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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Do your prep. Essentially create a report on yourself. Show how you've exceeded in your duties, contributed to the company, grown since you started, expanded the role capabilities etc. You should also decide what salary you want/deserve. Don't say "I want a pay rise" as they'll give you something piddly like 1%. Say "I'd like to discuss my pay. Based on my performance/ability I feel I deserve £x (maybe add a grand or two as they'll probably negotiate)". Then go into the aforementioned stuff on everything you've achieved etc. When you're selling yourself, make the focus on what you've done for the company, not what you are. Saying "I'm really good at..." doesn't work as well as "my ability/work/efforts in X has contributed Y to the company." Basically you need to prove your value.
  2. 0123456789 That's so meta.
  3. Gen Chit Chat is all I have. Don't take it away from me!
  4. I've told you before you can't keep creating threads about me! I'm joking of course, I know you were really thinking of nightwolf/yourself. I think it would be easier for him to put it in his sig.
  5. That was it. They'd already arranged a time but then he started going on about his mortgage adviser. When I said I didn't want to meet him he said I'd have to or provide a mortgage in principle.
  6. As your SSD is only 110gb I'm guessing you've got a secondary HDD. Can't you install it there?
  7. I get that, but at the same time before I buy anywhere I'd view dozens of properties. So the chance of me buying any one in particular is low. So I don't think the "getting their hopes up" argument is valid. I do know that I could afford the flat, even if I can't prove it; I have more than 10% deposit, the list price is significantly under my upper borrowing limit from online mortgage calculators, my experian credit score is 975/999, I have no dependents so my outgoings are low. The property is vacant so it's not like I'll be inconveniencing the owners, only the estate agent (and that's their job). Also the property has been on the market since December 2015. If it was highly sought after then I'd understand, but clearly they're struggling to sell it (it's right next to the railway lines and the lease will need renewing in the not too distant future) so I can't believe they're being so picky. Personally I just think it's terrible customer service, and to be honest what I've come to expect from estate agents and letting agents.
  8. Just tried to arrange a viewing on a flat. I haven't seen a mortgage advisor yet as I'm still weighing up my options (but based on my salary and credit score I definitely could afford it). The guy refused to give me a viewing without a mortgage in principle or meeting his mortgage broker. He said I would be wasting his time otherwise. I told him not to bother and hung up.
  9. Can you run a diagnostic on your hard drive? If it's failing to load a system component that could cause it. Although you'd expect that to appear in the logs.
  10. Can I have my name changed to Dr. bob?
  11. I've reported this post to the moderators. I expect that they'll ban you shortly.
  12. That sounds absolutely horrific. Did they catch the people who did it?
  13. 1) What's your dream job? Probably a writer. I'd love to have a decent fantasy novel, and then have it turned into a film/sitcom. I do fuck all to try and achieve that though. 2) What are you actually doing? Insights/Analytics. I'm at a point where I can specialise and move more into data science, or more into marketing. Don't know which to do (probably just apply for both and see which I get a job in). 3) Did you ever envision yourself in what you're doing now? I didn't even know roles like mine existed. As a young kid I had ideas like farmer or games designer. But as a teen I genuinely had no idea what I wanted to do. I always hated the conversations with adults asking what you wanted to do: "What do you want to do after uni?" "I don't know." "You must have some idea?" Why do adults assume young people know what they want to do? Most kids have only ever had careers advice from teachers, who've never done anything but teaching, and our parents, mine had worked down the mines and in factories. How the fuck was I supposed to know what I wanted to do? It wasn't until I went to uni that I realised there were so many middle class people.
  14. I say merge 'em. Don't see a reason not to.
  15. Thought that was going to be a link to my profile. I'm disappointed.
  16. Was it that much busier? you can go back years and there are numerous threads saying "What happened to this place?" "Where did everybody go?" "This site used to be so much busier." I think a few things have died down (mafia games being a big one that comes to mind). But generally we're all just misremembering it. I don't think the forum has been that busy since we were all teenagers.
  17. So you never feel hopeful about anything? You never feel down about something when everyone else is positive? You rigorously analyse every possibility and only ever follow the most likely outcome of an event? I'm guessing you've never gambled or played the lottery. I'm guessing you've never taken out insurance. Everybody occasionally views things optimistically or pessimistically. An optimist doesn't view everything hopefully, and vice versa. Everyone switches depending on "the odds". The question is more about your general view on life. Do you tend to view things positively or negatively.
  18. Saying you're a realist is such a pointless and bullshit answer. Most people think their outlook is realistic, otherwise they wouldn't think that way. Usually people who say they're a realist are pessimists but don't want to seem miserable. Unless you have some sort of personality disorder where you don't feel hopes and desires as normal people do.
  19. I think there is. We are still animals at a basic level, and are genetically programmed to have one gender hunt and the other gender be the primary care-giver. But the issue is when we don't allow children to break out of these norms. Go to any kids party and all the boys will be running around playing. The girls will be in pretty dresses and as soon as they try and join in some mother will interject with "sweetie, don't ruin your dress". When a boy picks up a doll an ignorant father usually swoops in in case touching a doll will "mess him up" for later life. We don't have gender sections in adult shops (except for when it makes sense, such as clothes as we have different shapes). If you go into PC World there isn't a blue mens section and a pink womens section. So why is there a girls and boys section in toy shops? If a boy wants to play with a doll why does he have to wander into the pink girl's section to do it? If a girl wants to play with a car why does it have to be pink and say "barbie" on it? If we get rid of the gender roles then yes I imagine more girls will still choose dolls, and boys will choose action figures. But the ones that don't want to choose that way won't be forced to.
  20. It comes down to sexism, and how it affects both genders. A lot of people view sexism as an issue that is one gender oppressing another. But it affects everyone. Take the gender stereotypes imposed on children. Go into any children's store and look at the toys. The boys toys will be things like lego and mechano and computer games. The girls toys will be a wall of pink made up of dolls, toy kitchens etc. Then we wonder why few women are going into STEM careers, contributing to the gender pay gap. If a young boy wants to play with a doll adults will immediately dissuade him from that. Tell him that playing with dolls (i.e. being caring and passionate) is for girls. When a boy cries we tell him to "man up" and that "men don't cry". And then we wonder why there's so little support groups for men (e.g. male victims of domestic violence) and why suicide is the biggest killer of young men, and why men constitute 95% of the prison population, why the vast majority of child custody cases are awarded to the mother. We tell young boys that to impress women he needs to "be a man", be strong and confident and take charge, and then wonder why there are so many cases of sexual assault and rape where the man didn't even realise that it was rape. I think most of these issues come from childhood. We treat children in ways that we wouldn't dream of treating adults. I'm not a man, I'm a human with a penis.
  21. It was. The world just couldn't handle that amount of sexiness. It almost broke the internet.

  22. Yeah my account has been deleted. I didn't realise Phube was using my picture. When I get home I'll see if I still have the original on my computer.

  23. I thought it was decent. Nowhere near the best, but certainly not the worst. It was hard to put my finger on what exactly was missing, it just felt like they hadn't quite found their feet. The missus (who hadn't watched Red Dwarf before) found it funny.
  24. And that's not the only (potentially) immortal animal. http://www.rd.com/culture/animals-that-live-forever/
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