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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. @Happenstance - If this is the first time you're playing Colours then you're in for a treat! Generations and Colours are my two favourite Sonic games. I still can't decide what game is better even now because Colours is such a great world with some fantastic settings whilst Generations tugs at my heart/nostalgia strings. And man, that book is fantastic! I hope you enjoy it I was worried whilst reading mine incase I ruined the beautiful cover :P ____________________ Anyway, my purchases! Pikmin 3 is totally hogging the limelight atm.
  2. Considering the fairly small file sizes of DS games, id love them to add a DS download section Other than that, a return to the quirky games! The best DS games were the ones I weren't expecting like Elite Beat Agents, Ghost Trick, Rub Rabbits (I went there) and Nintendogs.
  3. I know man, have a hug off me. I'd say try and carry on being friends but if it keeps upsetting you this much then perhaps spending less time with him is the only option. It's probably not what you want to hear but you don't want to get all hung up on someone you have no chances with.
  4. Player 2 has different coloured pikmin leaves and...
  5. Yeah, I don't think price is the issue here, but lack of games. Pikmin 3 is the start though, and from now until Christmas hopefully things will pick up. I just wish Mario Kart was pushed forward to Christmas, that would really get Wii U back in the game.
  6. Played 2 player yesterday and it was great! Though almost a bit heartbreaking when the other teams Pikmin get left behind. My friend must have left a lone pikmin, and i ran into one and all of mine started attacking it and killed it I've never been so mortified in my life. But yeah, the 2 player battle mode is fun. You're given a grid with icons of different fruit and enemies and the first one to get a line in the grid wins! Can definitely see myself playing a lot more of that. On the one player side of things, when I first got it I played a few hours and loved it. Came back to it today and still really enjoy it but forgot what I was doing so have no idea where the third guy is. I managed to collect a load of fruit though so my days weren't completely wasted!
  7. Party games. There's nothing more fun than getting a bunch of friends around and playing Wii Party or Just Dance or Mario & Sonic, but whenever I mention to most people that I like these games their faces scrunch up and they think I'm going to spend my life buying mac computers, partaking in crazy diets and watching This Morning. (I also quite like This Morning) EDIT: Then again I may have slightly missed the point of this thread. Whilst a lot of people do dislike these things there's also a lot of people that do like them hence their continued existence.
  8. I wish it wasn't called Club LOL. I just pretend it's called Club 101. Anyway, I got asked for an illuminated arch (or something to that degree). I was all over that, have paid it already. One new villager is in my bad books though as she plonked her house right in the middle of my vast bamboo patch. God damn.
  9. Got the retail version, so will try it out later! From what I played with Foo this is way more fun the NSMBU because of the difficulty and length of the levels
  10. I'm SO impressed with this! I was still on the fence about it but took the plunge and am so glad I did, I feel 13 all over again! And holy crap, I didn't expect such an epic intro, I was genuinely impressed. I like using the Wiimote and GamePad combo, too. The only thing that hasnt turned out as good as I'd hoped is the camera option, most of the time the damn critters just get in the way of the camera :p
  11. @Ashley - Omg, Passion Pit are amazing. __ I cba right now, but I'll knock up a playlist sometime this week!
  12. How could I forget about Epic Mickey?! I pretty much agree with everything you said and this should have been the first thing I posted in the thread! I was so hyped for this game but the more I played it, the more disappointed I was. Not to mention the art style... I loved the cut-scene at the beginning and the concept art but the in-game graphics themselves were so dull and lifeless it actually felt like an N64 game. From the clunky controls to the god awful textures and the huge levels, this was just one mistake after another. It also reminded me why I'm actually now a fan of the linear levels in Galaxy.
  13. Sakurai is the only one keeping Captain Falcon alive and I fear that's the way it's gonna stay.
  14. Shit man, I had to constantly tell people from school to HOLD THE MIDDLE AND RIGHT HANDLES. And they still keep veering back onto the right and left, struggling to use the control stick. Every time I saw it I'd give an evil glare and over time they learnt to use an N64 controller properly... and stopped coming over to my house.
  15. Thanks! I'll be sure to check over that again when I'm next buying some art from him!
  16. I finally got a painting from Redd yesterday (I didn't bother with them for ages until I realised I need at least one to expand the Museum) and it's a damn fake. Maaaan, I really want to upgrade! If any one has a spare painting to give I would be very happy, and willing to pay a lot of bells! I can't bare the thought of waiting another week :p
  17. I totally agree! I love pretty much all Rare games since the DKC series and especially enjoyed Banjo but missed out on the second game back in the day, so when I got a 360 it was one of the first things I downloaded! I was pretty disappointed. I kept going and going thinking the pace would surely pick up but the world was just too damn big, even with a couple of the warp points. I'm really treading on thin ice right now but... I much preferred Nuts & Bolts. Seriously! It actually answered most of the problems of the second game, mainly that the world is really big but you can now travel around in cars and planes. Fucking loved it. Sadly it's very much a Mario Sunshine in that it was a bit too different for most and we most certainly won't be seeing another title like it.
  18. Donkey Kong Country Returns. I loved the original games and tried so hard to like this too but everything about it left me disappointed. Character designs and bland remixes aside (which I hated), the controls are just abysmal. DK is so slippy and the whole 'shake to roll' is just unforgivable as it's implemented so poorly, especially compared to the spin thing in Mario Galaxy which felt so natural. The level designs also did nothing for me. Everyone raves about how exciting and fresh it feels, but it seems so dull to me. It's as though people confused quality design with ridiculous difficulty and small platforms. I somehow forced my way through it and was rewarded with a shit 10 second (ish) CGI video that felt so far removed from the DK series it's absurd. So yeah, that's why I wasn't too excited about the Tropical Freeze reveal :p
  19. I was gonna day a Pokemon pet simulation type game would be great but I guess they kind of have that covered now with Pokemon Amie. I liked Pokemon dash back in the day :p my cousin had it along with ping pals... But I guess ping pals can make anything look good.
  20. Haha oh no, there's nothing worse than waking up all hot and bothered! But my god, I think you're dodging a bullet by not having any iced coffee, that stuff is nasty. I hope the test went well anyway!
  21. You need a pint of water and a strong curry and/or pizza.
  22. Family Guy is pretty terrible now, but I loved it at one point. I'm not even sure what series they are, I just know there are two 'in the middle' that are good. I would love it if they made a show about Stewie and Brian, their episodes are the best. The Simpsons is the same really, the early ones are a bit too dated for me, the new ones aren't great, but the middle is juuuuust fine. I'm not sure how this cross-over would work. I always thought Family Guy seemed like a rip off/over the top version of The Simpsons anyway.
  23. I got it and LOVE it so far. The humour, music and style is what stands out most so far. But yeah I've only put in an hour and a half (ish) and probably won't have much time to play over the weekend but can't wait to sink my teeth into it next week.
  24. I liked the action parts but my god were the characters dull, then again, I'm guessing an array of deep characters wasn't really going to be in a 'giant robots vs giant enemy monsters' film, so for what it is, it's a good film. Some of the fight scenes were really good actually.
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