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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Pretty sure you love it because you get to tell that anecdote.
  2. Yeah a lot of companies don't bother checking the references.
  3. They're moving the office to Dublin to be inside the EU (although I think they're dissolving her team and getting the work done by an agency, so they'll be handing over to them; though nobody in the office is particularly willing to cooperate).
  4. So legally/contractually she is still obliged to provide 3 months notice, even though she's being made redundant? Thanks for clarifying. Hopefully it's not an issue (her company did say they expect them to work the full 3 months but we'll see).
  5. I know we have a few legal gurus (and generally old fogeys with mucho experience) so I thought you guys might be able to help. My girlfriend has been made redundant (thanks a lot, Brexit) so is looking for a new job. The company have said that the handover period until they're made redundant is 3 months, which is the notice period that my gf would have to give if she wanted to leave. However as she's being made redundant, she can't afford to be turning down offers of employment if they want her to start earlier. So if she were to find a job, can she leave the company before 3 months? Her contract says she has to give 3 months notice to leave, but in the circumstances is anything different? P.S. she's not entitled to any redundancy pay so that's not a factor.
  6. It's so simple. I don't know why he can't do sense of it.
  7. Stop being silly, Golfer.
  8. @Golfer yeah the 3 month pay rise might not happen, but there's a chance it will. Whereas at your current place it definitely won't. Sounds like a no brainer to me; more money, shorter hours, chance to progress, probably better management, with the downside of 20 minutes extra commute.
  9. I'm off to Indonesia. Smash shit up in my absence.
  10. Forecasting the weather a few days ahead, based on meteorological patterns, is a far cry from forecasting the political and economic positions of three countries 50-60 years in the future.
  11. Charlie isn't a bot, mate, he's been on the forum for years.
  12. You're right, he should be included. He definitely shouldn't.
  13. With Brexit, and if Scotland secede from the UK, I'd imagine Northern Ireland would follow suit. Wales will probably hold a referendum a few years later (can't work out how they'd voted). Then we'd be left on an isolationist island, with even more power devoted to London and the banks, and a Tory majority every election. Sounds fun.
  14. Completely agree. Especially as (from what I gathered) most leave voters were more concerned with taking the power away from the EU. Whereas May seems focused on completely changing everything.
  15. I considered that, but then I couldn't be arsed with adding 3 more options. Basically your opinion is no longer of importance.
  16. Thought I'd post a poll to see how people's choices have changed (or not).
  17. It's basically whatever sounds better and can be more easily marketed. 1080p has a better ring to it than 1920. Similarly 4k sounds better than 2160p. But yeah, the horizontal/vertical switching is confusing.
  18. Technically you do have a contract with them; albeit one that isn't in writing. Which may work in your favour if you want to challenge them. Did they give you a copy of the employee handbook (or did you have access to it)? Also I don't see how leaving work early (unless you were a doctor or fireman or something) would be considered gross misconduct. While you were stupid to just up and leave work, personally I'm not sure I'd want to work for a company like that. P.S. I'm pretty sure if you request a copy of your contract they have 21 days to provide it to you.
  19. I'm loving the new name suggestion service that Shorty is providing. @Shorty, what should I change my name to?
  20. What happened to Bob's name?
  21. Definitely something wrong. At the very minimum there should be a typo in there. Maybe a bracket missing.
  22. I'll take Magnus is he's finished with it.
  23. It doesn't just have to be live TV anymore. You need a TV license to watch BBC programmes on iPlayer, live or not.
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