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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Oh my GOD. I can't wait for this, it looks amazing. If it's as good as the London Olympics then I'll be happy. Day 1 purchase for me!
  2. I want to move like these guys! I got their EP last week and my god, it's amazing. Just so relaxing and man, that piano. I probably like them so much because their tracks remind me of Monkey Ball 1 music :p
  3. After my 2 weeks holiday it's back to reality! Yesterday I got that 'end of the 6 weeks holiday' feeling but told myself it wouldn't be that bad... But yeah, the first day wasn't great :p
  4. I feel as though now is when Nintendo should be churning out the VC titles! Then pull 'em back a bit when the eShop titles come rolling in. Oh well, you can't complain when Donkey Kong is 30p this month
  5. @martinist - I was so close to buying San Andreas! But it was £20 in Cex and I was being a bit cheap. Hope you enjoy it though! I thought it would only make the wait for 5 even worse :p
  6. Yeah, the game looks great most of the time but pointing out bad textures isn't petty. It just seems weird to me that they have taken such an effort to make the game look great but then skimped on textures of all things. Yeah, gameplay is mainly all that counts, but we've used that as an argument for years now with the Wii. Now we have a capable console, we should be seeing consistent great graphics throughout. But that's all I'm gonna say, I don't wanna turn this into another bad Wii U thread and in general the game does look damn pretty.
  7. I love the first game, literally only just finished it though, so it might be a bit soon to jump right into this. Saying that, I'm gonna download the soundtrack. That guy is a genius.
  8. @Cube - That mod sounds amazing, especially considering how much better the controls feel in Generations compared to Unleashed (I seemed to just slam from wall to wall most of the time on that) - Sadly though I wouldn't know where to begin when it comes to buying a gaming PC... not to mention I'd probably struggle to afford it :p @Fierce_LiNk Boom Street is weird, I really like it, and I got a few of the other guys into it on here too! It's not for everyone though. The whole Monopoly thing is a slight mis-conception (and I even referred to it as to being a bit like Monopoly myself) but it's the easiest way to describe it in the sense that it's a board game where you buy stuff... So yeah, basically, the worlds of Mario and Dragon Quest collide, you choose a level with a certain target amount (20,000g for example) and have to be the first to get that amount. You're given 3000G ready cash to start with and must build up your net worth by buying properties and investing stocks into places that you do and don't own (investing stocks into someone elses place may help them a bit but you'll also be riding on the back of their success). It's a bit long (each game is a few hours) but it's worth it. In my experience you'll either love or hate it. Give it a rent if you have the chance! It's also fun playing online Check out this fabulous review if you're still interested: BOOM!
  9. It's just me, it has been a pet hate of mine for years. The DS era was such a struggle for me :p
  10. I recently played Sonic 2006 so this is surely an impr... What's all this about a president? Some girl called Maria has been shot... and Knuckles, WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU? Half an hour in and this is already a struggle. The only thing I've liked doing so far is shooting the humans with Sonic nearby whining "oh maaaan, what are you DOING Shadow?!"
  11. The Pikmin look so cute But maaaaan those floor textures are nasty
  12. The good, the bad and the ugly (and the cute and the not quite sure)
  13. I would not object to Andrew Garfield having a gay relationship on screen. But yeah, never gonna happen and it would feel so forced. And yeah, he's clearly just joking around anyway :p
  14. I really wanted to like Tank! Tank! Tank! but it's bad. I even bought My Kong Mode because of how fun it sounded but it's just so unbalanced. That game should just be burnt... like, put in an inferno or something, just a Little Inferno, mind.
  15. I did enjoy LEGO City to start with but stopped playing after a while, no particular reason, real life just got in the way. The fact that you all keep mentioning it means I may have to get back into it again though. The only thing I didn't like was the lack of music when driving around in cars, it would have been a nice touch, even if it was just an original soundtrack and not licensed songs! @Cube - That's quite a wonderful selection of titles there Especially if it's the 360/PS3 version of Generations because that's fantastic! And yeah, I agree with pretty much everything you said about Transformed. I loved the mission mode and there's just so much to it. I haven't sunk so many hours into a single player racing game since Adventure mode on Diddy Kong Racing! Let's hope for a sequel (or some DLC) eh? Also, I'd never played the original Sonic Adventure until I downloaded it last year... I wasn't impressed :P The controls, the graphics, the gameplay, my gosh. I'd take Heroes over that, any day!
  16. It becomes such a glitch fest, the frame-rate doesn't hold up well, the menus are just terrible and the controllers are such a pain in the ass. Each time a race is finished you have to go back to select the mode, select the track, select characters, make sure everyone is in the game by pressing the + button on the Wii mote. As I said, the glitches range from weird (Clicking on Ulala and instead showing Reala with the stats of AiAi) to frustrating (Vehicle not transforming and your boat just spazzing around on the pavement). The controllers are the most annoying though because the Wii remote alone sucks so I have to hand out a couple of nunchuks here, classic controllers there, a controller pro. Everyone has different buttons to press and I have to go through the controls every time I get a different bunch of people to play :p Not to mention the Classic Controller default controls are ridiculous (you have to hold down the tiny button next to R to go) so every time we have to go into the options and change it to 'Controller Option B'. Though I imagine if you have Wii U Pro Controllers it won't be as annoying. The single player and online is great though! I hope I haven't just put everyone off :p
  17. Everyone should buy Boom Street. I still don't forgive the intro to the Super Mario 3D Worlds trailer, when I saw Mario's head in a circle like that I nearly shit my pants thinking it was Boom StreetU. And yeah, Tank! Tank! Tank! is quite something...
  18. YES! I was pleased with the speed after the initial update APART FROM the start up. It infuriated me that every time I clicked an icon when the system first started it would take 10 seconds to start the app. It feels so much more smooth now
  19. If you like the NSMB series then go for it, but personally I'd only invest in NSMBU if you have people to play multiplayer with! Haven't played Luigi so can't comment on that. If you see Nintendo Land for cheap (was £17 in store in GAME last week) then you should pick it up as it's a lot of fun (especially when the controller is still a new novelty) and 5 player Luigi's Ghost Mansion is amazing! But yes, GET TRANSFORMED. It's my favourite racer in years (you'll especially like it if you're a big SEGA fan) and I need some more people to play against online (Though of all the local multiplayer Wii U games, this sucks. Stick to online multiplayer!) EDIT: Just saw you were torn between NSMB and Tekken! Get Tekken, it's really fun and worth the money just for TEKKEN BALL alone.
  20. Good grief, I'll change it now!
  21. Nah, the light doesn't just pass through, they light up individually when they're connected. As such, we managed to make a super tall tower of them today, and the top one is still as bright as it would usually be: Edit: Uploaded from phone onto image hosting site! Can't (be arsed to) flip now, but you get the idea :p
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