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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Shush you know what I'm like. Any mention of something being Metroid-like and I'm outta there like a dragon out of its den.
  2. Good music in this game, for sure. :awesome: Same problem here! I restarted the game a few times over the years but there was a point I couldn't get past. I just couldn't figure out how to put together a winning deck. I fired it up *relatively* recently (withing the past 5 years....?) only to discover the battery is dead. Don't know if I'd be bothered with having another stab at TCG but if a bunch of you's are getting it, a forum-wide group playthrough could be fun.
  3. Oh come on, don't be such an old stick in the mud. Groose was good fun!
  4. I thought some sort of 3DS shelf would be guaranteed. Asda stocks 3DS and DS still.
  5. Been meaning to ask. Seeing as you're a Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fan, have you played any other games in that roguelike style? There's a game called Mystery Dungeon Shiren the Wanderer (there is an iteration on DS) which is fantastic.

  6. Went to see if these were reduced instore only to find out my local stocks NO Nintendo stuff. I combed up and down the aisle a few times before giving in, I was certain they must have been there somewhere. Got 3 for 2 on Alta Rica so it wasn't a total waste!
  7. Pop n Twinbee is amazing. Everyone must buy it. I've never heard of Onimusha Tactics but seeing the word tactics is enough to make me curious. Bring it.
  8. What Zelda and GTA have in common is they were both really good at being 2D top-down games. After that, I'm not so sure but I could probably draw some abstract comparisons or rubbish someone elses ideas but come on, where's the fun in that. I'm trying to think what the Zelda equivalent of Bully could be but, gah, I'm getting nowhere. Someone else can run with that. My personal (constructive?) tuppence is that open world games are something I've never really clicked with. I find the lack of direction makes them feel pointless. I think you are supposed to settle into these worlds and get to know them and be happy just to mess about (something I'm content doing in Animal Crossing and Tomodachi Life, for example) but I've never been able to apply that mindset to non Touch Generation games. Yes, there's a story to follow in GTA but the real attraction and fun people get seems to come from killing people in super creative ways. As long as Zelda U is a wee bit more open world than Skyward Sword, we'll be grand. But then are all the other Zelda games not open world? The more I wonder about it the more I need a definition of open world. Is an open world Zelda just a Zelda without a Kokiri Forest to ease you in? Does Link need to be an adult. Sure adult Link is just a teenager anyway isn't he. Well excuse me Princess but that's what we call adult now is it?
  9. I always mean to get back to DQ8 too - I played this and FF X in tandem on PStwo and finished neither! Wish I had the luxury of such a dilemma as yours, Lord @Ike, because DQ7 coming out over here on 3DS is the only way I'll ever get to play it. H-o-T, I think proper builds only matter for the post-game (Grazza or Patch can correct me) so for the main game, the best approach is to pick what each character will specialise in and stick to that plan - also a good rule of thumb for Etrian Odyssey if you wouldn't be such a chicken about that series. : peace: The only 'bad' approach would be to spread skill points across lots of areas and have your characters excel at nothing in particular.
  10. Jonnas, I think your account has been hacked by Cranky Kong. And not that updated Cranky Kong sell-out, no no, the original DKC one from 20 years ago. This solved everything:
  11. I like it! I actually thought the entire hard route wasn't that profitable for hits. Maybe I should have studied the numbers more! Never thought of The Electric Light Show aka Zoness being useful, but you're spot on, that boss would be a good way to stockpile the nova bombs. My own go-to route became Corneria (4th planet of the Lylat System...), Sector Y, Katina (let the Independence Day mothership have its way and just keep taking down the wee drones til the bitter end to rack up the hits), Sector X where serious havoc could be wreaked, Macbeth like you said, then Area 6 for 300+ hits as you well know before Venom. Is there a good tactic for taking out Andross final form? I never enjoyed that battle cos it was so cat and mouse. I always thought I was doing it wrong.
  12. Genuinely didn't know that. Thought CoD fell into that category of game that just isn't hardcore enough for Nintendo fans. Shall have to check out some impressions but kudos to them for bringing their games to the Nintendo audience.
  13. Not sure how long it is Ronnie, but it was a well received game - glad you are enjoying it. Is there a demo for it? I'm put off by the Metroid comparisons but when something gets praised, its difficult not to take notice. It must have done well enough in the sales department too if its already been locked in as getting a sequel. I've noticed @Patch playing it on my 3DS Friend List, so you aren't alone!
  14. Serious question amidst all this comedy fanboy 'I love Nintendo more' 'NO I love Nintendo more' discussion, CoD came out on the Wii U?
  15. Crawled out from under my rock and clicked that link, wondering why I hadn't heard about this before but going with it anyway. It was all good til the very end of their review. (Well that and the fact Skies HD isn't out on Wii U or 3DS.) *shakes fist* Yeah I was pretty sure Wii U would see some kind of version of the new Tomb Raider - I thought it looked really good. Ah well.
  16. I always go the other route as I prefer approaching Venom from Macbeth to Area 6, but the times I do go all along the top route, at Sector Z its worth letting one of the missiles hit the Great Fox purely because during the credits I love seeing it take to the skies, battered yet victorious.
  17. Finished Mr. Mercedes yesterday. Thought it was good stuff and a successful foray into crime fiction for SK.
  18. Merging everything into one device is probably the future (how long has this been getting said though!) but at this point I don't feel its an ideal one. I like gadgets as much as anyone but I'm very happy to be able to keep music to my iPod Touch, phone stuff on my iPhone 5 and game stuff to 3DS. I have one game on my iPod and I don't play it any more, I just haven't removed it because it was originally a great game and I paid like 49p for it so I'm not deleting it. :p Its ChuChu Rocket. If I was going to play it I would rather dig out my GBA Micro to be honest. I've tried out games on my various smartphones and to me, they have all sucked. No exceptions. Know why? The touch screen controls. I need buttons - heck, I'm still not even a fan of typing on the touchscreen! The touchscreen gameplay the DS brought to the table works because its not the only option; there's still buttons as well. (The only music on my iPhone is a couple of ditties I use for my alarm clock like character select from Mario Bros. 2 and A Poem for Everyone's Souls from Persona 3.) The only real problem is pocked space. If I want to carry my 3DS around to rack up some steps and maybe get some Streetpasses, there's nowhere to put the thing! Either I have to have a bulging pocket (har de har har) or carry the thing in my hand like a nerd! Maybe a Nintendo flip phone 3DS thing is the way to go. They could even put Pokémon Crystal pre-loaded on its Virtual Console, eh?
  19. - Retronauts (revived via Kickstarter!) - Active Time Babble (discontinued!) - Roleplayers Realm (discontinued!) - (The USGamer Podcast when they start it...) 8-4 do one which is meant to be good but I can't personally vouch for it. GoNintendo Radio! Good tunes if you like a jaunt down memory lane. I listened to Casamassina and Bozon now and again when they did the IGN pod but moved on from there when they did. Didn't think I was a fan of theirs but maybe I was! I tried the new NVC once (or twice) but didn't like the new crew. Maybe they've changed since then - the personnel or their attitudes - but they came across as whiney, full of themselves grown up kids.
  20. Yes, I thanked your post but I just can't believe the HERO OF TIME would say this. Ocarina o' Time ain't on the Greystation2 you know. (I don't care if you don't like them, get Persona 3 and/or 4... and tell me what they are like, as I've only played Persona 3 a bit. )
  21. Kong in Concert is STILL great stuff, Fusedy!

  22. I think if they include Landmaster levels, they should be on rails. The two Landmaster stages in Lylat Wars were fine (in fact Macbeth is one of my favourites). Also, I think they would do well to stick to on rails for the Arwing stages - the all range mode bits in Lylat Wars were its weaker sections, imo. If they put in running stages and make them on rails too, then we'd be onto a winner.
  23. The Plaza Add-on Content is on sale on the eShop at the minute. I don't get many Streetpass hits at all, so it'd be pointless to download these games, right?
  24. I just kinda want him to be an adult again because he's married (to an adult) and THEY HAVE JUST HAD THE FIRST CHILD ON MY ISLAND. The combinations are hilarious. The way we can personalise our islands with whatever Mii's we want... genius for comedy.
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