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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Yeah, because we haven't won any trophies. It's not exactly like he's been on fire and the rest of the team is lagging behind though is it?
  2. Good riddance in my view, he's been useless this season. It's not exactly a position we're short in either.
  3. That's a good result. I got all my Wisdom teeth out last March and it was a nightmare. The two bottom ones had grown in sideways, so I had to get an Operation because they had to cut in to the side of my gums to take them out. I was pretty much out of it for 3 days afterwards and it probably took me about 4 weeks before I could eat properly again. I remember waking up the night after the operation and my pillow and all my clothes were saturated with blood. It literally looked like I had just eaten someone alive, I had so much dried blood on my face. Good times.
  4. I wasn't sure what the difference was between the 'lite' option and the 'full' option, so when it came to renewing mine, I went for the the 'full' option. Unfortunately, because of geography, it costs me roughly £200 to go and see a game and that's booking well in advance or flight prices sky rocket. It's easier for me to get to the 3pm Saturday games, but unfortunately Arsenal rarely seem play then
  5. Rockstar said it was all Sony's fault, they've since backtracked on the matter.
  6. I soz for missing, didn't notice the invites until it was too late.
  7. If you think the gulf is class between the old firm and the rest is bad now, you should have seen it a few years back. Every week was 4 or 5 - 0 scores. The gulf in class between the Old Firm and the rest has closed massively. Long gone are the days of Celtic and Rangers spending millions of pounds every season. You only have to look at Caley beating Celtic the other week that cost them the title. Obviously quality wise the SPL won't win any awards but physically it's one of the toughest leagues to play in. No disrespect to any other rivalry but there isn't anything that comes close to matching the Intensity of an Old Firm game, even when they're played 7 times like this season, each game is so special. The biggest joke about Scottish football is the split, the only professional league in Europe where teams finishing in the bottom 6 can finisher with more points than top 6. In the 05/06 season, Caley finished in 7th with more points than Hibs who finished 4th in the final standings. It hasn't been changed yet, but being that everyone hates it, they've got to do something about it.
  8. I knew polishing it every day would come in handy
  9. And yet RVP was the only one who looked genuinely gutted at the end. He was class again, and you tell how he was hurting at the end trying to pick scraps with any Villa player for no reason other than frustration because the rest of his team were woeful. Chamakh looked lively when he came on and played well, thought Varmaelen looked good. Squillaci is an embarrassment, i've no idea why Wenger ever signed him and Arshavin was completely incompetent, doesn't look interested at all.
  10. I'm glad to see that I don't actually post that much and can still cling to the belief that I have a life.
  11. Aye, the names Lafferty and Bergkamp should never be mentioned in the same sentence.
  12. I don't know why I expected anything different. Sigh.
  13. Sporcle has always been my favourite way to pass time at work, great website.
  14. That's funny Matt, but you got one key point wrong. We're not friends, far from it. I hate you with every fibre of my being and if it wasn't for me agonising over every percent, i'd happily march down to what every sleepy English hamlet you whole yourself up in and shotgun you in the ear and nose.
  15. Even downloading the update of the Sony site isn't happening, keeps stopping at random points
  16. Watched Prince of Persia last night. A quick glance online shows me it was panned by the critics but I thought it was pretty good. Gemma Arterton was looking very nice especially.
  17. Don't hold your breath, mine stopped again at 47%
  18. It pains me to keep battering off the same old excuses and to blame the inexperience of the squad but it always seems to be the same old story. We're always the best until March, when we're normally still battling for every trophy and you normally always pinpoint one game where it all went wrong.
  19. Same was happening for me, try turning off you PS3 and trying again.
  20. That's hardly a fair comparison. Anderson, Valencia and the Twins are not guaranteed first team starters, let alone two of your best players. The loss of any of those cannot be compared to loosing van Persie and Varmaelen. Vidic and Ferdinand haven't been fit at the same time but you've more often than not had at least one of them. Messi aside, van Persie has been the striker in Europe since he came back, and Chamakh was doing well but he was hardly scoring for fun.
  21. You could argue that any team is unbeatable when they're on form. it's just getting that form regularly. If we'd have had Vermaelen fit and van Persie for more than 4 months of the season, we'd have run away with the title. As long as Wenger gets it right with a few key signings, i'm more than confident about next season. We beat the majority of the big teams this season, just need more physicality in the side for playing the smaller sides.
  22. I could understand it if people did it on principle and decided they'd had enough and wouldn't go back. I'd guess the majority of these people will be back on the PSN with-in weeks off it coming back on.
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