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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I've been playing 2033 redux all day and I'm really enjoying the setting, backstory and survival horror elements. Great game.
  2. I'd switch it up, mainly because you'll miss out on all of the wonderful dialogue and interplay between each character if you don't. Enjoy the game. It's perfect and is really one of the last truly great games that kept me hooked on a Nintendo console.
  3. I'm flattered that you care so much and spent your Saturday afternoon watching our team. Your dedication to comment on every United fixture is wonderful. Keep up the avid support.
  4. Have I missed something here? We won our game comfortably yesterday and dominated it. We just need to score more goals.
  5. Guy sounds like a twat. I think you'll be fine. Better to find out early on than to invest moar time and for his twattishness to surface.
  6. I can clearly see the differences between the two thanks to that gif. Dat exposure/lighting. The blue didn't really ever look white though, at least not to me. It was very, very light blue.
  7. I'm secretly pumped for this. Definitely in the mood for a new Mortal Kombat! Last one I played was...Deadly Alliance on the GameCube which was hnnnnnnnnnnggggg.
  8. Tbh, none of the strikers have been that good. Out of the bunch, Rooney is the better one. RvP hasn't been great and Falcao has been really poor. RvP will go through patches of good form but we're still waiting for Falcao. I'd rather see Wilson start or at least given a run-out. That's the whole reason why we gave players like Mcnair a chance anyway. If the senior players aren't doing it, look to the youth. Januzaj was miles better than Di Maria today.
  9. Line up for the next few months is insane, basically. I can see myself buying all of those games you just listed or playing them all at some point. It's actually a nice position to be in when you've got choice. I noticed that there was a Dead or Alive game on the PS4 and that this one had a free-to-play option. I've never played a DoA game before and tried this yesterday. It's...pretty shit! Woodnotrecommend/10
  10. Januzaj was the man of the match for me. We suddenly had pace and somebody willing to run at people and take shots. Young did well in the first half but Di Maria...fuck me, he's testing our patience. We were never in danger of losing the game but we need to start actually taking more shots and working the opposition keeper a bit more. That's how we inevitably scored the second. Blind and Herrera should start every game. Falcao didn't really do an awful lot and should have scored at least two before he was subbed. I'd be tempted to just go with Rooney up top and play Mata behind him. Alternatively, we could do with a really pacey striker or somebody with good movement. The movement from the forwards this season has been poor and this is partly why we don't score enough. Falcao's movement today was awful and the moment before the penalty was pretty much all he's done well in his last few games.
  11. There are two moments in this game that I feel ruin it and they are both boss fights. I'm usually not one for boss fights and find them very out of place and they are pretty shit here in Second Son. Haven't enjoyed them at all and they don't really work with the rest of the game. The rest of game is brilliant. Ditch the boss fights and we're good. Shadow of Mordor was perfect. It just didn't bother including them! Haha.
  12. I'd recommend The Wonderful 101 as the game to play, @MadDog.
  13. This is going to be fantastic, isn't it?
  14. I've got the game and can confirm that it is indeed colourful and gorgeous. (looks ace on my telly) Seems to be a bit under-rated actually, Ine spent a LOT of time on it. So, you're saying that Nintendo shouldn't make these action shooters or "grey" shooters (you're wrong, but enough about that). Why not exactly? They're selling the console in the west, they're pretty much supporting their own machine single-handedly, so why not make games which will appeal to that audience? If they don't provide these games, then how are WiiU owners going to get their hands on these types of games without going elsewhere? By not providing them, they're in a sense driving a big portion of their fan base away. I'd completely agree with this. Sterile is a very good word to describe it.
  15. Brb, rowing the boat 150m and waiting for the current to carry me the rest of the way. I've always rowed to my target and then stopped once I reached that number. If my number is 200m, I row to that and stop. If I were having a race with somebody and he stopped at 170m to glide the rest, I'd be pissed.
  16. I heard DriveClub being slated and I just had to come back in here and post. The game is fucking WONDERFUL. In all honesty, it wasn't THAT bad at launch even. The singleplayer was very, very good and the game worked fine. The only issues were trying to get online with the game. They have patched it repeatedly and the DLC (free AND paid) have both been absolutely outstanding. The dynamic weather being added has taken the game in a completely different direction. It's beautiful and it is without a doubt the most stunning and visually pleasant game on the PS4 that I've played. On another level to everything I've seen on the WiiU. There's been a photo mode added which is fantastic. Free cars, free tracks, the online works absolutely fine now, the challenge modes are perfect...I've had online races with Cookyman on here and we had a race in a track that started off in the daytime and dry. It cycled through to wet, then stormy, then back to dry and eventually to night, all the while we were communicating via party chat. No lag whatsoever, no disconnections. It was perfect. It's an outstanding racer. Whoever said inFAMOUS was drab or colourless needs their head testing. The game is beautiful and makes great use of colour. I should know, I played it last night. We also need to remember that colour needs to match the setting and tone of the game. You wouldn't want Shadow of Mordor to feature violent purples and oranges, would you? It wouldn't fit. Alien had tons of white, tons of grey, tons of black and it looked absolutely fantastic, whilst fitting in with the tone of the game.
  17. What's the deal with you and exclusives? GTAV, The Last of US and Tomb Raider are absolutely stunning games. I'm utterly grateful that I've had the chance to play them. Why didn't GTAV and Tomb Raider appear on the WiiU, even the old last gen versions, hmm? I'd also greatly disagree with the whole better AAAs argument. We're going to have vastly different interpretations over what triple A actually means, since you have discredited certain genres in the past (FPS). I'm looking at what we've got for the WiiU in our place and I'm comparing it with what I've amassed on the PS4 and I'd argue that the latter has served me better.
  18. Yes and the brand isn't built out of thin air. The brand is associated with a lot of things, including the games linked with it. Everybody knows that a Playstation machine will contain games such as FIFA, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, etc. A lot of PS4 owners will buy the machine because they know that certain games will appear in the future, just like Nintendo fans buy Nintendo machines for Zelda and Mario. If the brand wasn't worth buying into, then the brand would die. It can take years to build it up but it can be easily destroyed. There is something pathetic about this comment, but it's definitely not the PS4's library.
  19. Ine has the 3DS game and we bought the WiiU one not too long ago. We've hardly touched either. In fact, she's played a few hours of both and I haven't played either. I can't gather the energy or enthusiasm to play them.
  20. Episodes 2 and 3 were absolute god-tier episodes.
  21. Fuaaark, that first clip looks unreal. Are the graphics as good as they're being touted? How are you finding the game structure, cut scenes and length, @bryanee? Every time I'm on the PS4, you seem to be on this game.
  22. Season One completed. Somebody hold me, brah. Just...so unbelievably good. Excited to start Season Two and I hear that Season Three is in the works. Moaaaaar.
  23. Another game finished: The Walking Dead Season One. Oh my god. I reaaaaally enjoyed this and the writing is on par with the television series, characters are well developed and it features so many gut wrenching moments that leave a lasting impression. Can't wait to play Season Two and am 3/5s through the 400 Days extra content. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed
  24. OK brah. I'm online now if you want to get it done earlier or I'll be there at 7. Good games, @Sexual Chocolate. I enjoyed that. 2 - 1 to Sexual. The friendly game afterwards was a good laugh. I had three players sent off, two of them giving away penalties.
  25. We'll play eet tonight then. What time is decent for you? I'm popping out for a bit but should be home from 6 onwards. After that, I'm home all evening.
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