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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. "I'm certainly not going to buy one. I wasn't anyway but I'm not now."
  2. SSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!! Don't piss on our parade.
  3. Yeah boobs! (damn 15 characters rule)
  4. Please tell me this is all a big joke.
  5. In an incubator obviously. Havent you played creatures?
  6. I'm stuck on four too.
  7. Egg (dinosaurs, lizards, other birds etc.)
  8. See if this test was designed for men we'd all try it and broadcast the results over the internet. However I'd guess that Raining Again has tried the test she just won't admit it. Why is this?
  9. Play footy, Chill with friends. Stuff. 6 posts. I didn't think it would take as long as that.
  10. Do you have the money? Can you touch it? Can you taste it? What does it taste like? "Did Grey Squirrel bring the Acorns?"
  11. Doesnt that just make it a bad pyramid scheme?
  12. Sarka you've given me an idea... "Tie Dye Buttons!"
  13. Oh its not a scam you see. What you do you see, you give 'em all your credit card numbers and if one of them's lucky you win a PRIZE!
  14. One dream I was at the bottom of my garden with my big bro and this cartoon, two- leg stading, talking crocodile came up to us. I can't remember the middle but then the crocodile killed my bro with a fuse and I said "Damn! Ben was the only one who could complete Sonic" Another dream My family was in this place at night time and it had rows and rows of them metal storage boxes you have on ships. There was an army of early 90's cartoon robots after us. So me, my mum and my sis hid in a portaloo thingy (but it was bigger) whilst my dad and bro went to fight them.
  15. How do you get the hula hoop on the hook without breaking it? Or do you just tie the line around it?
  16. An Epileptic Fishmonger. Sheep. Ferret on wheels. Fencepost. Camel on toast. And many more...
  17. Isn't that a quote from Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story? Maybe with a slight edit.
  18. No Way! It's too corny.
  19. would be good if the pink wasn't there. The writing isn't clearly visible. 6/10 PS: What is the code to centre your sig?
  20. Good job it's a girl or it may rape you.
  21. I'm a Mod. I have a moped and everything. (I need a new parka though).
  22. Could you please do me . I'm 5' 10", weigh 9 1/2 stone. I will send a pic sometime as you will not do mine for a while anyway. Thanks in advance.
  23. Sorry Piro you didn't win. Do I still get my money?
  24. 1 Saturday Night - Kaiser Chiefs 2 I Predict A Riot - Kaiser Chiefs 3 Time Honoured Tradition - Kaiser Chiefs 4 Fall Fall Fall - Razorlight 5 Leave Me Alone - Razorlight
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