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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Wii Sports always seemed weirdly accurate for a standard Wii Remote anyway. I remember going back to it once last year and trying the baseball and the position of the bat was almost on Motion Plus type sensitivity. But maybe I just got so used to shoddy third party games I'd forgotten how good even the standard Wiimote can be.
  2. That's what I first thought but then I saw (in Reddit comments, so I don't have any official proof) that anyone can enter it.
  3. Yeah, I'm guessing the previous abuse hasn't helped your poor GamePad :P The only time I got really mad was on a level of Super Monkey Ball 2. I threw the controller on the floor before I even realised I was doing it because of that fucking level in the boiling pot world where you have to get shot up the thing in the middle. I tried so many fucking times and got so close. The one time I actually landed on top of the middle thing, was just about to drop into the goal and the time ran out. Couldn't fucking believe it. Anyway, I slowly approached it, heart pounding, turned it over... and my lord, it was okay. But y'know, that was a GameCube controller. They're made of stern stuff. You can't go smacking around something that has a screen. God damnit, man.
  4. No. Way. For some reason I just assumed this would be another Eternal Sonata situation, so I'm glad you like it :p And oh man, I just looked at a few videos. I loved Elite Beat agents so I might give Technika a try. Though I haven't done much in Sound Shapes yet so I might have to wait a bit longer!
  5. I remember Miyamoto once saying Wii Sports Resort didn't have online because Wii Motion Plus is so precise that it's too hard to send the movements to the other player online (but he obviously worded it better :P) Perhaps it's the extra power of Wii U here or perhaps that was just another classic excuse for not having online.
  6. I wish the load times for Miiverse were better. It's not terrible but it does put me off uploading pictures when I'm mid-game. I'd love it if you could choose to have Miiverse active on the GamePad whilst playing a game.
  7. The fan on my Xbox has broke, just in time for GTA Every time I go to play it, it overheats after about 40 mins and just turns itself off. I blew into it and tried to clear dust out but it didn't seem to help. I eventually installed GTA (the part you don't have to install) to see if that would help and that's when I realised the fan isn't just being shit, it actually isn't working at all. What I thought was the fan was actually just the disc making noise. So yeah, is there an easy (cheap? official?) way to fix this?
  8. Has anyone got Gravity Rush yet? I got it simply because my Vita is new and it was on PS Plus and ended up playing it yesterday because I was really bored. It's like, I had no work, no friends to see and the rest of the house was out of bounds (or y'know, I didn't wanna go there because there's OTHER PEOPLE fitting in a new kitchen). Erm but yeah, I had NO OTHER OPTION than to play this game. And I was so impressed. I love the anti-gravity stuff (though it can get a bit of getting used to) and once I'd sorted the camera out (it's far too sensitive to start with) I was in love with it. It's the first Vita game I've played that has felt special, as oppose to being rushed out for the sake of trying to save the handheld which is just how every title on 3DS felt until Kid Icarus (from Nintendo themselves at least). I really love the art-style and the world it's set in and the music is amazing. I'm up to Chapter 9 ATM. I would probably have gotten further but I wasted a lot of time just messing around with gravity in the hub (ish?) world and collecting those purple orb things. Some things are still a bit frustrating, I can't tell if it's me or if it really is just implemented badly but I can't slide very well at all. And I did come into a boss that seemed utterly impossible on the last mission I did, much like that bastard Chameleon from NiGHTS, but I realised I was just doing something wrong. So, crisis averted. I would play more but I have a terrible attention span when it comes to games lately and can only manage an hour and a bit even if I enjoy it. I blame the internet and having too many games to complete in one go! So I'll get back to it tomorrow. I'll just wait here now for Magnus to tell me how terrible it is :p
  9. I thought Peach was Master Hand for ages, especially the way she moved her hands around in the Melee opening... and y'know, just her gloves in general. But I guess it would be hard for her to do the Master Hand laugh :p And I guess we saw the real master behind it all in Brawl. Would have been cool though.
  10. I dabbled in some of my brothers games for quite a while, like Super Mario and Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat (it was the SNES version, don't worry :P). But then the one day he bought this 'monkey game' that he wasn't too into. I tried it and man... it changed my life forever.
  11. The cute guy at work today had finished and was doing some shopping. Instead of looking away or briefly saying "alright", I somehow said "oh hey, how are you? Are you off out tonight, it is Saturday after all!" He was like "haha nah, not this week! Gonna have a quiet night in with the girlfriend, I think!" then pointed towards the cookies and dvd in his basket. To which I replied "no way, that sounds amazing!!".
  12. Ashley, that looks amazing. ...You were always on my mind, you were always on my mindddddd. Ahem.
  13. The Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker HD! In fact, I'm gonna try and not buy any games for the next few months as I've got MASSES from this past year that need completing. But shit yeah, I did forget this and bought GTA a few days ago.
  14. I think he will be in it but yeah, a lot of the classic Smash characters seem more and more out of place (at least within the Nintendo universe) with each iteration. Captain Falcon made sense in Melee but he was a stretch even for Brawl as far as his presence in the overall Nintendo universe is concerned. Then again, he's become such an icon in Smash now I think they really can't leave him out. The same applies to Ness (who really only made sense as an inclusion for the N64 game) and Ice Climbers who... well, their inclusion never really made sense at all.
  15. I really enjoyed the first two... for the first month. So I guess I'll enjoy the initial free trial of this and then become a lazy shit again :p But nah, seriously, Wii Fit had some amazing minigames. I love the marching one!
  16. I love the new logo :P Then again, I have no taste.
  17. Do you have a Wii Remote Plus? If so, then you should play Metroid Blast with it, the controls in that are nearly as amazing as the music. Wii Motion Plus is also pretty damn fun on the Zelda game, and then you get to look at all that wonderful stitching on the big screen, too
  18. Geez, wtf @Guy ? When you're not bitching about public transport you're doing shit like this. Just stay at home. /lamejoke
  19. Omfg, this sounds amazing! The day passed also sound pretty reasonable but yeah, would be better if each one cost around £5, I think
  20. The tv thing never worked for me, I was really gutted I have a Toshiba tv, it's only like a year old too!
  21. I had a blast on this earlier! Did quite a few missions but also just loads of messing around. I can't believe the attention to detail in some places! And I got the blimp code but haven't used it yet! Will let you know if mine works!
  22. The curse of YouTube has caught up with me. It was working fine for like... 5 videos and then did that awful freeze noise. Then it happened another two times and now I have finally given up. I hope they fix it soon
  23. Oh gosh, I remember that! I thought they did it on purpose because of the app :p And I've just used it and it seems okay for me!
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