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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. You've basically described the whole Pokemon franchise, imo. The same decades-old design being rehashed in a new area over and over, every couple of years. The IP is so huge it sells like crazy so they don't need to do anything different, but man it feels like such a waste of a franchise.
  2. It's nice to see a proper 3D game with full camera control (you would hope) but at the same it still looks so dated. I know a lot of Japanese dev studios have really lagged behind the West in that aspect but I was hoping for a bit more. I wish Game Freak would hire new staff or get with the times from a technical pov. Gameplay looks to be the same thing as it always is too. Walk past a stranger, have them ! and then engage in a battle. Meh. Will we also have "All your Pokemon got experience thanks to XP Share" pop up after every. single. battle. too? Not sure if sarcasm? That's all we heard for a good year or so, over and over.
  3. It's more expensive now because Apple raised the prices of the whole App store since it released I think.
  4. Aerial combat is basically what you should be doing. One of the javelin classes is pretty much exclusively for staying in the air in combat. I rarely stay on the ground when attacking, though I've seen plenty of people do that as well. Whatever style of play works for you I guess, either way the combat feels fantastic. It's true there aren't a ton of flying enemies, but I hadn't really thought of that before you mentioned it, and like you say it's something they can surely add with each new month of content drops, as community feedback grows.
  5. In what way. Specifics please. Bullshit. Utter bullshit. You haven't even played it! And now you're making these claims as if you know what you're talking about. Enough with the passing off your own ignorant judgement as fact. 6.5/10 on Metacritic is not review bombing. Especially for a live game that improves over time. Destiny 1 was a disaster at launch. Division was a disaster at launch. Diablo. etc. Every single Anthem review will be out of date in a month, just as the No Man's Sky, Destiny 1, Splatoon etc original reviews are now obsolete.
  6. I think it's only going to get worse if free to play games continue to get more popular and (non Nintendo) AAA games continue to plummet in price a month or two after release.
  7. Are you playing it? Otherwise I don't see how you can make that statement. I just played for two hours. I can assure you, it's way, way more fun to play Anthem than to talk about it.
  8. "incredibly dull and inspired"? lol, we must be looking in different places. In fact it sounds like your original post after the E3 trailer, more than anything. Confirmation bias? Absolutely. All the issues with the game are fixable, the core gameplay is incredibly fun and Bioware have been amazing to respond to feedback, questions and comments. Like you say, unlike Bungie.
  9. It’d be a good way to win dozens of Game of the Year awards
  10. That's fine for a one-and-done game like Kingdom Hearts. It doesn't matter if a game you absolutely loved got a 1/10 everywhere else because it's a story driven adventure that only depends on your enjoyment. Anthem is a live game that lives or dies by reviews and online reaction. So yes, when people tear it apart online, unjustifiably, and everyone jumps on the bandwagon in that very video game community king of way, without even playing it, it does annoy me, because it impacts how much support this game is going to get in the future. It's doubly annoying when the developers and producers at Bioware have been a shining example on how to talk to a gaming community. It's been incredible, I don't know how they get any work done when they're constantly replying to tweets and engaging with the community. I'm very grateful for the well wishes, but I'm talking less about this board in particular and more on the YouTubers who feed off and line their pockets thanks to controversy. Glad you're enjoying your time with it @Deathjam, nice to see someone else on this thread who's playing it and can actually give a first hand account of it. Completely agree, the moment to moment gameplay is awesome. I'm only level 4, can't wait to dive back in tonight. To try and shift the conversation to the game itself, the devs revealed the 90 day roadmap last week, with new content coming each month to make up Act 1: https://www.polygon.com/2019/2/23/18237461/anthem-updates-roadmap-act-i-pc-ps4-xbox-one
  11. And just as many saying they don't see what all the fuss is about, the game is really fun and they're having a great time. But as Greg Miller suggested in his tweet from a few days ago, you say something like that in the middle of a gamer crusade against the game, you get torn to pieces. Fran on Kinda Funny talked about how much he was loving the game in the latest Gamescast and it's one of the most downvoted videos they've done, with comments full of abuse towards him. Really, you honestly think so? To this extent? The community thrives on negativity. You see countless examples of gamers wanting games to fail, especially EA ones.
  12. There was almost zero activity on this thread in the past year or two. Now everyone's diving in here to shit on a game they haven't played. YouTubers stoking the fires, trying to get as many clicks as possible, it's the same old bullshit that accompanies any big release that doesn't live up to ridiculous expectations. Happens in the film industry with huge highly anticipated releases as well, mentioning no names. I don't believe that in the slightest. EA + Bioware (after ME3 and MEA) + $60 Game as service is a recipe for disaster among the community.
  13. New IP in "Sells half of a Mass Effect game" shocker I'm pleased to see the bad publicity is making everyone want to dive in and shit on the game though, without having played it. Community on point as always.
  14. Wow this thread was dead in the year or two before release, no one seemed to care about this game, but now it's one of the most active on the board. That's what bad publicity does I guess. Anyway, had a blast last night. I'm taking the campaign really slowly so only did 1 main mission. The cutscenes, voice acting and facial animations are absolutely top notch. Did some freeplay and some side contract stuff. Ran into some other players and we took down a titan together (after half an hour of trying). The gunplay and flying/hovering feel so good. Stumbled on a random cave under water, found a diary left behind by some poor guy who'd gotten himself trapped there. Eventually wandered into a dungeon type thing, probably too high level for me. Somehow managed to survive what I thought was the only big combat chamber in there, nearly died about 5 or 6 times, felt triumphant that I'd cleared the enemies out and got some nice loot... then realised it kept going into (at least) another big chamber filled with enemies. So I turned around and ran out like a little girl. After an hour and a half of freeplay I ran into a 45 second loading screen to get back to Fort Tarsis. It was awful. 45 seconds of my life I won't get back.
  15. Cue lots of gamers saying "We won!" Did anyone really think a new IP would sell more than a Mass Effect game?
  16. Yeah the storyline in Transistor was miles too obtuse. I thought it was just silly. Fun gameplay though
  17. Reviews for this game will be out of date in a month. Just as they are for most of these types of games. Hell even Splatoon had to be re-reviewed on IGN because the game had changed so much since release. So yeah, if you want a review of day 1 then the metacritic is great, otherwise it’s useless. There’s an enormous echo chamber in gaming and the community seems to getting more and more toxic with each passing year. When there’s a bandwagon, everyone jumps on it. There’s no grey area. YouTube content creators thrive on negativity and are rewarded for it with extra clicks. It’s a sad state of affairs. You read ResetEra or YouTube comments and it’s as if people want the game to fail. Fallout 76 and Destiny were the same. In a game like Battlefront II with the microtransaction rubbish the uproar is 100% justified. Online ongoing games like Anthem, not really. Most reviews admit the gameplay is great, there’s a lot of bugs and a lot of loading screens. In a few months these complaints will vanish. But not after the community has done its best to torpedo hard working devs at BioWare and ruin their years of hard work. If this was a one and done game that had a beginning and an end then by all means let reviewers be critical but not only is this constantly being updated with new content, from what I’ve played, it doesn’t deserve one shred of the abuse it’s gotten. The world is beautiful, the traversal is great, the world building and characters are compelling and the gameplay is a blast. I’ve had zero bugs, zero crashes and yes a few loading screens. Big deal.
  18. Man, the community really thrives on negativitiy and hatred doesn't it. Played a few more hours last night. Had a great time As with pretty much every single other game as service, the launch was rocky. And as with every other game as service, it'll get better, the haters will vanish to their next target, and the community and game will grow from there.
  19. Started this up last night and played a couple of hours. Having a great time. The game is just FUN. Voice acting and facial animations some of the best I’ve seen (second only to Red Dead 2). Flying is a rush and the gunplay feels great. World is beautiful. Cutscenes and characters engaging so far. The only thing I dislike (and when I say dislike I mean HATE) is the UI. Ugly and unpolished. The map is better than the ones in ME Andromeda, but not by much. Really wanted to play some more this morning but had to head out for the day. Can’t wait to play later. Oh and zero bugs so far. What I will say is the game definitely looks like it’s coming in hot. Just little touches in terms of polish not quite where they should be etc but it’s pretty minor. Those two load screens in the middle last a grand total of about 3 seconds each. obviously the echo chamber and bandwagon prevents them from stipulating that.
  20. Trouble with this deal is Nintendo will end up losing sales on their own third party software, so I imagine Microsoft will have to pay them a fair amount to get Game Pass on there. Otherwise why would anyone buy Rocket League, as one example, on Switch when you can just load the Game Pass app and play it there for free.
  21. Read this, maybe that'll help: https://www.windowscentral.com/why-xbox-game-pass-nintendo-switch-and-other-systems-smart Too many sources have said it now for it not to be true.
  22. Netflix and other streaming services are hugely popular but DVDs and Blurays are still being sold around the world. It’ll be a decade or two before those disappear completely so Microsoft shifting their focus to streaming and getting their games on different platforms but also providing a dedicated box makes a lot of sense.
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