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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Female uses ATTRACT on Serebii. Serebii got scared and ran away.
  2. Nah, say your washing machine is broken and ask to use hers. Then go round and...
  3. Did you use a camera or just take a brass rubbing?
  4. I never really found a good online resource for learning macros (other than the very basic recording a macro and opening up the Developer Visual Basic window). If you have any macros that have already been created I would suggest looking at the VB for them (if you don't have any then see if you can download some examples), and trying to understand what it's doing (use the step through to help with this). Then as Ashley said try recording a few of your own and looking at the code. In terms of resources to learn/troubleshoot Mr Excel and Stack Overflow are the best places (but googling will generally lead you to one of these anyway). I'm pretty good at VB so feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions.
  5. He's always out cruising.
  6. Did you bump into her while she was carrying her drink?
  7. He'd just get somebody else to look after the child, so he can focus on the website. There are millions of nannies, but only one Serebii.
  8. How are you connected to the internet? Have you tried using an ethernet cable or a different dongle?
  9. If they're unwilling to reschedule an interview, is that the sort of company you'd want to work for?
  10. We had a "How was your day" thread before. It spawned following the closure "Post your meaningless post of the day thread". However in an effort to reduce the mega threads it was broken out into the good stuff and bad stuff threads.
  11. Generating chat? I thought those threads were discouraged?
  12. Into the Wild Won't go into reasons as personally I hate other people's opinions influencing me. Just watch it.
  13. £408 That wouldn't go with Wednesday at all.
  14. Yeah that was my point. It seems some people just don't get it.
  15. It seems "we don't just want everything in one thread" has become "you mustn't ever start threads".
  16. For me it's more a case of what stage in life they're at. I'm at the point where I'm starting to build up my career, and will be looking to settle down in a few years, and then kids after that. If somebody is going to be going off to uni, then looking for a job etc. then they won't be looking to settle down for another 5 or 10 years. Equally if somebody is already settled down then I feel like I'd be missing out on some of my years if I settled down with them. Unless she's like 12 or something, then you should be ashamed for even asking.
  17. I never went back to that chippy after they said "the usual?" before I'd had chance to order.
  18. 6 weeks in Reading and I've achieved one of my life's goals of being able to walk into a pub and order "the usual". Admittedly "the usual" is a burger, but it still counts. And it's better than the other time I could order "the usual", which was a jumbo sausage and chips from the local chippy.
  19. The guy stood up at the bar? No idea, he wasn't with us.
  20. watchseries still works...
  21. Demon mike =/= offerman Plus demon mike is still on the boards.
  22. For me width is everything. I get no pleasure if it's too narrow.
  23. This is awkward... I was actually talking about @Zell.
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