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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. @Glen\-i I don't see any harm in chatting amongst ourselves while the others finish their playthroughs and blog about it. Your RPG taste is good. I haven't had the chance to play Radiant Historia yet but its been on my radar for years. Just wanna grab a cheapish import copy sometime if possible. All I've played of Kingdom Hearts is CoM (which I thought was decent enough. The FMV on GBA!!) and Dream Drop Distance, which is just a graphical wonder throughout, imo. I have 358/2 Days but am yet to give it a whirl. Your Tiz spoilers above remind me of Baten Kaitos. Sounds like Bravely Default has some pretty deep ideas - well atleast you make it sound that way. There could be something to this game if @Debug Mode has replayed it too. What about you @EEVILMURRAY, feel compelled to start into a NG+ since wrapping it up? You want to play with a bunch of TitS? Don't think we haven't spotted this thinly veiled confession.
  2. I guess so many years of devoting yourself to Pokémon can take its toll. Can't remember the final boss as its been many-a year since I played WL4 (since it came out on the non-backlit GBA!) but I made sure to get everything in it - the mark of a great game. Don't forget it spawned Warioware as you'll notice they recycled, or maybe we could say they just plain stole, so many assets from WL4. Shake Dimension is great too. I mean to get back to it to mop up some of the extras some day. I've never loved MC as much as everyone else. It looks great and it plays great but the kinstones drops were just too random. Fusion on the other hand, imo, is the best Metroid. I replayed it last year actually and it still holds up. It leads you through from event to event nicely and you can deviate from the beaten path in 'classic Metroid style.' (Areas will get locked off and you will be unable to go back for optional stuff now and again but... who cares, its nothing vital.) There's even plenty of instances where it wants you to find pathways that aren't on your map and when you succeed in sneaking round places you think the game doesn't know about, you feel like the bees knees. Then there's the SA-X. Play this, H-o-T. If I like it, you'll love it. It's all gonna kick off! So you never stayed awake wondering how best to grow your characters in EO or DQ games? Shame on you. In fact, the way you talk about Primevil I'm actually certain you've put plenty of thought into your EO builds.
  3. Gra, you have issues. :p WL4 is a top wee game! Turn-based strategy is not for you?! What have we been talking about all these years in relation to DQ and EO? The mind boggles.
  4. Starfox 64/ Lylat Wars was the first time Nintendo gave us a proper PAL conversion of one of their games. Back then all we had was Rare willing to bring out games over here at full screen (nowadays its hilarious to think this was an issue) while Nintendo games were still letterboxed and slowwww. That was only because we were lucky enough that Rare were UK based. Then came Lylat Wars which was the turning point. Optimised to full screen display, all that voice acting, cinematic. Amazing. It showed the likes of Mario 64 and Waverace 64 up for the lazy PAL releases they were.
  5. Read your spoiler anyway. Sounds like that would be a smart and different way for an RPG to go. The 4HoL lacked a little something despite all its charm, I thought they would have knocked it out of the park with BD so its a pity they haven't. What other RPGs d'you like?
  6. Dazzybee you are a disgrace!
  7. Thought X/Y was meant to freshen things up a bit? Most the people I've Streetpassed recently have been playing it so its still as popular as ever. That's a bit annoying if the series is getting stale - I reached the point you're at with Pokémon Diamond (didn't even reach the E4) but thought I might return to the series one day, nonetheless...!
  8. Doesn't sound great. I dare say some reviewers might not have played it long enough to hit the downhill half of the game. Great music in RPGs is a must. BD reminds me of FF:4HoL, which also took a dive in quality later on, imo. So much so that I haven't finished it off so maybe it gets good again for the end game.
  9. What about the original on Gameboy? SSX 3 was a great game indeed.
  10. Old and still gaming like a demon. The man is legendary!
  11. Whats your beef with Animal Crossing?
  12. Are you Brendan Rodgers?! You are right about it being a good opportunity to get some levelling up done. :awesome: How's the game going? I've read up on it and apparently it falls apart spectacularly towards the latter chapters. So much so that people have ended up not liking the game at all in spite of its good/great start.
  13. With Fantasy Life releasing on my bday, there can be no further debating that Level-5 made this game for me and not @Fused King. : peace:
  14. Wouldn't mock you on such a serious matter as DKC.
  15. Sold it all for ~£4,000. :awesome: I've heaps of great pics taken. Difficult not to spam this thread with em, here's a few choice picks. Yeah whatevz, Christina... Not just a maestro with a tennis racket! LOL at everything in this one. SHE SAID YES! The heartbeat 'mini game' in the build up to House popping the question was intense. The bumpbump of the heartbeat made it feel like I was on the approach to Lavos. This game needs to use a thesaurus. And here is man of the day, H-o-T. Out enjoying some late night fishing before party time ensued! Happy birthday old guy!
  16. Bring your own post! It really wasn't. Pity there is no word of a GOOD DKC this year to celebrate its 20th anniversary. Just be me on my own marking that occasion will it...? Yeah. You guys suck (sometimes). : peace:
  17. That's a pity. Its a game you have to make up your own little motivations for playing in, so definitely not for all tastes. The levelling up should be added to the next Animal Crossing. : peace: @RedShell, now E3 is over and I have your attention! Is that the Mii level cap? And yes, those items that can't be used, are they just for pawning? Have you really played 70h without collecting everything? I thought I'd made decent inroads into that endeavour just this week. Oh well.
  18. Chill out and play Tomodachi in the meantime. Fantasy Life, SMT 4 and Persona Q are a good basis for me to work off. I'm not sure about the new Theatrhythm. The first is my most played 3DS game but I need to read up on what more the new one has.
  19. How do you keep on top of cash then, with playing it so little now? (How did you keep the cash flowing when you played it normally?)
  20. Really? That sucks, I thought giving you my Tomodachi Mii would have all the data populated. I take it we are the only two playing this on here? What about @yesteryeargames, did you try the demo? Has @RedShell stopped playing since reviewing...?
  21. I think any interest I've been trying to develop in MonHun could now be over.
  22. According to a release list, this is coming to us Europeans later this year!
  23. Dazzy, thanks for the QR and the kind message. : peace: Here's my Tomodachi QR, if you wanna put your Tomodachi one up (it will have your personality settings), I'll wait before scanning you in. Otherwise I will assign you a personality as I imagine you to be. Some updates of whats been going on on Gilead Island: I've been playing some tennis. @Hero\-of\-Time and Miyamoto played some Wii. We worshipped a basket of bath salts. Aounuma and Miyamoto talked Zelda while House jammed in the background. House and Samus went on a date and I spied on them. They had no idea. This evening, Miyamoto came clean about his crush on Samus and asked me what he should do. For some reason Samus is hot stuff on my island and is at the top of my Mii's liked list - and I've given her NO special treatment, as the game player or as my Mii. Seeing the opportunity to get her out of the way, and wanting to see what would unfold, mwahahaha, I advised Miyamoto to go for it. So, he met up with her at the beach and opened his little heart to her only for... House MD to run in at the last minute and declare his love for her. ¡The drama! Well, Metroid shot Miyamoto right down and coupled up with House before his eyes. All that and much more besides.
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