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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Watch a trailer for Elysium.
  2. I'm loving this buttttt I uttered an uncountable number of swear words last night when doing the He Who Dwells boss fight.
  3. I'm so confused by all of this. I saw that he was attached to this project some weeks ago, but that it wouldn't come into fruition. I thought it was a shame as the details and artwork all looked lovely and the series needs a boost. Woke up this morning and saw this news on a Belgian news site that he was attached to it, again. I thought they were being slow as fuck and were reporting the information from weeks back. Apparently not! So...it's happening? Not going to lie, I had to get Ine to hold me this morning as I was shivering with excitement, fear, nervousness, moar excitement and a lack of caffeine to take it all in. District 9 was fucking awesome and it was a very interesting take on the whole Aliens-coming-to-Earth storyline. I can see this working. It actually makes sense. Whut? Still can't believe it. I've checked about a million different websites trying to find out if this whole thing is a hoax or legit.
  4. The general feeling is that the game is too short and lacks any draw to come back to it later. It stills seems like a good game with that in mind. I'll do what I initially planned to do and will hold off until it's cheaper. Would people have been happier if they added in tons of filler to get it to 20 hours when the game didn't really need it? It's story driven and seemingly linear and there definitely is a place for these types of games. They perhaps should have priced it lower right from the off and that would have added as some sort of incentive for those on the fence who did want to buy it but wouldn't pay full whack for it. I'd fall into that category. I have to say that the music is lovely, mind. I had the soundtrack on spotify all day yesterday and love it. The visuals are first class. I like what I've seen of it. As soon as the price comes down, I'm on it. £25 is my magic number.
  5. It is very stupid and there isn't really any need for it. Should be a Saturday or Sunday kick-off. I remember a while back that there was all of this talk about making the League Cup more exciting and on par with the FA Cup. The gap between the FA Cup and League Cup is much smaller now only because the importance has been diminished, even if that is slightly. (Our initial game against Cambridge was 7:55pm on a Friday - couldn't even pick a worse time, tbh)
  6. Maybe Woolly World isn't quite so...woolly after all. Maybe Yoshi has finally turned into the T-Rex we all thought he would do. Eliminate enemies by ripping out their throats with your bare teeth. Swallow enemies whole before shitting them out as mini-Yoshi-spawn. ...attempt the front crawl and drown because of the stupidly small arms. My only hope is that the rating goes up even further. What comes after G? R?
  7. I actually preferred the gameplay here to Arkham City. Granted, I'm sure if I go back to Arkham City knowing what I know of the combat system now, I'd probably favour that more. I remember starting off Shadow of Mordor and feeling like an absolute sissy. I couldn't do anything. But, you'll get awesome power-ups and it really becomes fun later on.
  8. Seems perfectly fair, reasonable and it makes sense. I'd buy a ton of SNES and N64 games for those prices. I don't check the eShop any more, but are there even Gamecube games on there? If so, which ones are there?
  9. It's quite short. You should be able to complete it in either one long play session or two or three shorter ones. Very sweet though and I didn't actually have that many problems with the length of it. The music is the highlight for me...think I might listen to it on Spotify later. inFAMOUS is very awesome. I'm really enjoying it.
  10. New track is nice. Think I prefer the variant of it/reverse. Seems to work better for me. Looks great when it's raining and stormy. I also realise that 90% of the time I'm playing this, it's just to stare at how pretty it is.
  11. Hnnnnnnnnnng. I saw the update get added to my downloads and immediately got excited. New tracks? Cars? What could it be? The post-launch support for this has been brilliant, imo. Every addition or tweak they have made has improved the experience and the game is one of my favourite racers in recent years.
  12. I imagined you typed that post whilst wearing a suit, sat in an office whilst a naked canvas painting of yourself in the Creation of Adam pose sits on show proudly above the fireplace. Wait, whut? Anyway, yes, no thanks at both of these prices. (digital price and rip-off box price)
  13. What a load of shitfuck! I've been ill since Friday night and spent almost all of Saturday in bed, which is unusual for me. Yesterday was a bit better, but felt dizzy towards the evening and I've felt ok so far this morning. I've lost my appetite but am trying to get it back. Made myself breakfast and destroyed it all with the force of a thousand Nintendo virgins. I thought I'd get some rice cakes, sit on the sofa with a hot water bottle and play some inFAMOUS. So, I do that. Boil the kettle, pour it in and place the bottle on the sofa. Left the room for two minutes and I came back to a fucking ocean of water all over the sofa. Almost burned my hand when I pulled back the blanket. Seriously, wtfff. Why now?! The bottle had ripped itself open like a xenomorph bursted its way from the inside. I had to take everything off. Blanket and duvet cover into the machine, pillows on the washing rack next to the dehumidifier, hairdrying the sofa and floor to get everything dry again and now the heating is on. Just, ahhhhh.
  14. Fucking loooool. I've been following this for ages and have been secretly in the background chuckling at how you guys were going to make this work. "We'll need to buy black ops 2, guyyyys!" "PS4 chat!" "But that takes moar powar, lets use da amiga!" I've been on and off the PS4 all day and have seen Blade, Hero, Lost and I think it's Hero's nephew online all day pretty much since I got up. I checked Blade's party chat and thought, "2 hours, that's good going." I did some showering, cleaned the house, went food shopping and came back. Checked the PS4 again. "Heh, cool. Ine look, they're still going. Up to about...5 and a half hours now." I played Transistor. Finished what was left of it. They're still on. "Shiiit, Ine, they're up to about 9 hours now!" Cooked tea, ate tea, started inFAMOUS Second Son, rang the Mum, washed up, made a hot water bottle as I'm ill. "Fuuuuuck! Ine, they're STILL ON! 14 hours now." And here we go! That's impressive. Edit: 14 hours and 18 minutes. That's some serious stamina.
  15. Oh my. From the comments section: "Doom guy got his hands on a selfie stick, you won’t believe what happens next." Bwahaha.
  16. Anyone else loving all of these photo modes at the moment? I've just started inFAMOUS and see that there's one there. Resogun also has one that recently just got put in there. So that makes: inFAMOUS, Resogun, Drive Club (hnnng), The Last of Us and Shadow of Mordor. Think every game should come with it now. Edit: Also note the positive correlation between photo mode and awesome game.
  17. I've just started it. I think I'm in love with it already.
  18. Transistor finished! Really enjoyed it in the end and have only just finished having multiple orgasms over the music which is just hnnnnnggg. Also, dat ending. Games of 2015 Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed Transistor - Finished I've now started inFAMOUS: Second Son which seems very fun, so far. The opening sequence was well done and it's got me gripped already. :p I'm going to take on Valiant Hearts once Ine has finished it.
  19. @Hero\-of\-Time, The Wonderful @Eenuh has started playing this. I was pretty much bedridden yesterday but I popped into the living room to watch her play for around 20 minutes or so. Looks fantastic! Can't wait to get on that.
  20. This is almost here! Were it not for the dozens of games I already need to get through, I would be on this. Think this could be one I purchase a few months from now. Looks really interesting though.
  21. Sorry for my absence, people. It's been Ine's birthday, busy in work/school and I'm currently sick. Ine's been using the PS4 more often than I have lately! We're onto the final fixtures by the looks of things. Dazzybee v lostmario Sexual Chocolate v Fierce_LiNk Esequiel v Drahkon @Sexual Chocolate @Esequiel (if he still wants it) @drahkon If we're going ahead with Ese forfeiting his games, then the only match not played up til round 10 is Drahkon vs Dazzybee.
  22. Such an excellent game, isn't it? Probably my most anticipated game ever and I bought a PS4 almost entirely for it. Didn't let me down. Exhausted after I finished it! I'm currently playing Transistor. It seems lovely so far, but a big problem I have is that I've started it during a really hectic week or work and I've almost fallen asleep at the controller both times I played it. Tried to do some more yesterday and just couldn't managed to play for more than half an hour. Didn't get home til 9:30 and was dead on my feet.
  23. Welcome back, MoKING. Looks like you had a great time. Dat water.
  24. Fuck YOU, mmkay? The save system is awesoooome. Getting rid of that for checkpoints would be heart-breaking. I fucking loved how even saving the game could be nerve racking. The amount of times I had parsnips coming out of my arse because I was worried something was about to annihilate me nearby was brilliant. Not sure about the co-op idea. Now that sounds like it would be too difficult! That Jurassic Park idea sounds fucking brilliant! Woodbuy/10
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