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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. And they're proud of the fact: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/It%27s_The_Sun_Wot_Won_It
  2. You're just jealous because you haven't even reached 10,000 posts yet. What a loser.
  3. Yeah I think we should keep it. Also the issues with people on the console boards run far deeper than the thanks feature so removing it wouldn't really change much IMO.
  4. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Maybe I haven't seen some of the things you're referring to (I don't visit the consoles board so my experience of knee members is much more pleasant) but I think using at is an "I agree" button make more sense than loads of "I agree" posts clogging up the place. I've had that before. If you reload the page and click it again it should work (did for me).
  5. Will we still have multi-quote, thanks, YouTube embed, quick reply and classic stretchable? Allusions to Theresa May (her catchphrase has been "strong and stable").
  6. @Nolan, may I ask, what's the general feeling and thoughts towards/around Trump over where you are?
  7. Looks good to me. I think most people here will be happy to go with whatever is best for you, Shorty. And like HoT I'd be happy to chip in (as I assume would many other members so wouldn't be much individually). I assume I'll still have my secret mod powers on the new boards? I know some sites don't allow for secret positions so just wanted to check.
  8. And let's not forget the German classic: Take my breath away - Berlin
  9. Finally got back to me today to tell me it's a no. Having really shit luck with job searches. I think my current role was a really bad decision on my part and is making it harder. I've even started looking for roles up to £6k less than my current salary but still not having much luck.
  10. Had a second stage interview on Friday. It went well and they seemed keen on me, the main manager even said I was one of the front-runners. They said I would hear back on Monday but I still haven't heard anything. I sent an email to the HR manager (who dealt with my application) asking if they had an update at 4pm on Monday but still no reply. If it was a yes I think they would have contacted me by know, but if it was a no they surely would have also replied. So I'm thinking it may be something like they've offered it to somebody else, but are waiting to finalise it with them before turning me down. Not sure what to do, Shall I call them?
  11. Yeah it's a huge issue, and a problem which is compounded by FPTP. In a PR system it wouldn't matter so much as it would just give us a left-wing coalition government.
  12. I agree more with Labour's manifesto, but Lib Dems are promising a 2nd EU referendum and a proportional representation voting system, which imo are far more important/impactful than anything else the other parties are promising. But on the other hand I don't see Lib Dems winning in my area, so it would make sense to vote tactically (which I hate doing, but until we get PR there's nothing more we can do). I think the ideal government would be a Labour/Lib Dems/SNP/Green coalition, and probable more likely than Labour getting a majority. SHame Lab/Lib have rejected the call for a progressive alliance. Although I understand why JC would never do that, as the media would jump all over it to criticise him as being too weak to stand alone (and strengthen this nonsense notion that Theresa May is somehow a strong leader).
  13. Congratulations, Blade. I'm happy for you. Just one question: ?
  14. If so I'll apologise and grab my coat.
  15. So you substituted one blunt for another?
  16. Previously n-europe was blocked, but the forum wasn't. However now after the cloudfare page it shows my company's blocked site page, and says that the website address that it has blocked is: http://n-europe.com/cdn-cgi/l/chk_jschl?jschl_vc=22307326f395da9860237b722e888d6f&pass=1493891419.354-t0KpGQUYHS&;jschl_answer=1201 So I think it's to do with the fact that the main site is blocked, and now it's registering as the main site rather than the forum. EDIT: Did you change something? I'm no longer seeing the cloudfare page and I can get on the site.
  17. Has something changed with the site? I've started getting this screen whenever I go on the site. It wouldn't be a big deal but now the forum is blocked at work when it wasn't previously.
  18. How long have you been waiting for a reply? What and how many messages have you sent since her last reply?
  19. Just thinking back to the EU referendum poll on here that showed vast majority support for remain. Not sure we're a great litmus test. Shame.
  20. If lib dems offer another brexit referendum I'll be voting for them. Otherwise I'll go with labour.
  21. This thread has taught me that all other European languages are stupid and it's a good job you guys learn English.
  22. Here it is, people, the most unrealistic post on the forum. Because that suited his image. He was going for the anti-establishment vote. So the media being against him made him more popular. However he was still getting a lot of media attention, and they were talking about his policies. That's not the same for Corbyn. It was a similar thing with Brexit. The Leave campaign played the anti-establishment card, and plenty of idiots fell for it. Despite being run by some of the biggest career poliicians and hypocrites in existence, people actually bought it. Saying things like "we've had enough of experts" actually resonated well.
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