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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Thanks, saves me the trouble of correcting @Dcubed As for technical side of things, I think it's worth remembering this is Nintendo we're talking about, their whole strategy is to get the most out of modest means. We won't be seeing anything like 4K on this minor spec update, imo. Of far more importance atm is to limit the amount of times variable resolution kicks in. ie Mario Odyssey dropping to less than 720p handheld or Wolfenstein dropping to 400p or whatever crazy res it can go down to. If they can tidy up performance in that area that'd be great.
  2. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-03-26-two-new-nintendo-switch-similar-to-2ds-new-3ds-xl-sources-say TLDR: Switch mini: - Similar market to the 2DS, sturdier build, more kid friendly - Handheld mode only? Pro: - Not a big leap technologically. Think 3DS > New 3DS rather than PS4 > PS4 Pro.
  3. It was pathetic. Felt like the crowd were being paid per clap. You couldn't go 7 seconds without those morons whooping and clapping like mad. Nice to see another SE fan/owner, I've always felt like I was the only one
  4. As long as it's more 10 hour Child of Light than 60-100 hour Octopath/Persona then I'm all in.
  5. It's beautiful design. Lays flat. Usable with one hand. Perfection.
  6. Great mock-up as usual @RedShell, I'm not sure Nintendo would minuturise that much but who knows As a side note, I wish Apple would make another SE sized phone, I'm still rocking mine and I absolutely love it. Giant modern phones can F off.
  7. Wow for some reason I thought this wasn't anywhere near ready to release. Nice surprise! Not sure the turn based RPG gameplay is my kind of thing but I'll gladly give Image & Form my money to try it out.
  8. Just watched, yikes. What a waste of time. Concrete Genie looks pretty cool though. You'd think they'd want to go big on their first Direct stlyle thing.
  9. About to watch, just noticed this, doesn't bode well...
  10. If they released a Switch Pro in summer then a mini 6 months later I would buy both. But if they release on the same day I’d probably just pick one. I see why it makes sense to release on the same day after all that’s what companies like Apple do but spacing them out could potentially earn them a few more sales. Albeit with some backlash thrown in. I also don’t think it’s safe to assume any (potential/rumoured) Pro model will be a PS4 in your “pocket”. I suppose they need to stay in touching distance with PS5 and Xbox 2 but I still find it hard to believe.
  11. The trouble with making the joy-con non detachable or doing a handheld only version is it completely invalidates the point of a Switch and really muddles the messaging.
  12. IGN just put up some gameplay footage... And here's the original reveal trailer:
  13. It kind of sounds like having to boot into a separate mode, kind of like what the Wii U had where you had to launch the Wii app to play old games. PS4 games might be as simple as just putting the disk in though, hopefully. Assuming you can do that at all, as it would limit their ability to release remasters and re-releases.
  14. I think I've watched the Cadence of Hyrule trailer a dozen times. I'm way more excited about it than the Link's Awakening remake tbh. I really hope if it sells well (which it will) it'll open the door to other indie devs being given the keys to Nintendo properties. Team Cherry or Image & Form could make an amazing Metroid game. Or use indies to ressurect long lost properties, say Shin'en for F-Zero or the Celeste devs for Ice Climber. I guess the question then becomes what's in it for Nintendo to keep doing that, when they can just make their own games and make the money themselves. I think what Hyrule Warriors, Mario + Rabbids and now Cadence of Hyrule has shown is that they like to loan out their IP as long as the game mechanics are something brand new and unexpected, not the sort of game structure they would ever make on their own, which diversifies the IP and keeps their own flavour intact for their own installments.
  15. I get that, but what works on a box doesn't really work on a tiny little icon, imo, especially compared to other publishers who don't fill theirs with as many characters and assets as possible. It's why I think the Splatoon 2 icon works really well, it's not a cluttered mess.
  16. As an aside, imo.. Nintendo do the best box art in the business but their icon designs need work. They're all way too cluttered and busy.
  17. I was going to say a similar sort of thing. Only Nintendo could be crazy enough to come up with something like that
  18. Bored of waiting 4+ years for Dreams to finally come out? Try VR Elephant, from reveal to release in three weeks.
  19. There's a big difference between lending Capcom and Koei Tecmo the Zelda IP and lending it to "Brace Yourself Games".
  20. I think you could have a pretty fun moveset with Steve, plus he'll fit right at home with the seventeen sword wielding Fire Emblem characters.
  21. Some of the other games that stood out for me... Katana Zero - looks really stylish and fun, interesting tease at a storyline too. The Red Lantern - Nice touch bringing out the game director to talk about the game beforehand. Gave me Firewatch vibes, at least in terms of visual design and narration. Neo Cab - Wasn't this a noir style game set in the past, not the future? Or am I getting confused and there's actually two games about driving a cab around a city lol Overland - Looks to have a really cool vibe Creature In the Well - The art style looks a little cheap and Photoshop filter-y but the gameplay looks interesting
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