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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Nice one. I'd like em to go the other way and bring DuckTales to the 3DS.
  2. If you go to the town hall and select to input a Mii via the QR option, the ones I posted from the Tomodachi site come preloaded with all their settings so you're good to go. Reggie just beat Bill Trinen in a word association contest. Reggie with Gameboy and Trinen not able to think of anything to say back. Sack him Miyamoto!
  3. Indeed so I'll be needing your QR code Dazzymon.
  4. I meant the Mii Maker, if that makes a difference? (This isn't the Wii with a plaza lol!)
  5. Hit the town hall and pick who you want from your plaza. And get your QR code up here or bump this other thread. : peace: Mines on my profile if ya want me.
  6. Got these designs.


    Attack Kittens!

    All Cats Are Psychos!


    Got a Totoro t-shirt too and some strawberry Pocky!

  7. They were too busy working out how to F-Zeroify it so they could skip making a new F-Zero. I was doing voice chat on Pokémon Diamond, with a headset, as soon as it released on DS. I thought things were meant to kick on from there but all they've done is take very tentative steps with Wii Speak - which, in fairness, wasn't terrible in Animal Crossing... until the times @Katie's parakeets went buck mad...! The feedback loop. Still, there's Miiverse. Progress, right!?
  8. The tune that plays as boats pull in with import gear is some of the most triumphant game music I've heard.
  9. Nah no Wii U - too stingy! There is a thread for Mii sharing but there's not a great deal in it. :( Tomodachi Collection is pretty great (after two days anyway). If you wanna move into Gilead Island get me your QR code. H-o-T will be there too!

  10. Console wars, man! Where ya been?! Nintendo = perfect, Sega = evil.
  11. Pretty sure I've played the Wii since the Wii U came out. *suddenly feels ashamed* *remembers Mario Galaxy & Galaxy 2*
  12. You can indeed. Enjoy. :awesome:
  13. Hey, I don't suppose I could have a bigger PM capacity again? I've deleted heaps already but still need to get rid of tons more to get under 100% so I can send/ reply to some. :( (Hence this going here and not as a PM!)

  14. That's a code for the demo I texted you. :hehe:

  15. HNI_0032_MPO.jpg~original


    With backing singers Metroid, Magnum P.I., House M.D., and Iwata-san. : peace:

  16. Hey is there a QR Code for your Mii anywhere...?

  17. Exactly. : peace: (Is that Conception game any good?) Sega does what Atlus don't?! HAH! I thought the same about their 'track record' when they got the rights to publish Shiren the Wanderer on DS. Did they bring over the Wii one? Nope. Forget Sega.
  18. Some details grabbed from the wiki: Game title is Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth If you hit Youtube you can find gameplay videos as its out now in Japan. I'm probably being too optimistic but based on the appearance of a few Persona games on the PS2 over here plus a couple of EO games, this one must have a chance, right? Get it translated and stick it on the eShop as downloadable sure. Persona was advertised as coming to 3DS back when the system itself was announced if you remember. Its taken a while to finally come to fruition! 8/9/9/9 from Famitsu.
  19. Just looked it up and it's not meant to be anything special. Unless you know something different...? Double dip on Project X Zone? So you think its good? Kat Bailey panned it but I'm willing to hear other views, matey!
  20. This really took off in Japan so it can't be that bad? I reckon you boys are missing something. :awesome:
  21. Would like to combine my 3DS stuff onto one SD card, instead of sharing it with my Wii downloads. Is there anything to be aware about with compatibility (remember the Wii wasn't compatible with all SD cards to begin with) or can I just go ahead and order the first 32GB Sandisk or Kingston - @f00had approved brands - SD card I come across on Amazon?
  22. Dr. Sleep isn't really about the cat. :P Its about Danny Torrance as an adult and isn't really like The Shining at all. A great read but different. So you'll read The Drawing of the Three, Bob? Good man. (I had a feeling jayseven would back me up.) First time I read The Gunslinger I couldn't get into it but it all clicks with TDotT and then The Waste Lands. Anyone for Mr. Mercedes?
  23. You need to give yourself an infraction for that comment. Some nice work from the banjo in that rendition! : peace:
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