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Everything posted by MoogleViper

  1. Going into people's houses and smashing the place up.
  2. Great suggestions. I'm gonna go with this one. Thanks, Shorty. xxx /thread
  3. Title explains it all. What songs are 3 minutes 19 seconds long? Go!
  4. For some reason my mind stopped reading at this point. He sounds so unreasonable. Congrats on the move in.
  5. I had ordered a Nintendo DS from America before they were release here. I kept asking @Strider questions about it so he recommended this place (Cube-Europe at the time). Been here pretty much continuously since (I think I did leave for a few months in the early days of Revo-Europe).
  6. Yeah I'll prioritise the sports as they're more of an enjoyment than just exercise. I hope I see some results. Whenever I've done gym regimes before I see a lot of results in terms of being stronger and lifting more weight, but I don't really see results in term of looks (vain I know, but deep down it's important to us all). Not expecting to bulk up, but would like to look more toned.
  7. 3 times a week is a lot for me. I go once or twice a week. But I also play badminton once a week, and would like to play squash and football also. So that would be a full week of exercise. I know I could prioritise gym over the other sports, but I much prefer doing sports.
  8. Don't really have anything witty to say... Welcome back SOAG.
  9. Just maxed out the calf press machine at the gym (134kg). I've always had really strong legs and back, but weak arms and chest. Trying to build up some pecs but I don't want to be a slave to the gym.
  10. I get 4% interest with my Halifax Help to Buy ISA.
  11. Do black women have a thing for ginger guys? Is that a stereotype? Most of my matches since I've moved to Reading have been with black women. There are a lot of black people in Reading but they're still the minority, so it seems strange to me. And it's not because I'm more likely to swipe right on black women because I swipe right on everyone and whittle it down later (I have no racial preferences, I wouldn't say i have any "type"). I don't really have any black friends (as I've met very few black people) but I've been on dates with quite a few black women. Random musings, just seems unusual to me.
  12. New rule: to post in this thread you must be this miserable or worse.
  13. Probably not much of a consolation, but £400 for a new clutch is pretty decent. Still a lot of money, but could beba lot worse.
  14. I think that means you'll be listed on IMDB.
  15. The Prisoner Great piece of classic British television. Is is kind of well known in that a lot of people have vaguely heard of it, but I've met very few people who have actually watched it. Keaton Henson If you're into Indie Folk give this guy a listen. Shenmue
  16. When you put your foot down, do the revs increase but the car barely accelerates? If so it could be an issue with your transmission. If it's a manual you'll likely need a new clutch. If it's an automatic make sure they check the transmission fluid. Hope it's not too costly.
  17. Yeah I did. Wish I had the balls to say something but I'm too awkward. It's not a bad hair cut per se, just the complete opposite of what I wanted. It'll be October until it's back where I was, and I was hoping to have it at the length I wanted by that point. Now I've got to go through that awful growing phase again. And during summer as well.
  18. My day was absolutely fucking horrendous. For the 6 months or so I've been trying to grow my hair long. It was just getting toward the stage where I was past the "can't really style it" stage. But the ends were looking a bit worse for wear and the back needed taking up. So I went to the barbers after work and said, "I just want the ends taking off, no more than a centimetre as I'm trying to grow it long". He cut the back first so I couldn't see what he was doing, then when he cut the sides I saw how much he was taking off. By that point it was too late, I just had to let him finish. He even used thinning scissor before I realised what he was doing (I fucking hate thin hair). All in all he's undone all the length I'd grown. It's back to how I had it before I decided to grow it. So fucking furious right now. The most recent photo is this from 27th Feb (so imagine another 5 weeks of hair growth) To this:
  19. On one hand that's obviously the right thing to do... ...but on the other hand, have you considered the possibility of me shirking responsibility? Didn't go into specifics but I'd imagine so. ("I don't sleep with somebody until it's been a few months." "Well will you jerk me off at least?") I look forward to Georgia's advice (and judgement).
  20. I met a girl on a night out a few weeks ago. We were talking about sport and I mentioned that I played badminton. She said she wanted to play so we arranged to play badminton and go for a coffee the following weekend. We got on well but I couldn't decide if I was attracted to her (I was a bit but not enough) so I didn't really push anything. However we kept messaging and she asked if I wanted to go over to her house, watch some Full Metal Alchemist (I mentioned that I'd never seen it and she loves it) and bake some cakes (no idea where this one came from). At this point I'm thinking that it's in the bag. I go over on Saturday, I'm getting mixed signals from her (at first it was seeming like a sure thing, then she started treating me like a friend). In the end I went for it and we started kissing on her bed. Then all of a sudden she just stops and informs me that she doesn't sleep with somebody until she's been with them a few months and has fallen in love with them; she asks me if this is OK with me. At this point I should have said "no" - I don't really see a future with her, I was just looking for some fun, short term thing. Unfortunately I'm not the brightest person when it comes to these situations, so in my awkwardness I just said "Yeah that's fine with me". So now I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to string her along. But I also don't want to just end it by basically saying "Yeah I lied, I just wanted to get my end away". My current plan of actions is to just see how things go for a few weeks, and hope they fizzle out (basically the option that doesn't require me to actually make a decision). Any recommendations?
  21. Hey Grunch, are you related to Sir Joseph Bazalgette perchance?


    Apparently today is the 151st anniversary of the opening of the Crossness pumping station. So if you are then cause for celebration I reckon.



  22. After 77 hours of play time I've finally completed the main storyline in Fallout 4. That's the trouble with Bethesda games, you spend so much time doing side quests and putting off the main quest. Especially when there's no clear cut good/bad options.
  23. Don't friend request until you've been on a few dates. You want to be able to end it easily. Being facebook friends just makes that awkward.
  24. Call it off now. You don't need that sort of negativity in your life! The real test would be to watch The Fast Show with her. If she doesn't laugh once then walk away.
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