Well, first of all, i'd like to welcome you all to the Revolution Europe boards. We are being flooded with members, and we haven't been open for a full day yet! Absolutely incredible.
Now, we've all seen it, haven't we? The controller i mean. If you haven't seen it...then where have you been?
So, i was reading about the controller on this very board, and noticed that there are quite a few similarites between Nintendo's consoles and handhelds. A running theme, if you will.
It seems to me that the theme is "feeling". Or better still "touching".
What has made me think this?
First of all, the touchscreen for the DS. When i first read about this, i was a bit iffy. I didn't know what to expect. However, after reading many impressions and hearing a lot about it, it seems the DS is marvelled upon. Which is excellent.
So, after hearing about the touchscreen and dual screens, i thought to myself "hmm, how could the Revolution controller be yet more innovative than the DS?It's not possible."
How wrong i was.
Just reading about it today, it seems that the television has "become" a touchscreen, in a way. We've heard how the controller is like a mouse in real 3d space. This seems to be following on from Nintendo's theme with the DS. Touching is good.
Now, there is also the tilt factor. This, combined with the other features, come with the possibility to add more flare to gaming. We are not being restricted to buttons or sticks, which i was worried about. We are moving above that. The PS3 and Xbox360 may be next generation, but the Revolution has the potential to go beyond that.
So, about the title. Big brother? Well, it seems to me that the Revolution is carrying on from where the DS started. Touching. Interacting. The Revolution is aiming to do better what the DS started. Imo, i actually believe it can do better. I must admit, i am excited. And i hope all of you are, as well.