealth run. @6:30 - again because I was doing a stealth run at the time and didn't go that way... didn't even know you could go that way as I normally crawl past those first two guards underneath the walkway and exit out through the garage door. I think I explored all the building later on in the game once it's deserted, so I may have actually picked it up here, but more likely the book is probably gone by that point. @1:30 - I had no idea the access card you pick up just lets you walk into the main lab and not alert guards or camera's everywhere! I thought they just weren't alerted in certain areas because you keep your gun holstered. I'd stealthed around that large lab a bit before, but was always wary of being seen, so think I missed this one too. I've played the PS3 original version and the PS3 Directors cut version. I originally downloaded the standard version for £4 or something in a PSN sale, and enjoyed it SO much I bought the Directors Cut version (which was out by the time I got round to playing it) straight away for £7.99 from GameStop. It's definitely worth it for the DLC mission, that section of the game is fantastic and fills in so much more of the story that you're kind of left wondering about otherwise. Some of the end parts of the game seem to come out of no where without it. Nicely done!! It seems it's dependent upon how you play the game. If you do a stealth run and don't want to be detected, you definitely miss one, and chances are you'll miss a couple more. Dammit :p This has to be one of the best games at rewarding you for multiple playthroughs! I'm somewhat addicted to it. I keep thinking about starting another game, but then thinking actually I would quite like to give this another run!
  9. Although what I love about how they're approaching this game is the vast number of options they're giving the player. You can literally turn off every single assist option, such as hints, object highlights, checkpoints, focus vision etc... think you can turn off the HUD too. All games should give you this freedom of choice
  10. Yep the latest episode was great! For me the last few have been fantastic, a marked improvement upon the shows return. Gonna be a long wait until the next one!
  11. Mario Tennis 64 is loved for it's controls and depth isn't it? (probably Golf too but I didn't play it)... but then subsequently the sports titles became more gimmicky. Mii Golf and some of the other sports have great controls, they just need padding out into full games.
  12. Urgh, what is that gameplay? 'cheat' tactics like that suck! Does look incredible. Barely needs a remake at all! What a game!
  13. No you're right, but the vast majority of people over 12 looking for serious sports games that won't consider Mario will own a PlayStation/Xbox. I guess I just wish Nintendo would give us some of their damn franchises! :p
  14. To me that's a bit depressing, that we have to just settle for FAST. FAST isnt F-Zero, let's not kid ourselves, but to Nintendo it's probably enough.
  15. I don't really feel like Nintendo are missing out not having EA Sports on board [not that I play them], they haven't done a great job with their sports games lately have they? If Nintendo got it's act together they could have a great sports division themselves... WaveRace 1080 PunchOut Excitebike Mario Golf Mario Tennis Mario Strikers They just need to start giving these franchises out to other developers if they insist on not utilising them themselves. --- Also, does anyone think there's a real gap in the market for F-Zero at the moment? It's really frustrating me. I imagine F-Zero is a franchise that PlayStation owners would always quite admire? despite having their own futuritic racer in WipeOut. I's always a gorgeous looking game with great music and tracks. But especially now that the WipeOut series is out of action at the moment, it might even tempt some PS owners to pick up a Nintendo console to get that fix. Not only that, but there are such a vast array of realistic racers around at the moment and it would offer a nice variation that isn't a kart racer.
  16. Depending on when Smash does hit, July/August could be perfect.
  17. Maybe it could be episode 2 of this series: Starting with @ReZourceman bringing the TV over to the bathroom door.
  18. I would have thought that was the PS4 version in that trailer personally? I know it doesn't look OMG DAT NEXT GEN... but it's a game that's straddling generations, and there are some really nice touches to the footage. If it's current gen it's extremely impressive.
  19. Instagram pic is in the link.
  20. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiinally watched Transformers: Dark of the Moon last night. Was largely rubbish.
  21. What has Postman Pat become
  22. HYPE!! looks amazing.
  23. Does it seem familiar because it's essentially exactly the same as The Riddler in Batman Forever?
  24. Nintendo need to be the ones to contact LEGO about this though. Mushroom Kingdom sets Hyrule Kingdom sets Starfox Great Fox, Arwing squadron and Andross sets. Donkey Kong treehouse and K Rool pirate ship set etc...
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