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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I realise others exist, I'm just (personally) bored of JRPGs that revolve around the same cliched fantasy settings, so it's nice to see something different here.
  2. I’ve never had it from there but who knows
  3. I've bought things from Fangamer before, they ship to the UK ok it's just there's a $18 shipping fee.
  4. Collector's Edition revealed and up for pre-order: https://www.fangamer.com/products/hollow-knight-switch-ps4-pc-collectors-edition-game Aaaand bought.
  5. It's nice to see a JRPG that isn't the usual generic fantasy sword/shield/dragon/anime archetypes. Looks interesting.
  6. You don't need to 100% the game to get the true final boss, there's just a couple of extra things you need to do out in the world to get to that.
  7. Really interesting stuff. The 51:47 percent ratio between docked and undocked is cool to see, a true hybrid.
  8. In that case fair enough on the mobile-only game.
  9. There's like 80 games on that list! What genres of games are you interested in? What about eShop/indies?
  10. I'm no expert on Game Freak, but isn't it more a case of they're just not good enough to give you a BOTW style Pokemon game, rather than "giving you the middle finger"? Not good enough and not enough developers (isn't it just 50+ devs working on the core games?). Then again they make enough money to grow their team or to ask someone like MonolithSoft for help.
  11. Really weird there's no video to accompany this (yet). Looks fun though
  12. It's a nice prize, gamers get money to spend on the eShop, Nintendo get gamers to spend time on the eShop. Everyone wins. Well except numbers 1000-however many million that is.
  13. Just watched the beginning of the latest episode and Daemon says Scoop video is getting binned too, what a shame. The way he explained it made sense I guess but it's still disappointing. He did say special one off episodes like #600, special occasions or Game Scope will most likely still be filmed though, so that's something at least.
  14. I thought it was just Beyond that was stopping the video format! That's really annoying, I watched NVC and Game Scoop religiously every week, I've never once listened to the audio version. Gutted. On another note, Kinda Funny is a million times better now that they've ditched that annoying man child Jared and got Fran in instead.
  15. Oh my god. Andre delivering the goods as per.
  16. It really doesn't feel like two years, it's gone by really quickly IMO. On another note, some mildly interesting stats:
  17. I've just heard this takes place shortly after Revenge of the Sith? My hype for this game has just plummetted, that's the LAST time period I'd like to play in. Gutted. Hopefully the game play and storyline will make up for it, anything will be better than that car crash of a film.
  18. If only there was a modern day handheld with a gorgeous screen, that connects to a TV, with tons of high quality first party support, the best indie games tripping over themselves to get onboard, and a decent amount of third party supprt... to fill the void left by the Vita
  19. Amazing style to it though
  20. Same here, very excited, visually the photos from the set we've seen look great. I'm still holding out hope for a X-Wing/squadron pilots series or film one day down the line as I'm a bit more into Star Wars for that and not as much the criminal underbelly side, but frankly I'll take anything with the SW name on it! Looks fantastic. I've bookmarked the link to read later, cheers
  21. The episode with the church and the dying sphere were better than anything from season 1. I especially liked the former, that was a great episode, and it's no surprise it was the most "classic" of the series so far. Overall though I just don't think it's a particularly good show. Season 2 might be an improvement on season 1 but that's not saying much. Season 1 was awful, imo. The characters simply aren't likeable and the casting choices might as well be from a parody. Burnham has zero personality and the series seems to be fast forwarding through the crew dynamics. After 15 episodes we're supposed to be terribly sad that Stamets wants to leave, or relate to Tilly's feelings for him, or how Burnham is teery eyed about Saru. These characters haven't EARNED any of that yet. TNG was on for 7 seasons, 175 episodes and by the end the crew felt like a family. Discovery seems to want us to feel that way already. I do like the central mystery of the season though, that's interesting. I just really hope they don't make the Red Angel malevolant, that would be so lame and predictable. The look of the series bugs me too, the shots on that Section 31 ship, did they smear some blue jelly on the lens or something? The grading is so generic, cold blue, or warm orange, there are literally no other colours on the show. I'll keep watching cause it's Star Trek and it's entertaining, but generally speaking... meh.
  22. Nintendo themselves call it a home console, so that complicates things. It'll be only Switch from here on, but probably different versions of the Switch. There's plenty of rumours they'll be launching a Switch mini this year, which makes a lot of sense for things like Pokemon and Animal Crossing. Much as I love my Switch it'd be a lot easier to stick my 3DS in my pocket and play Animal Crossing for half an hour a day than to carry the Switch + case everywhere, so a smaller form factor would be a nice addition to the line up.
  23. I was hoping to want to, but nah, I doubt I will. I played X, and I feel like I've had 90% of the Pokemon experience with that.
  24. The fixed camera angles, the corridor based world design, the walking past a random person and a ! appearing, the same vacant looking character trainers, picking a starter Pokemon from the same three types, the walking through the same tall grass to be ambushed by wild Pokemon etc, starting off in your house, probably with your mum downstairs to see you off before you meet a professor and your rival etc etc... It's just the same game over and over. And yes I'm sure there's differences once you dig into it, but the overall design of the games have stayed the same all this time. Maybe Sun and Moon changed things a bit by not having gyms but overall it all just seems so formulaic. I think a lot of people wanted a BOTW style shake up to the formula, something completely different but it looks to just be more of the same, with HD graphics. And technically speaking I'm watching the trailer again and it looks an absolute mess. Shadows flickering like mad, muddy textures, and the whole thing looks like it runs at 20 fps (at most). It just seems like such a waste of one of the biggest gaming franchises in the world.
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