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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I was hoping for Doomsday but I'll take Zod. Just glad it isn't Lex.
  2. Lazorvic's accent used to annoy the fuck out of me. 'You think you can kill me". You'd think he'd come up with something else occasionally.
  3. I could make London. Not exactly sure when i'm available, so i'll confirm once I know the date.
  4. my football bets have been woeful lately, quite often being let down by one team on my an accumulator. On the other hand, I started betting on Ice Hockey, which theoretically is even harder to predict. I've been fairly successful with, picking up a few hundred.
  5. It was good, apart from the storyline being shit, the casting of Lois being shit and the casting of Lex being shit.
  6. I lost 2lb last week which is always good. I tend to lose 2/3 lbs every week and have just about hit 4 stone lost I've started using the built in Nike App on my iPod Touch to track my running and after a few weeks it's starting to look fairly impressive.
  7. It's always nice when a celebrity/musician/actor/someone more famous than me replies to you on Twitter.
  8. Tonight's the night the World begins again.
  9. Although i'm not a fan of Comics per se, I do love anything superhero related, although my knowledge on Green Lantern isn't the best (Clue: it's shit). I've seen the trailer a few times for this and i'm pressed. I did wonder if Blake Lively would a be a little on the young side when I heard about the casting, but she's hot, so i'm optimistic.
  10. Awesome Coolness. My Dad looks at me like i've infected him with HIV when I suggest listening to music while reading. There's nothing better, especially when on plane than doing a bit of reading with some music to accompany it. I find it helps visualise things better. For me, it's always easy listening stuff whilst reading. Occasionally singer/songwriters like Nerina Pallot, but I normally go for some Country/Rock like Rascall Flatts or Lady Antebellum.
  11. We were shite, if we cant beat Blackburn at home then we shouldn't be entertaining any thought of winning a title. I'm still waiting for Ferguson's outburst about the shocking refeering performance yesterday. The pen that never was and the red card Vidic should have got, Oh Wait....
  12. Probably far too much to be bothered listing here. There's probably quite a few buried in the subconscious that only I remember when that particular song is heard.
  13. Amazon.com, they're the US versions. I think they roughly cost $27 each.
  14. I can now relive the joys of my childhood at anytime.
  15. Appreciate the good wishes guys, thanks.
  16. It's been a pretty worrying few days but it's all looking up now. It started on Monday with a phonecall I got at lunchtime whilst at work, my dad had been admitted to hospital. He had been feeling poorly at the weekend but it got progressively worse come Monday. Turns out his throat had completely closed up and he couldn't talk, swallow or breathe. Doctor said had he fallen asleep, he might not have woken up again. Went up to see him on Monday night and it was a bit of a harrowing sight if I'm honest. I don't mind hospitals, I've actually been in the same ward my Dad was in, but seeing him looking so poorly really shocked me. To me, my old man is the ultimate Iron man, i've never seen him take a day off work sick in the past 23 years i've been alive. He actually tried going into work on Monday but was shot down thankfully. On a happier note, he got out today with a bag full of Drugs that would earn him millions on a street corner.
  17. I couldn't follow that diet for a couple of reasons, the most obvious being that I do exercise pretty intensely and also because I like my Corn Flakes in the morning
  18. Jon


    Is it closed permanently? I had many a great day there on the Cannonball.
  19. Jon


    Go to the Olympia swimming centre and go on some god damn awesome flumes/slides/whateveryelseyoucallthem. Once suitably dried, go visit the RSS Discovery, the very ship that was sailed by Robert Scott on the first successful expedition to Antarctica. Then get the Fuck out.
  20. MacGregor is a headcase, a complete nutjob who doesn't have the mental capacity to play in the cauldron that is Manchester United.
  21. There's a lot of conflicting reports concerning the Nuclear reactor but I find it very hard to imagine it would top what happened at Chernobyl. Chernobyl was a fuck up of mass proportion caused by error after error. Japan have a long and safe history with Nuclear Reactors and are in much better position to handle any fallout that the USSR were.
  22. Got The Script coming up in a couple of weeks. At the moment that is all.
  23. I think the name AC Milan strikes fear into people on what they've done in the past. Let's be honest, their side nowadays consists of OAPs and show ponies who only turn up when they want too.
  24. Jon

    Ice Hockey

    Fleury has to be a good shout shout for the Hart trophy this year. When you consider how many kepy players the Penguins have lost this season, over 10 forwards at one point. He up there statistically but not even they highlight how awesome he's been.
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