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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. At what point do you guys normally have the "defining the relationship" talk?
  2. You make it sound like asian and male are mutually exclusive.
  3. That was my colleague's response as well. Going really well with the other girl so far. Date 5 tomorrow. Congrats to you and Georgia. Treating her to anything nice (or is she treating you)?
  4. My body fat is around 16%. Not sure I want to (read:can be arsed) to go lower than 10. 13 would be my lowest. I guess I'll just have to learn to love my cuddliness. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
  5. Unfortunately I put weight on my love handles first.
  6. I ended it over Whatsapp. I did plan to do it in person, but she questioned why I seemed so distant today. I thought doing it over Whatsapp was better than fobbing her off and doing it later. She said that she felt the same and was going to say the same thing.
  7. That actually makes a lot of sense. However I don't own a Wii Fit, and there's no fucking way I'm going to zumba.
  8. How the fuck do you get rid of love handles?
  9. Vicar: "If anybody has any reason why these to should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." Me: "Well I've been meaning to mention..."
  10. Arranged to go for lunch with the girl I've been meaning to end it with. However I met her for lunch and chickened out (there was never a good opportunity to bring it up). Genuinely don't know what to do. I can't keep arranging "dates" and not ending it. I feel bad for doing it over whatsapp but at least I won't chicken out there. Or I just act a bit more distant until she brings it up.
  11. The trouble with that is that I am looking for a serious relationship, and I think she'd know it was a lie. I know there's no easy way out, but I want to end it in a way that doesn't make her feel insecure or anything. You're right that I need to pin it on myself, just need to find the best (read: least worst) way of doing it.
  12. I'm trying to think of a way to end it with the girl that @Shorty advised me to end it with a few weeks ago and I totally didn't listen to him even though I should have but that's irrelevant now because it's already passed that. Any suggestions on how to end it without making her feel bad? I want to say something along the lines of "I've been having doubts as to our compatibility, and don't want to progress things further with you as that will only make it harder in the long run", but without sounding cold and emotionless. Help please.
  13. I've heard you get used to it after a few tries. A girls like it so at least it'll keep them happy.
  14. I think I know why.
  15. I think the next best date is August 13th. That work for you Dannyboy? @Mr\-Paul is there any way you can make August 13th?
  16. Can't say I'm into that but I'm willing to try anything.
  17. Got a second date with the girl. Also got a date with another girl on Monday. Aaaaand I never broke things off with the other girl.
  18. Considering buying a house with a mate as a 2 bed house will set you back the best part of £300k here and there's no way I'd be able to afford that on my own. In Nottingham I was looking at three bed semis for under £150k. Here a 1 bed flat is £200k.
  19. I think that's what I'm going for. Not over-keen and fretting constantly. What are rules 1 & 2 of dating?
  20. Went on a date last night with a really hot girl. It went well, we had a good time. Messaged her a few times this morning. Normally I go straight for the "do you want to meet up again?" but I think I'm going to leave it for a while first. How do you guys normally play it?
  21. I don't know what it is about your posts but I keep reading partial sentences out of context.
  22. The fuck is this bullshit?
  23. I say we hammer this date down and make it official.
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