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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Phew! Just completed the playthrough and successfully picked up the Pacifist and Foxiest of the Hounds trophies. I'm looking forward to never having to worry about either of those again now and just just play any way I like other than the DLC section which is gonna be tough. A bit frustrated I didn't get the Scholar Award for reading all 29 e-books during the playthrough as I honestly don't know where the others could be? Gonna be a tough one that one!
  2. If you're going to insult someone you could at least get your costings right.
  3. Obviously I know his name and his much loved association with the DKC series, but I apologise for not knowing much else of his work... thus I just googled him... He's responsible for the Diddy Kong Racing (and Battletoads) soundtrack!!!!! GOD!!
  4. Yep today was my first time seeing that video too! Sadface.
  5. If you build it, they will come!...
  6. Caught up on this years Episodes 11 and 12 the last two nights. Probably the best two episodes in the series! both shocking (that Coulson scene!) and eventful (woah Skye stuff!), really enjoyed them both!
  7. I was talking about both points. The demand is there for the VC now. From my perspective at least the longer this wait for everything from Nintendo goes on the less inclined I am to stick by them. Like I said I'm starting to feel I might aswell just start buying the games I want off ebay, than wait 2-3 years for it to potentially happen. The next console always seems to be their answer for everything. We'll see.
  8. Although Young Link wasn't in Brawl was he? so I think he's already been replaced by Toon Link.
  9. That's what I said before on here, but others said no one would except Nintendo games that were anything less than perfection and they'd rather it didn't happen than have to play a game anything less than perfect! FFS at this point I'd rather play N64 games through some crappy internet emulator than play no N64 games whatsoever. People are being far too picky!
  10. No you did, I was replying to you.
  11. Which is what I said. Do it and catch up, but don't expect it to be something that drives sales by that point.
  12. Once again it just seems to be a concept coming a whole generation behind. It's good to offer parity and catch up of course, but by the time they do it won't be a USP (well... ok it will be in terms of Nintendo only games, but not in terms of backwards compatibility).
  13. How is that ever going to happen from Nintendo? :p You can't even get Mario 64 on the virtual console, and have to re-purchase each game across separate systems. Wishful thinking though
  14. It's weird that cape looks to be made up of parts, as opposed to being a sheet. "I'm gonna transform myself a cape"... said no Transformer ever.
  15. I hate the fact that I'm actually at the point where I'm considering buying my own 'virtual console' of N64 and Gamecube game off of ebay (made worse by the fact I don't buy second hand games), instead of being able to simply download them from Nintendo. Stupid bastards.
  16. I've moved these recent posts to the Investors Meeting thread: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54155 I don't know why the Q&A was posted in here anyway when it has it's own thread?
  17. Nintendo don't own Lego City surely? they simply helped that game get made. Warner Brothers could get a Lego City sequel made for multiplatforms any time, no? Hyrule Warriors is just a spin-off Zelda game (and not exciting either IMO as it looks to be being made pretty poorly). I think when people talk about New Nintendo IP, a lot are talking about games from First Party Nintendo studios, not studios Nintendo has thrown money at. People want to know what the next big Nintendo games/characters are going to be that aren't prefixed by the Wii name. What Nintendo themselves are creating.
  18. Although technically it doesn't because I played it on the PS3 :p What do they use the Gamepad for in the DLC out of interest to make it feel needed?
  19. ^ @Serebii
  20. Yep Mario Kart should just adopt the Smash approach of more weapons, but being able to fully customise multiplayer weapons, it's just stupid not to give the option out of choice alone.
  21. Yep Bowser Jnr (wearing somewhat of a bib) thinking Peach was his 'Mumma' and then interrupting Bowser in his bath are definitely 3D Mario low points IMO :p Oh and Bowsers awkward Father Son chat where he has to explain to 'Junior' that Peach isn't his Mum, which he knew anyway. lol, oh dear. That's ma Boy!
  22. That was probably the best trailer so far, but I've lost some interest in the film. I'll probably go see it, but right now I'm also thinking it's one I could wait and watch later.
  23. Gonna have to give this trailer a miss I think for spoilers. Only 8 weeks away now!
  24. Who's the parachuting green dude with a cape? Is Grimlock all robot or some kind of animal hybrid in this? I think they seriously should have taken this film off of earth and into Space to shake it up/start a second series of films. Looks like it's run out of ideas, but we'll see. An atronaut/space programme that end ups at Cybertron or something like I think we've talked about on here before would have been far more interesting and they could have done all number of things with it in terms of setting, atmosphere, architecture etc...
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